Random Questions


If someone told Minseok that they changed the Windows in his room for white walls He would have completely believed him.

His hands were pressed against the cold windows, but he didn’t care about that. A smile was glued on his face and it looked like it wasn’t coming off while he watched the snowflakes fall from the sky. He always felt a connection with the snow.

It was the first time he didn’t notice Lu han.

The boy was standing next to him and seemed to be enjoying the view outside. There was not a single inch not covered in snow and you almost couldn’t notice the sun was up unless you were looking for it.

Minseok’s eye met Lu han for the first time and he forgot about the snow completely. Lu han turned to look back at him and they found themselves in a common scene of their lives. Staring at each other in silence.

“What are you looking at?”

Lu han’s voice hit Minseok with surprise and he found himself with no response. He should compliment him. He should say how his eyes are beautiful, or how his skin is radiant, but the words seemed to stop on his throat and make their way back to his heart.

“You make me think of beautiful things.”

That was dumb. Of course he thought about beautiful things if he was thinking about Lu han, but there was nothing he could think about that would compare to him.

It was the first time he saw the boy blush, though. Maybe he was not that dumb.

The door opened with a loud thump and a tall boy rushed in, running towards Minseok with his arms opened wide.

“Little one!”

Chanyeol hugged him tightly and Minseok hit his back multiple times, asking for air. He couldn’t remember the last time he saw the boy, but if he was here, Baekhyun was probably close.

The tall boy set Minseok free and he hurried to sit down on his bed, taking deep breaths, but still with a smile on his face. It felt nice thinking he had friends.

Baekhyun hurried inside the room and stopped to analyze the scene. One of the patients looked scared, the other one looked like he was dying, and his boyfriend looked like the happy elf he always was. His hand flew to his forehead as to stop the rage he was feeling before.

“I told you not to do that, but you did it anyway.”

“It’s like you don’t know me anymore.”

Baek ignored him as he walked towards Minseok to see if he was okay. He nodded and got up to prove it. He was tough like that.

After both Lu han and Minseok put their coats on, the four boys left the rooms towards the nearest elevator. Baekhyun and Chanyeol walked in the front row as the tour guides while Minseok and Lu han walked in an awkward silent on the back. There was a lot of noise coming from the hospital rooms and the people talking, but all Minsoek could hear were his tank’s wheels matching Lu han’s.

The elevator jingle was the same since the first time Minsoek entered the hospital. The silence was the most surprising thing with Chanyeol between them, but it was at the same time comforting. It gave space for Minseok to think about better compliments for Lu han.

Both patients left the other boys on the elevator towards the nursery. The babies and the patients that have a hard time walking were normally close to the elevators, and Minseok thanked the universe for that.

The big window was not as cold as the one on his room, but it was still pretty enjoyable. The babies were either sleeping or just randomly quiet. It felt like the whole hospital went quiet while they watched their hands and big smiles. Minseok would like to have a baby someday so he could just stare at it. Minseok did a lot of staring these days, he should probably stop.

He felt something warm touch his hand and it sent tingles of heat down his back.

Lu han was holding his hand. They never did that before. It felt warm and nice, like they were made to be just like that.  Minseok took a step closer to the other boy and they stood like that for a couple more minutes, a smile forming on Minseok’s face.

“You make my day happy.”

Minseok looked up to the boy’s eyes and they stared at each other for a few more seconds.

“Any day spent with you is my favorite day.”

That was a nice compliment. He wished he could say pretty things to Lu han all day long, but he was getting tired of all this looking, so they decided to go back to their room.

They didn’t let go of each other’s hands.




The room didn’t feel as cold as before. The snow was still falling outside, but Minseok’s heart felt weirdly warm. He should probably get that checked.

They were both sitting on his bed with their legs crossed under their bodies.  After all this time, they decided that they didn’t know much about each other, so they were going to write down random questions, and whichever one you picked up, you had to answer it.

Minseok wasn’t sure about what to write, though. Everything he questioned about Lu han just vanished from his mind the moment their hands touched. He felt like he could trust him no matter what.

Lu han never stopped writing, though. Every time he blinked there were three more questions in front of them. Minseok wrote a couple of his down, but he could only think about multiples compliments for Lu han, so he just gave up and wrote what he could.

They mixed the small pieces of paper together and Lu han said Minseok could start. He was nervous about it, but grabbed a bad folded one from the middle of the pile. It was one of his.

“What superpower would you like to have?”

It was a tricky question and everyone knew about that. He took a few seconds to think about it, but it was easy for Minseok.

“The snow. Frost manipulation.”

A smile formed on the other boy’s lips, but his eyes looked weirdly sad. His eyebrows were pressed together in the middle and his posture was so bad that a few more inches and he would be lying on the bed with his belly down. Minseok didn’t want to ask about it, though.

“If you had that superpower, what would you have as your superhero name?”

His voice was weird, too. Minseok tried to focus on the question and an answer popped on his head.


“I shall call you that.”

A nickname. Minseok was suddenly hit by a wave of happiness and a smile formed on his face. He almost missed Lu han’s question, but the boy made sure to clean his throat before reading from the paper.

“What’s your favorite animal?”

Out of every single piece of paper in that small pile all the ones they were picking were Xiumin’s. His cheeks went pink with embarrassment. His questions were dumb.

“Probably the deer. It’s calm and peaceful.”

Xiumin nodded accordingly and grabbed a paper from the pile. It wasn’t his. He had to stare at it for a few seconds before being able to speak it out loud. A smile didn’t let him speak.

“Your smile is breath taking.”

It was a compliment. Lu han liked his smile and, even being happy about that, Xiumin couldn’t understand why. He pushed his legs out of the bed and stared at Lu han for a couple of seconds.

“I’ll go to the bathroom.”

Closing the door behind him, he hurried in front of the mirror and just stared at himself. His face was too round and his hair was beginning to get too long and soon he wouldn’t be able to see anything. The tube under his nose was the thing he hated the most. He tried to smile again, but for the first time he noticed that the weird tube made it completely uncomfortable. How could Lu han like something like that?

He heard a pound coming from the room and he got worried at first, but he soon got his mind out of it. A few second later he heard Lu han coughing, and it felt like he would never stop.

His heart ached and he hurried to the door before listen to the painful voice of the pretty boy calling out for him.

Opening that door was like the beginning of a nightmare.

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Chapter 4: Soo... do they both end up dying in the end or...? You ended it with them being in love, but what happens after... I mean, they both do still have cancer.
Chapter 4: Awww! This is sooo nice ;A; Im so worried that smth might happen to Luhan but thank goodness that nothing did /sobs in relief/
jambydsy #3
Chapter 4: This was nice ... and sehun as a nurse ... wooaahh
jambydsy #4
Chapter 3: “You make me think of beautiful things.”
Aaawww soo cute
jambydsy #5
Chapter 2: Just a baby popping ... hell I am afraid too
jambydsy #6
Chapter 1: Experiment? ????? What the hell !!!
Chapter 3: Oh no! Is Luhan okay? > <
I really like this so far ^^ Fighting!
kimxiuhan #8
Chapter 1: Awesomeeeeeee!!!!! Plez,plz,plez update soon!!!!!