Chapter 19



"You " I heard her giggle as my shoulders deflated, watching the stuffed bear drop from the silver claws of the machine I was playing on in the arcade.
Hyoli was by my side and had requested I get the stuffed animal that seemed to be the hardest to get in this damn box.
"It's harder than it looks you know. Don't put me down because of your bad choosing" I frowed at her as she laughed some more and looked at the toys behind the glass before letting out a sigh.
"Maybe we should bring the others here next time. I know Minho would be able to do it" She sent me a sly smirk as I rolled my eyes.
"Nice try but I'm not the competative type"
"Damn, you know me too well" She smiled as I laughed and nodded my head in agreement.
"Well we're almost out of money. Do you want to spend the last of it on another game of DDR or-" I began when Hyoli rolled her eyes.
"You're never going to let that go, are you?"
"I just don't see how you managed to beat me 3 times in a row. Only Taemin has ever been able to do that and I wanted it to stay that way" I pouted slightly, remembering the embarrassing defeats I had to endure because of Hyoli and her skills at the game.
The girl was good at DDR despite tonight being her first time playing.
Despite my claim a few seconds ago over my none competative personality, I will get a damn rematch someday.
"How much money have you got left?" She questioned as my hand dug into my pocket only to withdraw with what little money I had left.
Opening my hand to show her how little we had to spend, Hyoli looked around the arcade when a smile suddenly appeared on her lips.
"There is something I've always wanted to do with a friend. Come on" She said as she took my free hand and began to pull me across the arcade room until we reached a very familiar machine.
Looking at the Purikura booth, I glanced at Hyoli who's eyes seemed to be lit up with excitement.
"You want to take photo stickers?" I questioned as she turned to me and nodded happily.
"It's something all teenage students do, right?"
Letting out a sigh, I ignored her questioned and stepped inside the booth with Hyoli right behind me.
Slotting in the money that I had left into the machine, it became alive with colour and sound as the screen infront of us showed Hyoli and I in the booth.
"I think we get four shots, are you ready?" I asked, turning to Hyoli as she nodded her head in excitement, already looking into the camera behind the screen infront of us.
With a quick click of a button, the camera began to snap pictures of us as Hyolitried out different poses in the process.
Eventually it came to the last shot to which both Hyoli and I just smile together for a normal shot.
Stepping out of the booth, I lead her to the section where we would get to decorate the photos.
As I began to decorate, I looked to Hyoli with a small smile on my face to see she looked slightly awkward.
"What's wrong?" I questioned, turning to her as she looked up at me, a small smile appearing on her own lips to immitate mine.
"It's nothing, just...I kind of didn't want to decorate the photos" She said, her hand reaching up to her head in an awkward manner.
I tilted my head in curiosity.
I always figured this was the part that girls liked the most when it came to taking purikura photo stickers.
Even Jonghyun loved decorating the photos more than actually taking them, this being the reason why had never had to the chance to decorate one before, although I was never really that bothered over it.
It was just something Jonghyun liked to do.
"This is my first time taking a photo with a friend. I don't want to ruin it with graffiti and fake emoticons" Hyoli said softly as I felt her words sink in and before long, I found myself nodding my head in agreement.
"Okay, no problem" I said before turning around to press the button for our photos to print as they were.
A few seconds later, the photos dropped from the little side pocket of the purikura machine.
Taking them out, I turn to Hyoli to give her the 2nd copy.
"Why didn't you smile on this one" She laughed as she pointed to the second shot where I had compeltely turned away from the camera with a straight face to look at Hyoli who had at that time flashing a big cheesy grin while making the peace sign with her fingers.
"Because I was too busy being distracted by your over the top actions" I laughed as we began to walk out of the arcade to make ourway to the bus stop.
"Call it what you like but I have seen loads of Purikura Photos before by other people and they have always made this pose" She defended herself as I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"Besides, I think I look cool" She smirked playfully as I shook my head, my laughter subsiding.
"So, where are you going to stick your photos?" I asked her as she shrugged her shoulders in reply.
"I'm not sure I want to stick them anywhere. I think it'd be nice if they stay the way they are" Hyoli looked up at me happily as I smiled and took my handphone from my pocket.
"What are you doing?" Came her voice as I removed the back of my handphone to reveal the battery inside.
Taking one of the medium sized stickers from the paper, I gently applied the sticker of the two of us onto the back of the battery.
"Jonghyun would probably freak out if he saw this. So, I think it'll be nice to stick one of them onto the battery of my phone. I always have my phone with me so I'll always have this photo with me as well and Jonghyun won't know a thing about it" I smiled as I attached the back of my phone back into it's place again.
Hyoli, at that moment remained quiet with made me turn to her.
"What's the matter?" I questioned as she shrugged her shoulders.
