
snow white
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By mid day, Suho had calmed down considerably. He weighed his options. Being the only adult left he couldn't just up and leave to search for Kris. He needed to be there to look after the kingdom, because unlike some people he was responsible. He put together a search team and sent them out to find Kris' whereabouts. Then he went about regulating the day's tasks making sure that in Kris' absence the kingdom doesn't go into chaos, because when Kris would come back he would need a functional kingdom to run.

Next came the period of depression. Delegating tasks to people Suho retired to his and Kris' room. He couldn't go around feeling the way he was right now. He needed to keep up the appearance that he was the second King of the Kingdom, Kris' husband. He couldn't let his emotions put a dent on Kris' reputation, however lackluster it may be. But Kris would come back right? What if he had driven him away. He knew Kris was too good to be true, too good to be his. What was he after all? Just a pretty face. Even he knew that he had not much more to him than that. He had been told that enough times in life. While his brother was praised for his accomplishments, anyone who looked at Suho would praise his face instead of his accomplishments. And why would they. They weren't as good as his brother's. Suho felt overburndened by his emotions and pulled his covers over him; curling into a fetal position, he let his heart out through tears. He must have cried for an hour before he fell asleep with insecure thoughts crushing him under their weight. He woke up an hour later and saw that his maid had left him some pills for a headache, some chocolate and a big soft teddy bear. He blessed her inside his head before grabbing the teddy and lying down on the bed again.

Pouting, he started talking to the bear, "Why did you marry me? What did you see in me? You could have done so much better......I thought you actually liked me.....Do you not like me anymore? Why did you leave me alone here?....Did I do something wrong? That is a silly question, of course I ed up big time. I should have stopped when I first saw you angry. Instead I kept acting like an idiot......." Suho kept mumbling to himself and the teddy.


Suho jolted to sitting position at the sound of someone clearing their throat. He hadnt heard anyone come in. This was so embarassing, he couldn't even look at the person to see who it was who came in. Nor that it mattered. After all, it wasn't Kris. Nothing mattered if it wasn't Kris. So Suho did what made sense to his embarassed cute little head, he stayed hidden behind his big teddy while turning his body towards the person who came in.

The intruder chuckled at such a cute sight. "Pardon my intrusion sire," it was his maid, "I thought you might still be sleeping so forgive me for walking in with

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i am on temporary hold until December 1. I have too much going on in life and i don't have the time to write. I might update once or twice until then.


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2451 streak #1
that moment of Suho and Minseok was so sweet tho!
istg Luhan has negative points and he has to do more to finally earn Kris's approval, but Kris will just agree if it's what Minseok wants anyway HAHAHAHAHAHA

thank you for this authornim! enjoyed reading it a lot!

2451 streak #2
Chapter 42: Rise is right! WOO HIM KRIS!!! it would definitely help appease Suho's insecurities
2451 streak #3
Chapter 41: Chapter 41: Suho! Kris already bared his heart to you, time to think abt what yoi really want as well... everyone can have 2nd chances, they say you'd regret it more if you don't take it coz not everyone is given another chance
2451 streak #4
Chapter 40: i knew it! no way Kris wouldn't go to Suho! i had a feeling he was there already! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
but ofc, Suho needs time... he's battling his inner demons right now,and Kris just has to be patient coz it's not gonna be instant
2451 streak #5
Chapter 38: Suho knows that Kris is not the man his cousins are painting him to be, but he's just full of insecurities for now that he's denying everything... UGHHHHHHH
2451 streak #6
Chapter 37: Suho has precious cousins!!! they genuinely care and look out for him!
2451 streak #7
Chapter 36: who would've thought that Kris was friends with the dwarves? maybe he also stumbled upon their territory when he was younger? lol

anyway, go get your man Kris! stop his wallowing in self pity!
2451 streak #8
Chapter 35: "in my last childish act" HIHIHI
SO NICE THAT EVERYTHING HAS BEEN CLEARED UP! only one thing remains to be fixed and that is Kris and Suho's relationship!

Minseok even asking abt his history with Tao LMAO
2451 streak #9
Chapter 34: why was Yixing lmao
also, abt time Minseok knew the real story! FINALLY!
2451 streak #10
also, Minseok really bent on his belief that Suho wants to kill him WHEN THAT'S NOT THE CASE AT ALL! UGHHHHHH