everyday delights

morning kisses

"Hey, mum. We're here!" Sehun announces as soon he enters the house with Jongin following in after him. Jongin's mother appears from the kitchen where she was preparing dinner with her husband.

"Oh, Sehunnie! It's so great to see you!" she exclaims as she runs towards him to pull him into a hug. Jongin walks past the both of them, muttering, "Stop stealing my mother away from me, thief"

The two laugh at Jongin's jealousy and his mother quickly goes to hug her son, with an additional peck on the cheeks.

"Well, it's your fault for bringing home such a wonderful boyfriend" she teases him. They make their way into the kitchen, with Jongin following behind grumbling to himself. Jongin and Sehun set down the bags of groceries that they were asked to purchase on their way over.

With the long weekend coming up, Sehun had suggested for both their families to meet up with each other for a night out. Jongin had agreed immediately and the both of them quickly called their own families to invite them out. They managed to set a time, place and date in less than 20 minutes since Jongin's mother had insisted they just have the dinner gathering at her place, even offering to cook.

Since the successful meeting between Sehun and Jongin's parents many years ago, Sehun has since completely won them over with his adorable antics and generous personality. Now, in their final years of their 20s, both sides of the family have gotten much closer, with each side already considering the other's son as their own.

"My father said they should be arriving in about 20 minutes or so. The traffic's been horrible" Sehun informs them. Assuring him that it was alright, and that Jongin's sisters should be arriving around the same time as well, Jongin's mother ushers them out of the kitchen and towards the living room so she can get back to focusing on joining her husband with the cooking.

"Almost 30 and they're still able to baby us" Sehun comments as he slumps down on the couch.

"Well, I always baby you and you seem to enjoy it very much" Jongin says in a hushed voice, his mouth next to Sehun's hear. When he pulls away, Sehun sees the smug grin on his face. Embarrassed, Sehun shoves Jongin's face away with his hand, muttering a soft "shut up". Grabbing the remote, they decide to amuse themselves by watching something whilst they wait for everyone else to arrive.

Soon enough, the doorbell rings and Sehun's parents walk through the doors, followed by Jongin's sisters and his brother in law. Initially, Jongin had insisted that they have the dinner at his house with Sehun, but his mother had decided against it.

"There would be too much of a mess when the night ends and the both of you would probably just leave the mess for a couple of days before bothering yourself to clean it up" she told them. He couldn't find any will in him to deny that.

As soon as the food is done, everyone takes a seat around the table. Giving thanks to the food, they quickly dig in. Throughout the entire dinner, there was loud laughter accompanied with the many stories exchanged over the table. Jongin was able to catch up with his sisters whilst Sehun spoke with Jongin's brother in law about how he felt about almost becoming a father. By the time they had finished the food, everyone's cheeks were sore from laughing and smiling too much.

"I'm glad the two of you thought of gathering us together. We haven't been able to meet up in a while" Jongin's very pregnant sister says, a smile beaming on her face. Her husband puts an arm around her and her arm. Everyone else agreed. Glancing at each other, Jongin and Sehun share a grin.

"Actually, there's a reason we wanted to gather everyone together" Jongin announces. They hear some gasps in response.

"Well, you can't be pregnant too, are you?" Jongin's father jokes. He earns a slap on the arm from his wife. Sehun hears his father laugh, followed by a yelp. His mother probably pinched him.

Clearing his throat, Sehun entwines his right hand with Jongin's left to display the gold band on his ring finger. Sehun lefts up his own left hand and shows them as well. The table erupts with cheers and congratulations. The two of them are soon engulfed in a hug by their parents, followed by Jongin's sisters.

"This calls for celebratory drinks!" Jongin's father exclaims as he stands up. He then turns to his pregnant daughter and says, "Not you, though" before disappearing out of the room to bring out his finest drinks.

"That father of yours, honestly. He's been waiting so long to bring out those bottles but he never found the right time. I'm sure he's glad he waited" Jongin's mother smiles. Jongin's other sister bombards them with s whole lot of questions about their plans for the wedding. Though they don't have anything settled yet, they tell everyone that they had agreed to let it be a one-year engagement, at the very longest. Other than that, they're happy to take things as they go. Sehun's mother squeals and hugs the both of them again, unable to contain the excitement she has for them.

By the end of the night, everyone is exhausted. Jongin's sister and brother in law had left earlier, since she had been tired out in the middle of celebrations. The both of them had promised to see each other again before the baby is due. Jongin hands Sehun the car keys since he'd had a few glasses to drink, whilst Sehun had opted for water instead. Jongin wasn't even tipsy, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Bidding their parents and Jongin's sister goodnight, they then enter the car and Sehun starts the car to drive them home. Since it's late at night, there aren’t any cars of the road, the exception of one or two every not and then, so he drives slower than usual, allowing them to enjoy the ride.

"We're really lucky, aren't we?" Jongin muses aloud.

"You're even luckier because you met me" Sehun jokes. Jongin turns his head to look at his now fiancée.

