Did I Do The Right Thing?

UGLY [Hiatus]

Right after I got out of Jiyong's sight, my evil smirk dropped. Everything dropped. My drink dropped, my knees dropped, my heart dropped. Before I knew it, my hands were on my face and tears were dropping nonstop. It was a good thing there was no one in the park. I don't know why I was crying, but I was. I did the right thing right? If I really want to prove to my parents and my grandparents that I am rightful to become the next heir for our company, I shouldn't get into any relationship until they put me into an arranged one which I will not complain about.

All these thoughts in my head, about how I did the right thing, but my heart pounding, screaming, yelling, that I did the wrong thing. My brain knows that I shouldn't accept Jiyong's feelings, but my heart knows that the feelings are mutual. My brain reassures that it's all for my own sake, but my heart objects saying that it just breaks me into pieces. 

These mixed feelings, my head started to hurt. I wiped my tears, and got up. I walked towards school. I jogged towards school. I ran towards school. Away from Jiyong. Away from the park. And away from the spilt drink.(again, way to ruin the moment, but again, I just had to put that there.)

Right when I walked/ran through the school gates I heard the bell ring. School's over. I continued to run into my homeroom and got my school bag. I tried to go back home without seeing Joongyeon or Seunghyun but of course, luck was not on my side today. I encountered both. Joongyeon first, of course. I have homeroom with her.

"Hey, are you ok? Your eyes are red and a bit puffy... did you cry? What happened? And I thought you were supposed to get here before I did?" Joongyeon kept catapulting questions at me. I didn't answer because my head was still hurting and running did not help the migrane at all.

"It was Jiyong wasn't it? You talked to him didn't you? What did he do?" She didn't get the message and kept questioning me. I finally picked up my bag and brushed past her after mumbling

"I'm fine. I'm just tired and stressed."

I walked out of the classroom and was just about to leave the school doors when I ran into the one and only Seunghyun. I grumbled.

"What the do you want. I have a migrane and I'm not planning on wasting any time talking to you Choi Seunghyun." I was just about to walk past him when he grabbed onto my wrist gently but firmly. If that's even possible. I looked down at his grasp and saw my fat overflowing from inbetween his. Disgusting.

"We need to talk."

"I have nothing to tell you."

"Sandara Park, did you cry? Was it Jiyong? What did that idiot do to you?" Ugh. Why does everyone think it's Jiyong? It's not him, it's me!

"That doesn't concern you, I'm just tired and stressed so will you leave me alone?" I shot him one tired glare and finally ran past him. I didn't bother to call my driver, I decided to just run home. It's good exercise for my fat body anyway.

I finally arrived home and thankfully no one was home except the maids and butlers and my brother.

"Yo noona, you're home."

"Leave me alone Hyunnie." To my relief, Sanghyun knows to leave me alone when I ask him to, unlike those idiots I have to deal with at school. Amazing how someone younger has more sense.

I walked into my bedroom and dropped my backpack onto the floor. I took off my school blazer and plopped onto my bed. I couldn't help but start thinking about Jiyong. About his confession. And about my outburst. It was really for my own good right?

I started thinking hard about that again, and my already bad migrane got worse, if that's even possible. I decided to fall asleep, but while trying, the only question that repeated in my head was 'Did I do the right thing?'



Yo, twas me.

I unsurprisingly didn't get any comments. Because I'm still debating on whether I should make the new character one of the main or not, I decided to update with Dara's pov and wait for more comments which will probaby not come. Oh yeah, if you're too stupid to not notice, this chapter was in Dara's pov.

Well, continue commenting about whether i should make the new character a main.



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sorry for the unnoticed hiatus. Will start the story again soon once I get my life together -K.o


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28 streak #1
Chapter 22: I'm re-reading this fic. When will you update? I miss it
daemone #2
Wooowww nice story
Chapter 19: i like and please update
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 17: i like it....please update soon...............
mikkydragon #5
Chapter 15: update soon............
LaquetaSapphire #6
Chapter 13: Hi, I usually never comment on any stories. I just read them and love them but don't comment. It's the same with this story but since you seem upset about the lack of comments I will tell you... I love this story!! I don't find it too hard to follow!! And I don't think the new character should be a main character, I don't really care for her. Please keep updating! :)
Chapter 8: I just found this story. This chapter was much easier to follow -- thank you for doing that!
Chapter 8: Gooddddddd 1 more update
Annyg88 #9
Chapter 7: This story is getting confusing.can you write like dara'POV and Jiyong's POV will be better
Chapter 7: Yea... i kinda agree that this story is getting confusing. >.<