Tarzans and their Alien Girl

Turning Back Time

Chapter Soundtrack

“Seomi, where are you?”

As my aunt’s voice resounded outside the laboratory, panick strikes me as I stared at the seven boys staring back at me in confusion. I don’t know how to describe them but they’re all wearing something that looks like a large leaf that covered up their waist until above their knees. They don’t have anything else besides that, so to make things simple, all of them are half- and standing in front of an eighteen-year old girl. Oh my eyes.


Sungjong’s POV

‘Sunggyu, where are we?’ I asked Sunggyu as the other human girl stared at us, she seems like she’s frozen in her place with her jaw hanging down and her eyes wide. I looked around the place and everything’s just…weird. First of all, the girl’s wearing something that all of us don’t wear, it’s something that covered her whole body and I bet it’d be hot for her. The girl’s in our village don’t wear anything to cover up the top of their body, so the sight of this girl confuses me.


‘I think we’re in another planet.’ Sunggyu replies as he looked at me over his shoulder. ‘But this…she’s a human, right? I think I won’t be mistaken. But did you hear the sound earlier? They’re speaking something that is not our language. Is she a witch or something?’

‘She’s gorgeous.’ I glared at Hoya who was staring at the alien girl dreamily. ‘She looks even better than the queen.’

‘Come to your senses, Hoya. She might be of harm to us.’ Sungyeol said as the girl started moving; she was pointing to a place, as if she’s telling us to go there. We looked at each other then to her; we observed her as she walked towards us and uttered something we couldn’t understand, she was talking…alien? She then scratched her head then walked somewhere and disappeared for a moment. We can hear her speaking something before she appeared a few minutes later.

She stood in front of us for a moment before she poked Myungsoo who flinched away suddenly. A grim smile appeared on her face before she spoke to us in her language.


Seomi’s POV 

“You’re real, aren’t you?” I asked them after I poked the guy standing at the leftmost of their line. They stared at each other in confusion before one of them stepped up and started speaking to me. He spoke so fast, and I couldn’t understand him. He spoke like a monkey, no offense, but he really did speak like that. I guess this people might have lived during the days dinosaurs still existed, until I brought them here—to the modern world.

I guess there’d be only one way we could understand each other: using hand gestures.

Using my hands, I pointed at what seems to be a time machine. They looked like they didn’t understand it, so I repeated what I did. When they nodded, I began doing everything just to ask them if they knew how to use it. Unfortunately, they only stared back at me with confused faces again.

“Nevermind,” I muttered to myself. I guess I’d have to wait for my parents to come back from their five-month trip, with some lecture and some shouting at me, I’m sure they’d be able to bring this guys back to where they belong.

In the meantime, I better teach these guys something. 

Proper clothing.

I quickly got my cell phone and dialled Sohee, my best friend’s number. I asked her to go to our house immediately. I stared at their faces, they weren’t that bad. I mean their clothing is a bit outdated but when they are given a few make-overs they’ll sure look like a hallyu idol. The doorbell rang which broke my trance. I went downstairs, leaving the half- guys in the lab, making sure they’ll just stay there until I come back.

“What is the surprising thing you’re going to let me see?” She said with a large grin on her face.

“Come, faster!” I said dragging her up to my parents’ lab. As I opened the door, I pushed her in then went in closing the door after. “There.” I said standing in front of the ‘prehistoric’ guys. She covered and eyes, just like how I reacted a few minutes ago. “They’re harmless, I guess.” I said.

“What are they?” She said slowly removing her hands from her eyes and mouth.

“Uh… People? Like Tarzan or something?” I said really unsure what they are. Silence was heard after as she looked at them.

“So what is your plan?” She asked.

“I’m planning to teach them proper clothing.” I said.

“Oh… Good idea. Where are you getting clothes?” She asked and I thought for a while until something popped up in my mind. I grinned. “Stay here, I’ll be back.” I said going out the lab. I borrowed the room keys from my auntie, saying I left something in their room. Luckily, she didn’t ask more and just gave it to me. I got seven pairs of clothing wear and returned to the lab.


Woohyun’s POV 

‘What are these?’ Dongwoo asked as he held up things that the girl shoved at us after she dragged us out of the weird place and into another place where we found something shiny that reflected our face. The things the girl gave us were like what she was wearing. There are three holes on it where one is larger than the other two. ‘Is this something to put around our faces?’ He placed the thing around his face and the girl bursted out laughing. We stared at her as she grabbed the thing from Dongwoo and in a blink of an eye; it was already on his body. ‘Wow, this is warm.’

‘Really?’ Sungyeol asked in interest. ‘How did she do it?’ Sungyeol held up the thing and the girl came up to him and let him wear it over his body. Sunggyu and Myungsoo seemed to have picked up and they had worn the thing already. ‘Come on, Woohyun. It’s as easy as hunting.’

‘I guess this alien girl is harmless.’ Sungjong said as the girl helped him up. I pouted as the others already have been warmed and I was the last one in line.

The girl raised up both my arm as she let the holes of the thing come through it before it went over my head. She chuckled before she stood in front of us and applauded.

And as a wide smile spread across her face, I can’t help but think she’s prettier than the queen on where we had been before we arrived here. At that moment, a weird sensation settles at the pit of my stomach.

I think we could deal with this.

 So how is it guys? Haha, hope that you like the idea of the fanfic because I enjoy it, too. 8D – soom_breathe

A/N: I hope you like enjoy this chapter as much as we did. Thank you! – kp1128

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nothings-sober #1
Sounds great :D update soon !
yay! finally :) this is great, i can't help but wonder how they will communicate with her.. anyways looking forward for the next chapter :P
I do love the idea of the fanfic! C: Update soon! (=
_khaycee_ #4
wahh this is actually very interesting ^^<br />
please update soon!
I can't wait for you to update! (=