midnight whispers

morning kisses

If you were to ask Jongin and Sehun where the favourite part of their home was, they would answer you in a heartbeat – inside the bedroom. However, it wasn’t because of the bed, but rather the area by the window. Their window sill was deep into the wall, providing an area for them to rest in. Although it was small, it was also comforting.

Jongin would often be leaning against the side and Sehun would later join him, seating himself between Jongin’s legs. This is what Sehun is greeted by when he enters their bedroom after returning from the kitchen for a glass of water. Upon seeing Jongin already seated in their spot. Sehun grins and makes his way over to Jongin. Wordlessly, Jongin shifts himself so that there would be enough room for the both of them.

“Comfortable?” Jongin asks. Sehun nods and brings Jongin’s arms around to wrap around his waist.

“Always” Sehun murmurs, bringing Jongin’s hand up to his lips.

They allow silence to engulf them, both finding comfort in each other’s arms as they look out into the city lights glowing in the night. Sehun begins to caress Jongin’s hand, something he often does when he has something on his mind. Jongin doesn’t ask about it though because he knows Sehun would tell him if he wanted to.

Not too long after, Sehun sits up and turns around so that they were facing each other. Jongin sits up properly so that his back was up against the side. He watches as Sehun fidgets around till he’s comfortable. Eventually, Sehun opts for resting his chin on his knees and so his feet end up buried underneath Jongin’s crossed legs. Deeming himself comfortable enough, Sehun sighs and finally speaks.

“I want to try meeting your parents again” he whispers, looking down. Jongin’s silent for a while and Sehun begins to wonder what he might be thinking. Before he can ask, Jongin speaks up.

“Alright. We’ll go the following Saturday”

“Really?” Sehun asks, a little surprised. Jongin chuckles and stretches out his hand so he can grab a hold of Sehun’s. He grazes his thumb over Sehun’s knuckles.

“If you think you’re ready to go again, I’m not going to go against it. Am I worried?” Jongin pretends to think for a moment and grins, “Just a little bit”

Sehun rolls his eyes but he can’t keep the smile off his face either. “Do you think it’ll go better than last time?” he asks, concern evident in his voice. Jongin shrugs in reply. “Wow. Very comforting, Kim Jongin” Sehun huffs.

This time it is Jongin’s turn to roll his eyes. Spinning Sehun around so that Sehun’s once again settled against his back, he rests his chin on Sehun’s shoulder and murmurs, “it’s all on you. My parents are a little difficult to win over, I admit. But I love you and they’ll eventually see why. I know you’ll be able to show them how wonderful you are”

He stops and thinks for a bit before adding, “But maybe try not to pour your dinner on my mother next time. Especially if the shirt is white… It was also her favourite shirt by the way”

Sehun groans and turns his head to rub his face into Jongin’s bicep. “Did the colour end up going off?” he whispers.

“Mostly” Jongin answers casually. Sehun frowns.

“So no”


Sehun pouts and pulls on Jongin’s arms to tighten them around his body. With a little nudge of his knee, Jongin gives Sehun a light squeeze.

“I’ll just repeat that – it was my mother’s favourite shirt, babe” Jongin emphasises his words. Sheun turns around slightly and Jongin’s able to see the confused expression he’s wearing.

“You mum’s favourite shirt. Right. Are you trying to make me feel worse?” Sehun grumbles.

Jongin laughs and shakes his head. “No, Sehun. Aren’t you wondering why she would be wearing her favourite shirt that particular day…?” he tries to hint.

Sehun frowns a little, “Because it’s her favourite shirt? Don’t you, you know, wear your favourite clothes every once in a while? Because you happen to favour it?”. He really has no clue as to what Jongin was trying to hint to him.

Jongin pulls Sehun back against his chest. “She was excited to meet you, dummy. She wanted to look her best, that’s why she was wearing her best clothes that day. My father told me she spent the whole day fussing over everything in the house and what to wear”

Sehun’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Wow really?”

Jongin hums in reply and he begins to play with Sehun’s fingers as Sehun processes the information.

“Wow” is all Sehun says.

Jongin tilts his body to the side to get a better look of Sehun’s face. “Wow what?” he asks.

“Wow” Sehun repeats.

“Uh, did I… break you or something?”


“Babe, you’re starting to worry me”

“So you’re saying she was looking forward to meeting me?” Sehun questions, completely ignoring Jongin’s comments.

