All Over Again.


Sitting on the waiting room chairs felt like sitting on a bunch of same shaped rocks. Xiumin tried every single one of them, and decided that it would be better if he just gave up trying to find a comfortable one. That day couldn’t be worse.

For a few moments he literally thought that that was the best day of his life, but it just crumbled down into what would probably be the worst.

He was waiting for someone to let him see Lu han for hours now, but he could still remember the moment he saw him on the floor. Tears were trying to find their way down his face, but his hands were too busy around his neck to try to wipe them out.

He couldn’t breathe.

When you have lung cancer, that’s one of the things you constantly think about. Seeing Lu han panicking almost stopped Xiumin’s heart, but it didn’t take long for him to come back to life and called out for help. They took him out of the room and Xiumin couldn’t run after them unless he wanted to find himself on the same position.

Apparently the tube connecting to his oxygen tank suffered a rupture so Lu han wasn’t receiving as much air as he needed. It was probably uncomfortable for him, but he didn’t complain about anything to either Xiumin or Baekhyun, so the situation went bad.

Xiumin. It was funny how he already adopted the new nickname.

He asked to see Lu han thousands of times, but they always replied saying that only the family could come in, and Xiumin always explained that his family was in China and couldn’t go inside the room.

All the nurses begged Xiumin to go back to his room and get some rest, but he refused to leave and lose a chance to speak with his roommate. They all said it wasn’t anything too serious, but they acted like it was.

Suddenly the chair felt weirdly comfortable. He laid his head on the wall and slowly closed his eyes. If they closed for a couple of seconds nothing would happen. It would be for just a couple of seconds.

It obviously wasn’t, though.

When he opened his eyes again, a blanket covered him and it was morning again. His eyes took a while to adjust to the awkward light and they finally met the boy sitting next to him.

“What did you dream with?”

Baekhyun’s voice sounded tired and he didn’t look at him. Xiumin wondered for how long he was sitting there with him. The boy wasn’t even wearing his work clothes, so that meant that he didn’t need to check on the other patients.

Xiumin moved on his chair so he could see him better and his back screamed as if telling him not to ever try sleeping on the waiting room again.

“I didn’t dream.”

The boy finally looked at him and they stared at each other for a few more moments before he spoke again.

“What are you doing here, Minseok?”

“I could ask you the same thing.”

A tired smile formed on both of their faces as the nurse looked down to his feet. Xiumin started to get afraid that he didn’t sleep.

“Yesterday was Chanyeol’s birthday, you know?” Baekhyun played with his hair as if trying to take the seriousness out of the conversation. “They called me. They said that my small quiet friend didn’t want to go to his room and that his friend had an accident with his oxygen.”

Xiumin wanted to tell him that he didn’t understand. He wanted to tell him that they didn’t let him see Lu han, that they didn’t give him updates about how he was, that he didn’t only want to see him for himself but also for Lu han. When he was on the floor and running out of air he screamed for Xiumin and now he was alone.

“Tell him happy birthday.” His voice came out slow and quiet, but he knew that Baekhyun heard him. “Tell him I’m sorry.”

“I’ll tell him it wasn’t your fault. He understands.”

Baek opened his coat and took out a blue box from the inside. It was his Buzz Lightyear lunchbox. He gave it to Xiumin and closed his coat again. It was probably cold, but Xiumin felt warm with the blanket around him.

“Kyungsoo made sandwiches for both you and Lu han.” The boy touched Xiumin’s hands and looked deeply into the boy’s eyes. “Please go get some real rest.”

He looked like he was completely worried. Stopping to think about it, Baekhyun visited Xiumin almost every day, gave him extra tasty sandwiches, always laughed at his bad jokes and was the closest thing he had to a friend.  He was his friend. He came to the hospital in the middle of the night just to tell Xiumin to rest.

“I don’t want to miss any updates on Lu han.”

“When they let you see him, would you like him to see you like this?” It was weird seeing Baekhyun so serious when he was always joking around about everything, but Xiumin understood why he had to act like this. “Why don’t you go and sleep in your room, when Lu han is ready to see you I’ll go wake you up and you can bring something for him? He is probably pretty bored in that room.”

They stared at each other and Xiumin noticed how dumb he was being. He wanted to hug Baekhyun tightly and ask him to just stay there with him, but that would be even dumber, so he just nodded slowly.

“He really likes to play with that Rubik’s cube.”

Baekhyun helped Xiumin get up and they slowly made their way towards Xiumin’s room. It was not as messy as he remembered it was. It was actually not messy at all except for the multiple pieces of paper on top of his bed. He almost forgot about them.

He walked towards his bed with the nurse behind him and grabbed one of the small papers. ‘Your eyes shine as bright as the sun’. It was Lu han’s. It was also another compliment.

He grabbed another paper and read it slowly. ‘You make me smile even when I’m not trying to.’ It was Lu han’s. It was also another compliment.

