You're My Hero

You Are Pretty.

Jongin was feeling slightly queesy.He assumed it was the nerves for meeting Eun Mi for the first time after their kiss together,and tried to avoid his head ache.
They arrived at the bungalow in the countryside.It was a huge one,given to Du-Ho by his late grandparents.There was a garden surrounding the house with blooming flowers.
While everyone stood on the bridge,admiring the beauty,Jongin walked up to the low railings and looked for Eun Mi.His head was spinning and his walk was weird,he could feel it,but no one noticed.Jongin,thinking seeing Eun Mi would make him feel better,stood on his toes to look for her.
However,before he knew it,his head started spinning even more and he fell off the bridge,into the lake.


Jongin could swim,but this was different.He had fainted and Eun Mi knew this.She knew that it would be impossible for him to swim while unconscious.
All these thoughts lasted for just a few seconds,because within five seconds of the accident,she was diving into the freezing cold water.
Finding Jongin underwater was probably the most difficult task ever undertaken by Eun Mi.Fortunately,after what seemed like ages,she found him.She pulled him up to the surface,gasping for air.
While she struggled to paddle across to the shore,Jongin surprisingly woke up.He looked at her,but didn't say anything,and she didn't expect him to.
By that time Du-Ho Oppa and Kyungsoo Oppa had come down from the bridge.'Well,that was fast',thought Eun Mi,slightly annoyed for some reason.

As Eun Mi had a bath,she had to listen to Du-Ho Oppa scold her for jumping into the water.
''You could have died,you know that?",he said,obviously exaggerating.
Eun Mi didn't blame him for being angry.He was obviously worried.
However,she felt good.She felt happy.She had saved a life...
After changing,Eun Mi excused herself and sat outside.She sat there,contemplating about her new-found relationship and other random things.She would probably be lost in her thoughts had Jongin not come and sat beside her.
"You saved my life,you're my hero.",he said,holding her hand.
Eun Mi smiled and said,"Don't say that,I at taking compliments."
"Not a compliment,it's the truth."
Eun Mi made a face and Jongin laughed.
He then kissed her.Softly,just a peck on the lips.With his face still close to hers,smelling of mint,he thanked her.
They started kissing again.Lips parted and their tongues got involved.They kissed hungrily for a long time.
After making out for a very,very long time,they stopped.Eun Mi and Jongin stared at each other,breathless,literally and emotionally.
That is when Luhan came and started clicking pictures.Eun Mi looked away,and Jongin said,"Oh,come on!Just one picture."
"Just ONE."
Jongin winked at her,cheekily,and that made her smile.
"Make me look pretty,Luhan Oppa.",she said.
"You are pretty.",said Jongin,softly.

                                                                     - THE END - 

a/n:Okay,this was a lame fanfic.I'll write better ones in the future(hopefully).This is so embarrassing,I can't even post this on my Tumblr blog lol. Anyway,thank-you for reading this.<3 And sorry for wasting your time. T_T


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i love it :*
Chapter 3: So romantic.. Sequel please..