Jongin nods slowly and answers “Yes….”

“And so she doesn’t hate me?”



Jongin chuckles, “No of course not. They’re a little bewildered by you, sure. But hate you? No way. I wouldn’t allow that”

Sehun spins around and punches Jongin on the arm, causing him to yelp in pain. “You ! You had me believe this entire time that they hated me!”

Jongin rubs the spot where Sehun punched and pouts. “No I didn’t! You just never listened to me!” he whines, “And seriously, did you think they’d hate you for simply being an adorable, clumsy goofball?”

“There are people in the world that wouldn’t mind hating on someone for ruining their favourite white shirt”

Jongin rolls his eyes. “Yeah, sure. But my parents bred a much too logical son to be illogical themselves” he states. He then tightens his arms around Sehun and sways them from side to side and then adds, “They adore me too much to deny me happiness, anyway”

Sehun scoffs but he can’t help but smile at Jongin’s words. The last time Sehun had met Jongin’s parents, he’d been a complete mess because he had been completely stressed the entire week with work. He wasn’t at all prepared to meet Jongin’s parents so he found himself fumbling about when they arrived at Jongin’s home. When they left the place after dinner, Sehun was sure that he’d made the worst impression possible.

“Well, I guess it’s time to bring in some competition” Sehun whispers as he turns around, the corner of his mouth tilting up slightly.

“What do you mean?” Jongin asks, raising an eyebrow.

“They’ll end up adoring me more once I win them over on Saturday” Sehun grins. Jongin makes a face of disbelief and places his hand over his heart. Sehun laughs and turns around fully until he’s kneeling in front of Jongin. Since he’s still between Jongin’s legs, he shuffles a little closer and rets his hands on Jongin’s thighs.

Leaning forward till their foreheads are touching, Jongin whispers, “Well, regardless of the outcome, no one will ever be able to adore you as much as I will”

At his words, Jongin’s rewards with Sehun’s eye smile before he leans in to press his lips against Sehun’s. When they pull away, their forehead and noses still touching, Sehun whispers “And no one will ever adore you as much as I will as well. Ever”

“I’ll hold you to that” Jongin chuckles.

“If you keep up your end of the deal, then we’ll never have a problem” Sehun states.

“Well then, I guess you’ll be stuck with me forever then” Jongin whispers before connecting their lips again.

A/N: If you have no idea what I was trying to describe as Sehun and Jongin's favourite spot... I'm sorry. It was inspired by this. I'm going to demand this in all my future homes.

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Megane_senpai #1
Chapter 6: I've reread this for the 1000th time and I still get strong fluffy feels. I can't help but giggle but also cringe at the cheese.
fyeahkpop101 #2
fyeahkpop101 #3
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 6: nice ending. all is good for sekai and vivi.
Chapter 5: Sehun did not buy her a new shirt, but she already forgave him without him having even asked for forgiveness. ^^ I really want to experience a love life now. Sadly, in real life, rarely any guys are this nice with their parents being just as nice. Oh well, I'll find my special someone one day. Sekai's relationship seriously makes me jealous though. >.< Overall, this was the sweetest, cutest thing ever! Anyways, see you next time! ;)
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 5: wow that was so sweet. so much love between them.
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 4: First off..OMO Fluffiness! That said..yeah, those window embrasues are dabomb!
Sapphire_Archer #8
Chapter 5: Jongin and Sehun literally have the ideal relationship; mutual understanding, doing little acts of love and appreciating what the others does for him. Love this chapter, its so calm and fluffy. Jongin seems like Sehun's protector and guardian angel and Sehun is just too adorable for his own good. He appreciates what Jongin does for him, but what got me hooked was the deep bond they have for each other. Absolutely love the way you portray the both of them. <3
Chapter 4: This is so cute and fluffy and Sehun ruining Jongin's mom's favorite is probably what's going to happen to me and my future mother-in-law, except I'm doing it on purpose. I hope Sehun buys her a new shirt or something to make up for it. I really like hjow you wrote Sehun and Jongin's relationship. I like how it's so balanced. Sehun is the spoiled one, but it's okay because Jongin likes spoiling him. ^^ Sekai already have the perfect relationship in real life and the way you write it makes it that much better.
Chapter 4: I love this fic... So cute, and fluffy, and squishy, and romantic, and now I want to have a a boyfriend, so that I can experience this... Omg, thank you for make my day. Love youu