What Am I Doing?!

"Will I Ever Move On?"


        I can’t believe what I’m hearing right now. Me? Singing?! “You’re joking right?” I asked her. “Nope!” She shook her head. “You are ‘cause she can’t sing. She’s horrible.” he said. ‘Ouch’ I whispered. I felt like a thousand daggers just stabbed me, but I had to keep up my act, trying not to be affected. “He’s right, I can’t sing. My voice is horrible.” I said pleading so she won’t pick me to sing. She was looking at us thinking “Can’t you pick someone other than me to perform?” I asked her, more like pleading. “Yeah, can’t you pick someone else? Like Gyuri?”  he whispered the last sentence but I heard what he said. I felt like running away right now. ‘No, show him that you’re not hurt, you’re not hurt anymore..’  I chanted in my head.

     “Huh~” we heard her sigh. I turn my head around and look at her. “You know what? It’ll do it.” She said calmly. “Really?!” we said together. I saw a sight of relief in his eyes. “No!” she said sternly.       “I know that she has the talent and skill.” She looked at me.”You’ve got to be kidding me!” Jong said angrily.

    “I know that you’re hiding it.” She wispered to me. “I’ve been looking closely at you for quite some time now” she continued. “Okay, it’s settled then. Now, I want you to pick a song from the book and sing it.” She said and handed us a book about 50 pages. “Wow.. That’s thick.” He muttered. He picked a song entitled 'Girls' by Wheesung . He began to sing, so I was quite. After that, it was my turn to sing. I gulped down some water. I stood up but I felt like I was going to fall down. I took the microphone from Miss Kim. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The song started to play. I open my eyes but look outside the large window in front of me. I started to sing but I sang half-heartedly.

It's okay even if i'm blind,
It's okay even if i can't breathe,
If i could just see you once, if i could just give you all my heart.
How much more do i have to miss you? So you could know my heart?
How much more do i have to cry and cry? So the tears could dry?

Does it hurt because of loving you?
Is it punishment of loving you too much?
Even if i were to lose everything, it's okay as long as i have you.
Even if my heart shatters while loving you,
Even if my heart's all worn when waiting for you,
It's okay because i love you,
I'm okay even if it hurts.

The further i turn away to forget you, the more i miss you,
What should i do?
Even when you say it's not right, to keep avoiding you. You are the only one for me.
What should i do?

Does it hurt because of loving you?
Is it punishment of loving you too much?
Even if i were to lose everything, it's okay as long as i have you.
Even if my heart shatters while loving you,
Even if my heart's all worn when waiting for you,
It's okay because i love you,
I'm okay even if it hurts.

Even if i get poisoned and pricked,
I can't stop my love for you,
I will wait for you until whenever,
I will endure even if it keeps hurting,
Because of loving you more, it's okay even if tears fall down.
It's okay even if it hurts.

When the song ended, I heard a silent clap from behind. I slowly turn to my back and saw Miss Kim clapping but Jonghyun just stood there and looked straight at me.”Good job, that was great. But, you could try harder.” She patted my back and I just bowed my head and smiled “ Kamsahamnida.” I said. “Okay, that wraps up today’s lesson.” She said and walked out the door.

I was left in the room alone with Jonghyun. I was walking to take my backpack when “ So you think you can sing?” I was taken aback by this. “I don’t even know myself.” I said not looking at him. “ You think that you’re at my standard?” I kept quiet. “Answer me.” He said but I didn’t want to answer and tears started to occupy my eyes.” Look at me and answer my question!” he shouted. I swallowed back my tears and look directly at him. “ What do you want me to do? Answer you?” I said with anger in my voice. “ So, you think that you’re beautiful? Talented? Pretty? Just because you were selected doesn’t mean that you can sing.” He said while smirking. “ I know that you’re just all brains nerd freak. Who would want to be friends with you?!” I wanted to run but I had to answer him first. “ Yeah, I know that I’m not pretty, beautiful nor talented either but being selected doesn’t mean I wanna do this. FYI I have friends. And they’re not nerds.” I quickly took my bag and walk out the door leaving him alone.

When the rooftop door closes all the tears that I’ve been holding back just now flows freely down my cheeks. I sat down on the bench in the middle of the rooftop garden and just sobbed silently. After a while I came back to my usual self. I wiped the tears and just stared at the beautiful scenery in front of me. The beautiful sky, the white clouds, the calm city in front of me and the flowers surrounding me. “Huh… how can I overcome this?” I lay down on the cold floor.




My house was robbed on New Years Eve and they took all the computers in the house (I hate those theives)

and also my dad restricted us ONLY to use the computer on weekends from 1.00-6.30 AND A HUGE WRITER'S BLOCK

I wanna thank star_sushi! Thanks for helping me my friend

Hope you guys like my update after like 1,000,000 years








~YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FINALLY UPDATED~



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an angsty chapter on the way!


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ilabya41 #1
Leyeen #2
Chapter 31: Please update!!!!!! I hope jonghyun becomes nice to her again and ends up liking her!!!! That would be a great ending please update
KimKeyBummi #3
Chapter 30: Good luck with your exams! Update soon! We need more loge from Jjong!
Chapter 30: *cry a river*
Arraso..good luck~
Chapter 29: Okay, Minho is such a sweetie <3 I want Haejung to date Minho hehe :3 They'd be super cutes together~.

Aish Jonghyun. He moved on :( My heart is breaking for Haejung seriously. Maybe she needs closure...? I don't like Gyuri, grrrr. LOL.

Aww! Haejung-ah! When she was talking to herself, I started crying. I hope she gets over Dino Jjong quickly (and dates Minho xD). Break-ups are hard :( But she deserves happiness! :)

I AM SO TOUCHED RIGHT NOW!!!! That poem is beyond gorgeous <3 You're amazing! Thanks for always being here for me! You're a wonderful true friend <3 We should talk more because I miss you!!~ I love you a lot and thanks for the congratulations :3 We shall both be happy! Fighting! I'm always here for you! And those pictures are so pretty :)
Finally, an update :D!! Woop woop!! Ooh, they have to make a song!? YAY xD!! LOL at them stalking Hongki's sister. And random Minho at the end! I love Minho <3! FIGHTING :)
Simple but great chapter!
I shall wait for drama to start again ^_^ Fighting!
And I want a happy and sad ending keke. Whatever YOU want is what I want!
It's been OVER a year and I'm just so excited~~!!!!
They look so effing amazing and I just can't believe it. It's surreal!
The teaser medley is frigging gorgeous.
I cried when Onew's teaser pic came out, literally! It's just cos he was MIA for a long time, so yeah~.
Another satisfying update, of course!
Awe, Jonghyunnie fighting!
Update please!
Ashyunchick20 #10
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D :D
Thanks!~ ^_^