Feelings and Kisses.

You Are Pretty.

Jongin wasn't sure about his feelings.He had always considered Eun Mi as a very close friend,or maybe slightly more than that.However,he could never express those feelings.
That is why Jongin was confused.Did he really still have those 'slight' feelings for Eun Mi?He could have sworn on the whole universe that when she accidentally entered EXO's practice room on Thursday,his heart skipped a beat.It took a lot of courage and a few encouraging whispers of 'Oh,my god.Just go!' from his hyungs to finally go up and talk to her.
Jongin noticed that Eun Mi wasn't a carefree schoolgirl anymore.She had obviously grown taller,her facial features were the same but sharper and damn,she was beautiful ! However,she was still the same when it came to her politeness and stammering when she got nervous.
As they drove back to their dorm that night,Jongin smiled to himself as he thought about Eun Mi.His mind started drifting off to their days back in high school.They helped each other with homework,they ate lunch together and she even helped him overcome his nervousness about dancing in front of people.
Whilst in his dream world,Jongin realized that his feelings for Eun Mi were indeed real. He lay in bed that night thinking about her.What if the feelings were not mutual?Eun Mi wasn't one to give into a relationship very easily.Maybe she had changed,but Jongin was still anxious.
He regretted losing contact with her. His feelings were sincere five years back and they still were.Only difference was he was going to express those feelings this time.


It was seven forty-five in the evening.Jongin,along with the other members would be here any minute.Eun Mi didn't know why she was feeling nervous.She had guessed that Jongin would not have any feelings for her,so she was ready to set hers aside.
Despite telling herself that,she could hardly breathe when Jongin walked into Du-Ho Oppa's living room looking more than fine.
Du-Ho Oppa was overtly excited,"HI,Jongin-ah,or should I call you Kai?"
Jongin laughed and said,"No,hyung.To you all,I'll always be Jongin."
While saying this,Eun Mi caught Jongin staring at her.
'What the hell?Why is he staring at me so intenesely?Does he maybe...NO.'
She cut off those thoughts.'Maybe he is just admiring the painting on the wall',Eun Mi thought as she reassured herself.However,she could swear that when their eyes met,there was a connection. 
Her confused thoughts were interrupted by Du-Ho Oppa.
"I went scuba diving last summer.It was beautiful.Come to my room,I'll show you guys the pictures."
They all followed him to his bedroom.
Eun Mi had already seen the pictures before,so she stood at one corner,letting Jongin and the other members enjoy the pictures.She coudn't help but smile at the 'oooh's and 'ah's.
Suddenly Jongin appeared and bowed at her.She bowed back,and just as it was getting awkward,he saved the day by saying,"Want a coke?"
Eun Mi nodded and they left the room.
However,instead of going towards the kitchen,Jongin went towards the guest bedroom.And for some reason,Eun Mi decided to follow him.
"What are you doing here?The kitchen's that way."
Seeing her confused expression,he tried to reply,but was suddenly stammering.Eun Mi didn't know why,but before she knew it,Jongin's lips were on hers.
It stayed on her lips for a few seconds,before he pulled away and said,"I...uh,I have always wanted to do that,Eun Mi."
Eun Mi was too shocked to say anything.But Jongin didn't bother.He stared at her,cupped her face and brought it closer to his.This time when he kissed her,everything seemed perfect.Eun Mi knew she was being delusional,but Jongin's lips were so soft and puffy,it really was perfect.This kiss lasted longer and was better than the previous one.
When they pulled away,Eun Mi couldn't help but smile.Her smile became wider when he smiled back and said,"Man,I've missed that smile of yours."
Jongin gently held Eun Mi's waist and softly kissed her on the cheek.They embraced with his hands wrapped around her waist and hers around his neck.She kissed him on the cheek,making him smile.
They held each other for quite a long time and there was silence except for the faint music coming from the living room.After a while,they pulled away.Jongin held her hand and said,"Still want that coke?"
Eun Mi nodded and they left the room hand-in-hand.Just before leaving,he gave her hand a slight squeeze,making her smile.
She thought she probably looked ridiculous smiling like that,but at that moment,she really could not care.More than that,she could not help it.
She was in love.

a/n:*bangs head against the wall* I am probably going to regret writing this a few years later.Because my writing is just sloppy and the fluff . :3
There will be one more chapter.More rubbish,mostly fluff.Very disappointing fluff.
Anyway,thank-you for reading my fanfic.It really means a lot.
I'll try harder with the next fic. :)

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i love it :*
Chapter 3: So romantic.. Sequel please..