"Yes, I am" he admits. Sehun laughs and kisses the palm of his hand before pressing it up against Jongin's cheek. They've spent so many years together, but Jongin never fails to turn Sehun into a pile of goo because of how sweet he can be.

When they arrive home, Sehun searches his pockets for the house keys. Jongin comes up behind Sehun and wraps his arms around Sehun's waist. He rests his chin on Sehun's shoulder while he waits. As soon as the door is opened, Sehun expects Jongin to let go, but he doesn't. So he has to shuffle his way inside with Jongin still clinging on him.

"Maybe you are a little drunk after all Sehun comments once they've successfully made it into the bedroom and Jongin finally let’s go.

"Yeah, I am drunk. I'm-"

"Don't say it"

"Drunk on you"

Sehun groans and Jongin throws his head back and laughs loudly. Sehun rolls his eyes and grabs hold of Jongin's hand to pull him towards their bedroom. Helping Jongin to change out of his clothes first and into something more comfortable to sleep in, he then strips himself of his own stifling clothing and into something more comfortable. When he goes to join his fiancée in bed, it's clear that Jongin is more than ready to sleep, as his eyes are already closed by the time Sehun lays down next to him. Regardless, Jongin still manages to pull Sehun closer to him so they're face to face as they sleep. Tangling their legs together, Jongin scoots forwards and leaves a kiss on Sehun's shoulder, who returns it with a kiss on the tip of his nose.

"Can we just get married already? I don't think I can wait any longer. Let's just skip all the ceremonial stuff and just sign the papers so that I can pronounce to the world that the great Oh Sehun is my husband" Jongin mumbles. Sehun chuckles at his words.

"I don't think our friends and family will be very happy, though"

"I don't care" Jongin then leans back a little, his eyes open, "Unless you want to have a wedding ceremony. If you want one, then I'm all for it" he quickly says. Smiling, Sehun brings a hand up and pats Jongin's hair.

"I personally don't mind, as long as I'm with you. But I do think having a party would be nice. Have everyone together to share a beautiful event"

"Hm" Jongin hums, thinking, "So just a small wedding?"

"Let's just sign the papers and have the reception part" Sehun suggests. Jongin nods immediately.

"Do you want anything in particular?" Sehun asks. Jongin shakes his head.

"Only to be married to you" Jongin grins. Sehun nods in agreement. Sitting up a little, he pulls the covers up till it covers Jongin's shoulders. He knows that Jongin will just kick them away by the middle of the night, but he also knows that Jongin likes to be tucked in regardless. Kissing his fiancée on the forehead, Sehun then slips under the covers himself and drifts off to sleep, his hand clasped with Jongin's.


The next morning, Sehun rolls over to feel that the side of bed is empty. Squinting in an attempt to open his eyes, he eventually gives up when he decides that it's too bright, so he pulls the covers over his head. He had just decided to go back to sleep when he hears Jongin's chuckling by the door. Sitting up, Sehun managed to squint on eye open this time to see the love of his life leaning on the doorframe. Standing still, arms crossed over his chest, ankles crossed over each other, Sehun can never thank Jongin's parents enough for creating such a beautiful human being for him to see every day when he wakes up.

"You're up early" Sehun comments, his voice still groggy with sleep. He reaches out for Jongin who immediately walks over to him.

"Actually, it's almost lunch time" Jongin tells him. Sehun frowns and lets out a soft "Oh" as he rubs his eyes with the back of his hands.

Sehun's bed hair is Jongin's favourite hairstyle. Somehow, Sehun manages to get his hair to point in every different direction possible in his sleep. Jongin can't help but tackle his soon to be husband with chaste kisses all over his face.

"You missed a spot" Sehun informs him, pointing to his lips. Jongin grins and leans forward to capture Sehun's lips.

"Urgh, morning breath," Jongin grimaces when he pulls away. He laughs when Sehun glares at him.

"My morning breath is nothing compared to your greasy, fried chicken breath kisses" Sehun grumbles. Jongin lets out an exaggerated gasp, hand over his heart to feign hurt.

"My kisses are the best no matter what flavour or texture that accompanies them!"

"True" Sehun admits as he pecks Jongin on the lips again before getting out of bed to freshen up.

Falling onto his back on the bed, Jongin asks, "So what do you want to have for lunch?"

"Anything is fine. How about some ramen?" Sehun calls out from the bathroom.

"What happened to 'eating healthier'?" Jongin lifts his head and raises a brow when Sehun re-enters the room.

"It's a long weekend. We're allowed cheat days"

"we literally only started eating healthy less than a week ago"

Sehun goes up to his fiancée and places his finger over his lips. "Shhh, too many miscellaneous facts" he hushes. Jongin makes an attempt to bite the finger but Sehun manages to dodge it.

"I can't believe it's already lunch time. You should have woken me up earlier" Sehun murmurs.

"You were so cute when you were sleeping, I didn't have the heart to wake you up" Jongin says. huffing, Sehun pulls Jongin off the bed and guides them to the kitchen.

