occasional comforts

morning kisses


"I can almost hear how fast your heart is beating, babe" Jongin chuckles as he entwines Sehun's fingers with his to try and help calm his boyfriend down.

"Yeah, well, you're not the one that's about to go head on with someone who you're pretty sure doesn't like you" Sehun mutters as he continues to stare out the window, hand pressed against his cheek.

Jongin gives a quick glance over to Sehun and decides to make extra effort in helping his boyfriend calm down. Bringing their hands closer to his lips, Jongin presses his lips against the back of Sehun's hands, peppering multiple chaste kisses until he hears Sehun's quiet laugh beside him in the passenger seat.

They're currently driving over to Jongin's parents’ place and despite how Sehun would usually love to hog the steering wheel, he had insisted on Jongin driving them this time. When asked why, Sehun simply stated that his hands were barely stable enough to open the car door so he didn't want to imagine what it would be like to drive. Jongin had simply laughed at his boyfriend's explanation, earning himself a punch on the arm.

"How much longer until we're there?" Sehun asks when he suddenly recognises a familiar road.

"I'd give it about 3 minu... What the...?" Jongin was thrown off by Sehun's sudden laughter. Knowing it was probably a hysterical cry for help, Jongin slows down the car and parks by the curb.

Jongin waits patiently whilst Sehun fidgets in his seat, occasionally glancing over to Jongin who would give him a reassuring smile every time.

"Ok, let's go" Sehun tells him. Nodding, Jongin shifts the gears and presses down on the accelerator. When they turn the corner into the street of Jongin's childhood home, Jongin finds Sehun oddly calm. When he parks the car in front of the house, Sehun even shoots him a smile as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

Making their way towards the front door, Jongin watches Sehun in the corner of his eye, just in case he happens to suddenly malfunction again. Jongin rings the doorbell and on the other side he can hear his mother squealing and the dogs barking.

 As soon as the door is opened, the pair are faced with Jongin's mother smiling at them and three dogs jumping up and down on their hind legs. She's quick to usher them inside, complaining about the cold as she closes the door behind them.

“Go and take a seat in the living room for now. Dinner will be done in a moment” as she ushers them away. Sehun barely manages to greet Jongin’s dad when he pokes his head out of the kitchen.

Whilst waiting, Jongin leans closer to Sehun and whispers, “it’s a little different second time around, isn’t it?”

Sehun nods a little. The last time he visited, the atmosphere was so awkward and it was too quiet for his liking. Usually he wouldn’t be so difficult when meeting new people but it was a special occasion. Sehun turns his head a little and catches the smile on Jongin’s face.

“What are you smiling about?” Sehun wonders, narrowing his eyes. Jongin leans back into the chair and shrugs.

“Maybe it’ll be a nice evening for us because someone very awesome happened to help out a little” Jongin grins.

Sehun thinks for a moment and realises that Jongin must have asked his parents to help out because Jongin knew Sehun would probably be too nervous to even remember to breathe. Sehun reaches out and squeezes Jongin’s hand in silent thanks.

“Really? That’s it? That’s all I get?” Jongin feigns hurt. Sehun wrinkles his nose. “Then what do you want?”

Jongin shoots forward and steals a kiss from Sehun, causing the other to blush. Coming to his senses, Sehun whacks Jongin on the arm.

“We’re at your parents’ home. Behave yourself!” Sehun scolds.

“Oh, don’t mind us. Knowing that you two care about each other so much almost covers up how much that should have made us cringe from all the cheese”

Sehun whips his head around to see Jongin’s father grinning at the two of them, his wife leaning against his side. Sehun turns his head back to Jongin and glares, which had no effect on the other as he was dragged to the dining table for dinner.

Much to Sehun’s own surprise, dinner with Jongin’s parents went better than he could have imagined. Everyone was still seated around the dining table even though the food had disappeared a lot time ago. Now, they were simply talking and getting to know each other more. Even when they mentioned the previous events that happened when he first visited them, they were all able to laugh it off together.

“So how was it this time around?” Jongin’s mother asks Sehun as they all begin to bring the dishes into the kitchen sink.

“This time around?”

“Meeting us” Jongin’s mother smiles.

“Wonderful” Sehun answers in a heartbeat. “Though I really was nervous before, I have to admit. Especially after Jongin told me it was your favourite shirt I ruined”

Jongin’s mother lets out a hearty laugh. “Oh, my dear. Favourite shirts can be repurchased or found some place any other time. But a favourite person who is able to completely capture you heart, however, that’s something to be very protective over”

Sehun follows Jongin’s mother’s line of sight and sees Jongin’s father walking towards them with the last few plates, followed by Jongin himself.

“I agree” Sehun answers, eyes on completely fixated on Jongin. Jongin’s mother grins and pats him on the back before ushering everyone out of the kitchen and into the living room, telling them to worry about cleaning later.







