Guess Who: Rainy Days

The Bundle of One Shots

::le sigh::

It would be raining on the day of my period. My luck loved to test my patience. Big Bang had finally released their album though and I was currently in the great city of Rome. Plus I happened to have my handy-dandy portable umbrella with me. Nothing could really ruin my mood of surprising my buttercup of rainbows and butterflies called Lainie. Clearly I spoke too soon because this gracious gift from Mother Nature was one of the few ones that actually hurt. Luckily I spot the familiar indications of a convenience store. I glance over some idiot that's standing outside as I go inside in search of jellies and chocolate. I've succeed in my quest and am walking out, chocolate in mouth, umbrella in hand. The same tightly bundled man is still standing at the same stop with his hand stretched letting the water flow throw his fingers. I'm in a very neutral mood and I don't quite feel like being a nice person, considering I don't know this man and well, I don't really need to. I walk off but I get about 10 steps before a very loud sneeze startles me from behind. Sighing I turn around and walk straight back to the man. He's wiping his nose with his hand and I twitch my eye. I blame the chocolate.
"Hi." I grumble in English, a little less friendly than I anticipated.
"Hello." He replies soft and cautiously.
"Here." I sigh handing him the umbrella. He simply starts at it like he has no idea what kind of satan spawning device it is. He opens his mouth and I cut him off before he can rejects gracious offer. "It's fine. It's old. Take it and don't worry I need a new one anyways."
He shakes his head and then I start to get mad. Swallowing my anger. I practically bark through my teeth.
"Where are you headed?"
His eyes flicker towards the direction I was just heading but of course this practically mute idiot says nothing. "Hold this." I demand this time and shove the umbrella in his hand. Without letting him argue I walk in the store and grab a few more supplies. I walk back out for a second time with hand sanitizer, tissues, and another umbrella in a bag. He's standing there with the umbrella still open looking like a lost puppy. I swear he's pouting at me I take back my umbrella and hold it with the inside of my elbow and I rummage through the bag. I take out the sanitizer with one hand and grab his sleeves, because I’m not touching his germ infested hands with the other. I squirt some inside his open hand and help him rub it into both his hands as if he couldn't do it himself. After I'm finished I stuff the small bottle in his front pants pocket. Next I take out the tissues and proceed to practically wipe his nose for him. At one point I even instructed him to blow. His eyes are definitely twinkling with amusement behind his ridiculous gem studded sunglasses. I'm avoiding them because the last thing I need is to inform this homeless, I presume, man that I'm not as confident as I would like to be perceived. I debate whether or not to give him the umbrella now but considering he didn't seem able to even properly take care of himself, again my assumption, I decided against the thought. Instead I put the tissues in his other front pocket. So with one hand holding his and the other holding the umbrella above us, I start taking him in the same direction as me. A few moments he just looks from my hand to me, then he tips the umbrella so it covers me more and starts humming to himself. I narrow my eyes because I had purposely placed the umbrella so it covered him perfectly. Then starts a tilt-war where we both are walking and adjusting the umbrella so each other are covered. Of course this just leads to the both of us getting soaked on one side.
"Okay, looky here bub." I finally halt our advances and turn to face him.
"This is my umbrella'" I poke his chest, "so I'm in charge." Another poke. "Therefore the guest is not allowed to adjust the umbrella." A third poke and he gives me Bambi eyes through his glasses with a side of one of the cutest pouts I've seen. My mouth is probably hanging open and although I'm trying to say more, I can't make a sound. I end up stuttering and resuming our walk. He starts humming again as he takes my hand and once more adjusts the umbrella so it covers me. I groan and mumble unladylike words that I think he doesn't understand. He chuckles and that's when I freeze mid-step.
"You understand me?" I growl accusingly and he just stops besides me blinking but doesn’t answer.
"Oh no.  Not this time bub." I unhook our hands and point directly in front of his face.
"I just spent the last 10 plus minutes plus $20 babying you. AND YOU. With your pretty face and adorable expressions just sat back and let me." I'm about to fly into a complete rage until I realize he's holding the umbrella above me as I rant. He's literally taking my anger without question and letting himself get soaked so I don't. I can't be angry at him. I want to, but I can't. Groaning I take his arm and drag the two of us to shelter. I rummage through my personal bag until I find my towel and start drying him off. Of course he tries to resist but I give him my best death glare and he stops moving.
 "Stop being so perfect and adorably charming okay?! It's disgusting." I grumble and he hums a response. I get to his face and halt for a moment. I step away and hold out the towel for him. I figure he can dry off his own damn face but instead he takes it and starts drying me off. I sputter trying to argue but of course he just shuts me up by wiping my face. After he's finishes he steps away from me with a gummy smile. I narrow my eyes at him and spit something along the lines of ‘You sicken me.’ He laughs and really I should be less dense about the whole thing because I know that smile. I know that laugh but I'm too busy trying to pretend I hate the guy to register who he might be. That, in itself, should've given me a huge kick in the rear. Of course, I wouldn't be me if I wasn't stubborn, dense and unreasonable. I tell him he can keep the towel considering he ruined it with his face and hand him the last item I bought. Actually I take out the plastic bag from my own bag to hand him it to him and take off with my umbrella. I hear a thank you shouted to me from behind but I'm full sprint trying to make sure I'm rid of this guy for good. I actually manage to keep my momentum until I reach Lainie's door. I knock and then bend over to catch my breath. She answers, half ecstatic and half confused giving me a huge hug.
"You will not believe what I had to deal with getting here." I huff, still out of breath. 
"Come in silly and you can tell me about it as I make you some hot chocolate." She laughs as she ruffles the mess I'm currently rocking as my hair.

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BangtanCheesecake #1
I love this
BangtanCheesecake #2
Chapter 15: ahhh i love this! This can be a real story
BangtanCheesecake #3
Chapter 7: Omg this is so sweet i love it! I hope u continue this because it is so interesting!
BangtanCheesecake #4
Chapter 3: this is so sad i cried.. i felt sorrry for the girl and i can somehow feel her pain :( oh my goodness u r such a good writer! I'm craving for angst and this is perfect, i like it that u keep it realistic and make seunghyun still long for his ex .. i feel like top isn't the type that can move on so easily