Upon entering the kitchen, Sehun freezes in his step. In front of him, displayed on the dining table is an elaborate meal already set out. He turns around to look at Jongin with wide eyes.

"Surprise!" Jongin exclaims, doing a little jazz hands towards the food in front of them.

"You made all this while I was asleep?" Sehun asks softly. "Now I feel a little bad for kissing you with morning breath"

Jongin laughs and pulls Sehun over towards the table.

"I'd happily get any type of kiss from you, as long as it's not goodbye" Jongin whispers. Sitting down at the table, Sehun admires the food.

"So you actually made all this?" he asks again. Jongin nods. "Why?"

"Because I love you" Jongin answers simply. Sehun raises a quizzical brow.

"It's true!"

"I know you love me. I love you, too. But why are you trying to bribe me" Sehun questions him. Jongin stays silent.

"...I'm not bribing you"

Sehun continues to stare at him and crosses his arms over his chest. Jongin fidgets under Sehun's gaze.


"You what" Sehun deadpans. He must have heard incorrectly. Jongin sprints out of the room and disappears for a moment before reappearing with a god damn puppy in his arms.

"You've got to be kidding me" Sehun exasperates as he stares at the puppy wriggling around in Jongin's arms. He looks up at his husband to see him grinning sheepishly back at him.

"I sort of got him this morning when I was getting the groceries to cook us lunch" Jongin explains.

"You what" Sehun repeats himself.

"He's really cute though! Look!" Jongin presents the puppy to Sehun, who is still trying to grasp the fact that he's about to marry a man who spontaneously adopts a dog when he goes grocery shopping by himself.

"I can't believe you went and got a dog" Sehun mutters as he collects the puppy into his arms. Jongin carefully passes it over to Sehun, who immediately starts petting it. "He is very cute though. Darn it" he them mutters to himself.

"So we can keep him?" Jongin perks up. Sighing, Sehun nods and Jongin cheers.

"Have you given him a name yet?" Sehun asks as he plays with the puppy.

"No, not yet. I figured since I got the dog, I should at least let you choose the name" Jongin reasons. Sehun hums in reply. Sehun places the dog down on the ground and it starts sniffing its surroundings.

"Well, since it's a dog. And it it's alive... Let's call it Vivi" Sehun says. Jongin stares dumbly at his fiancée. What kind of reason...

"Maybe I should have named it" Jongin mutters.

"Maybe we should give it back" Sehun shoots Jongin a glare. Jongin raises his hands up in surrender. Sehun rolls his eyes and prepares to eat and Jongin sits down to join him. Vivi doesn't stray too far from Sehun's side throughout the lunch, opting to lay down next to the foot of his chair.

"I think I made a mistake getting him" Jongin says, staring at Vivi who has clearly already chosen his favourite. Sehun laughs and reaches over to pat the side of Jongin's head.

"No matter what, you will always be my number one" Sehun reassures him.

"I better well damn be" Jongin grumbles as he presses a kiss on Sehun's temple.


Side note, this story is finally done! my first ever story on AFF! :D Thank you so much for reading


Much love,


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Megane_senpai #1
Chapter 6: I've reread this for the 1000th time and I still get strong fluffy feels. I can't help but giggle but also cringe at the cheese.
fyeahkpop101 #2
fyeahkpop101 #3
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 6: nice ending. all is good for sekai and vivi.
Chapter 5: Sehun did not buy her a new shirt, but she already forgave him without him having even asked for forgiveness. ^^ I really want to experience a love life now. Sadly, in real life, rarely any guys are this nice with their parents being just as nice. Oh well, I'll find my special someone one day. Sekai's relationship seriously makes me jealous though. >.< Overall, this was the sweetest, cutest thing ever! Anyways, see you next time! ;)
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 5: wow that was so sweet. so much love between them.
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 4: First off..OMO Fluffiness! That said..yeah, those window embrasues are dabomb!
Sapphire_Archer #8
Chapter 5: Jongin and Sehun literally have the ideal relationship; mutual understanding, doing little acts of love and appreciating what the others does for him. Love this chapter, its so calm and fluffy. Jongin seems like Sehun's protector and guardian angel and Sehun is just too adorable for his own good. He appreciates what Jongin does for him, but what got me hooked was the deep bond they have for each other. Absolutely love the way you portray the both of them. <3
Chapter 4: This is so cute and fluffy and Sehun ruining Jongin's mom's favorite is probably what's going to happen to me and my future mother-in-law, except I'm doing it on purpose. I hope Sehun buys her a new shirt or something to make up for it. I really like hjow you wrote Sehun and Jongin's relationship. I like how it's so balanced. Sehun is the spoiled one, but it's okay because Jongin likes spoiling him. ^^ Sekai already have the perfect relationship in real life and the way you write it makes it that much better.
Chapter 4: I love this fic... So cute, and fluffy, and squishy, and romantic, and now I want to have a a boyfriend, so that I can experience this... Omg, thank you for make my day. Love youu