"Jonghyun must really like me, huh?"
"Probably more than you think, why?"
"I just don't know what itt is that he likes about me. I'd never really talked to him before unil you came along" She said as we came to the bus stop.
She took a seat on the bench provided as I took the seat next to her.
"Believe it or not, despite you both not having talked before I approached you. You're the first girl I've ever seen Jonghyun so serious about. And I've known Jonghyun for a very long time" I explained as Hyoli smiled slightly and looked to me seriously.
"I just hope he's not anticipating too much. I might be the compete opposite of what he expects for a girlfriend" She said as I felt a strange shiver run up my spine from the mention of he word 'girlfriend'.
"I guess that's just something you'll find out one day. For now though, we've still got a long way to go before that happens. We're not even half way through your list of phobias yet" I smiled as she sighed and nodded her head befor eperking up slightly.
"Which reminds me. Why won't Minho or the other's tell you the plan to overcome this next phobia? I thought it was you that was the mastermind behind the plans?" She questioned as I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck.
"I have a slight fear of heights myself and because of that, the guys have taken the reins on this one. I'm still going to be there on Saturday. I'll probably just be freaking out more than usual is all" I explained as a expression of worry crossed Hyoli's features.
I forced out a small laugh and shook my head.
"It'll be fine. No worries" I reassured her as the bus we had been waiting for pulled up infront of us.
And just like that, we climbed aboard and began to make out way home.
Hearing the car horn beep from outside my house that Saturday morning, I reluctantly slipped my boots on and walked outside to see Taemin walking down the path with Minho, Jonghyun, Hyoli and Onew waiting in Minho's car.
Minho resided in the drivers seat as Onew sat comfortably on the passanger side.
"Oh, you came out willingly. Now that, we weren't expecting" Taemin chimmed as I groaned and made my way past him.
He quickly turned around and followed my footsteps back to the car.
I stepped into the backseat of the car where Jonghyun was already sat, chatting away to nervous looking Hyoli, Taemin climbing in after me.
It's a good thing that Minho's car had a lot of space in the backseat or I would have already opted to walk.
"We picke dup Hyoli firs since we figured it's take more time dragging you out of your house" Onew said from up front as I rolled my eyes.
"How are you feeling?" Taemin questioned as he plugged in his seat belt.
Minho restarted the engine and drove away from the parking space out front of my house.
I slightly glared at Taemin as he crindged before asking "That bad, huh?".
Choosing to ignore him, I looked over to Hyoli to see her giving me an encouraging weak smile.
Our roles seemed to have reversed slightly and now I felt the need to grasp any stength I could for what awaited me to day.
The ride took just over half an hour and I was beginning to feel drowsy when Minho pulled up on a dirt path by a long deep river.
I was beginning to think we were lost when Minho pulled over but to my surprise, we were not lost at all.
"Okay kiddos. Time to move out. We're here" He said, turning to look at us from the front seat.
"Don't call us kiddos" I hissed as I released myself from the seat belt and waited for Jonghyun and Hyoli or Taemin to get out of the car so I could do the same.
"Yeah, Taemin's the only one who you can call Kiddo" Jonghyun complained before getting out of his car seat and helping Hyoli out afterwards.
Choosing to step out on Taemin's side, I shut the car door after me and looked around my surroundings.
There was one thing and one thing only that stood out to me and that was because it appeared to be right infront of me.
Looking up at it, my jaw slackened as I felt Taemin pat me on the back, almost sympathetically.
"If you die, can I have your computer?" He joked as I pushed him away from me.
Minho then came to stand next to me Jonghyun, Onew and Hyoli walked around the car to come see the monstrosity infront of me.
"Isn't she a beauty?" Minho asked me with a smirk playing on his lips as I looked to him in pure dismay.
"Are you crazy?!"
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update please
happiestdayofmylife #2
You're awesome!! :D
baekhyunblah #3
(y) !! <3 !!
Chapter 30: woooow onew wooow
Chapter 29: Oh dear. Good thing nothing happen to them but now they're in deep trouble. Lol. Update soon!^^
MissLocket #6
Chapter 28: Hi dear author, please don't forget this story. Update soon.
Chapter 28: Nooooooo! Where are they going?
I hope they dont get attack by the bear.
Be safe, guise. And Jjong, dont DO anything to her!
Follow them Key, follow them. Update soon!^^
Chapter 28: oooo jonghyun is gonna do something!!!
i hope they dont get attacked by like a bear
(is that her phobia?)
jjong is a cutie, but i still love key x hyoli
MissLocket #9
Chapter 27: Update soon... dear author your story is so good. I can't wait to know what will happen.
Chapter 27: Jjong's going to confess to her?
Noo! You cant, Jjong!
I'm saving her for Key! XD
Update soon!^^