To say that it was an enjoyable night for everyone would be a complete understatement. By the end of the night, Sehun and Jongin have sore cheeks from smiling and laughing too much with Jongin’s parents. Standing by the door as they leave, Jongin’s mother diving in first for a hug, followed by Jongin’s father.

“Be sure to come and visit again soon!” Jongin’s mother calls out to them before they turn to leave. Sehun and Jongin promise to do so and proceed to leave, hand in hand. Jongin takes the driver’s seat again seeing as how Sehun now seems too exhausted after spending the evening with Jongin’s parents.

Usually Jongin would say something to tease Sehun about worrying too much despite Jongin’s reassurance, but seeing how content Sehun was at the moment as he sat quietly in the passenger seat beside him, Jongin simply smiles and reaches out to hold his boyfriend’s hand.

“Today was great. You were great today, Sehun” Jongin tells him. Sehun grins at him and tightens his hold on Jongin’s hand. They both remain quiet for the rest of the ride home, the low volume of the radio music playing between them.

When they arrive home, they make their way into their rooms to change before heading to the bathroom to freshen up before heading to bed. It wasn’t time to go to bed, but it could be said that there was a mute agreement between the two of them that lying in bed together wouldn’t be too bad to end the day.

Jongin was the first to finish washing up and heads to bed first, climbing under the covers and resting his back on the headboard. Sehun later enters their room and walks over to the bed, where Jongin has his arms open for Sehun to climb into. Once they’re both comfortable, Sehun mindlessly runs his finger up and down Jongin’s forearm which is draped across his body.

“How was today?” Jongin asks, pressing a kiss on the crown of Sehun’s head. Burying his face into Jongin’s chest, Sehun answers, “Today was great. I’m glad I met them. Thank you for being with me the entire time to help me calm down”

Chuckling, Jongin shifts them till they’re both properly laying on the bed and on their respective pillows. He then props himself onto his elbow so that he’s leaning over Sehun. “I’ll always be here for you” he says, leaning down to kiss Sehun gently on the lips.

When Jongin pulls back, Sehun is quick to wrap his arms around Jongin’s neck to stop him from moving any further. Staring at each other in the eyes, they’re able to see the adoration and love that they have for each other. Smiling, Sehun pulls Jongin closer till they’re lips are barely touching.

“I love you” Sehun whispers.

“And I, you” Jongin whispers in reply before being pulled down by Sehun for another kiss.

A/N: HELLO, IT'S ME. IT'S BEEN A WHILE I'M SORRY. I've been busy and to be honest, I didn't really have any motivation to write at all but I found some spare time and some will in me to write this chapter. I don't know if this is done or not. I may or may not add another chapter, it depends. If I do then it'll probably be much longer since i feel like this is a bit too short for the last chapter.

I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading!

Love, aekcso

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Megane_senpai #1
Chapter 6: I've reread this for the 1000th time and I still get strong fluffy feels. I can't help but giggle but also cringe at the cheese.
fyeahkpop101 #2
fyeahkpop101 #3
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 6: nice ending. all is good for sekai and vivi.
Chapter 5: Sehun did not buy her a new shirt, but she already forgave him without him having even asked for forgiveness. ^^ I really want to experience a love life now. Sadly, in real life, rarely any guys are this nice with their parents being just as nice. Oh well, I'll find my special someone one day. Sekai's relationship seriously makes me jealous though. >.< Overall, this was the sweetest, cutest thing ever! Anyways, see you next time! ;)
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 5: wow that was so sweet. so much love between them.
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 4: First off..OMO Fluffiness! That said..yeah, those window embrasues are dabomb!
Sapphire_Archer #8
Chapter 5: Jongin and Sehun literally have the ideal relationship; mutual understanding, doing little acts of love and appreciating what the others does for him. Love this chapter, its so calm and fluffy. Jongin seems like Sehun's protector and guardian angel and Sehun is just too adorable for his own good. He appreciates what Jongin does for him, but what got me hooked was the deep bond they have for each other. Absolutely love the way you portray the both of them. <3
Chapter 4: This is so cute and fluffy and Sehun ruining Jongin's mom's favorite is probably what's going to happen to me and my future mother-in-law, except I'm doing it on purpose. I hope Sehun buys her a new shirt or something to make up for it. I really like hjow you wrote Sehun and Jongin's relationship. I like how it's so balanced. Sehun is the spoiled one, but it's okay because Jongin likes spoiling him. ^^ Sekai already have the perfect relationship in real life and the way you write it makes it that much better.
Chapter 4: I love this fic... So cute, and fluffy, and squishy, and romantic, and now I want to have a a boyfriend, so that I can experience this... Omg, thank you for make my day. Love youu