He was soon opening every single piece of paper he could and every single one of them had a compliment in it. Before he noticed tears were rolling down his face and he walked towards Baekhyun’s chest, who hugged him tightly and told him everything will be okay.




Xiumin was woken up by Baekhyun just like he promised to do so. He could visit Lu han now and he felt like he slept for a thousand years and all of his strength came back to him.

His new room was quite far away, though, which made the journey really hard. The whole way, the only thing Xiumin could think about was when Lu han was going back to their room. He could only wish that he was fine and there was nothing to worry about.

Baekhyun opened the door for him, but didn’t follow in. The image he saw was quite surprising.

Lu han was glowing. All the times Xiumin thought there was nothing that could make the boy prettier, he was wrong. There was a pretty smile on his face and his skin felt so alive comparing to how he looked before. Xiumin soon found himself paralyzed again. It was the same sensation from when they first met.

“I guess when I wrote down that your smile was breath taking I was sort of asking for it, uh?”

Tears formed on Xiumin’s eyes, but a big smile showed on his face while he ran on top of the bed and gave Lu han a tight hug. He was fine. He was there with him and everything would be alright.

“I was going to write that your smile could cure cancer, but I thought it would be a little mean.”

Xiumin gave a weak punch on the boy’s chest but didn’t dare to move an inch away from him. He was never going to let anything bad happen to him while he was there. He was going to stop being so afraid of everything.

“I thought you were leaving me. I thought I did something wrong.”

He felt Lu han bringing him even closer and Xiumin had to hold his breath not to cry. He never cried about anything, but thinking about the days he spent without Lu han made him notice how incomplete he was before.

“I would never leave you, Xiumin. You never did anything wrong.” Lu han rested his head on Xiumin’s, sending tingles down their backs. “You saved me.”

They stayed like that for what felt like eternity. The smooth heartbeats on Lu han’s chest were like lullabies, his hands were like if the sun was brushing his hair and his breath was like summer wind. Xiumin wasn’t sure, but he guessed he ended up falling asleep.

The door opened so loudly Xiumin woke up with a jump. It wasn’t Baekhyun, – who probably was already back to his house – but the younger nurse, Sehun. He stared at the two patients as they rubbed their eyes open, but decided to just leave lunch and left the room in silence.

Xiumin sat on the other side of bed with all the strength he found and took the blue box out of his coat. Lu han appeared to love the sandwiches more than anyone else. They shared a few jokes with their mouths full and soon found themselves walking back to their old room together while holding hands. It was a thing they did now.

Someone probably organized the room while he was out, because it looked exactly like the first day he saw it. They both hopped on Lu han’s bed and held each other just like they were doing before, but they didn’t dare to fall asleep.

Lu han’s fingers walked through Xiumin’s face, starting from his cheek, making their way up to the forehead, and then down to the tip of his nose, back to the forehead, and then down through the other cheek, finally stopping at his lips. Xiumin kissed them gently, and soon Lu han’s lips took their place.

Everything from that moment on was like heaven was trying to embrace him. He didn’t let it, though. All the nurses looked like angels and the air always smelled like lavender. Xiumin never really loved the smell of lavender, but Lu han said he thought it was pretty nice, so he ended up loving it just like he loved Lu han.

He loved Lu han.

People say that when you fall in love it works instantly. The first moment you lock your eyes on each other it feels like your souls finally found their way to each other. When your skin touches his, it feels like thunder runs through your veins, and it feels weirdly good. When your lips find their way towards his, it feels like your thoughts are dancing together and the only thing you can do is wish the song never stops.

People say you only fall in love once, but that’s not true. Every time Xiumin looks at Lu han, he falls in love all over again.




I would like to thank everyone who read till the end and everybody who supported me.

I would also like to let you know that I'm planning on writing another fanfic. This is one was more of a test one so I could get the hang of it. I swear I'll actually plan the other one so you won't have to wait a whole week for me to write a chapter because my freaking computer broke (yeah that happened)

You're awesome and I hope you find a coin in the street!

If you'd like to contact me you can find me on tumblr!

See ya later! ~


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Chapter 4: Soo... do they both end up dying in the end or...? You ended it with them being in love, but what happens after... I mean, they both do still have cancer.
Chapter 4: Awww! This is sooo nice ;A; Im so worried that smth might happen to Luhan but thank goodness that nothing did /sobs in relief/
jambydsy #3
Chapter 4: This was nice ... and sehun as a nurse ... wooaahh
jambydsy #4
Chapter 3: “You make me think of beautiful things.”
Aaawww soo cute
jambydsy #5
Chapter 2: Just a baby popping ... hell I am afraid too
jambydsy #6
Chapter 1: Experiment? ????? What the hell !!!
Chapter 3: Oh no! Is Luhan okay? > <
I really like this so far ^^ Fighting!
kimxiuhan #8
Chapter 1: Awesomeeeeeee!!!!! Plez,plz,plez update soon!!!!!