To Dearest Unnie

A Letter to You


Dear dearest unnie,
Did you know that I had encountered countless fights with my other self over one, simple yet stupid, matter of contacting you? Did you know that I had repeatedly typed and untyped your number over my phone screen just because I was afraid that my call might be an unwanted one for you? And did you know that I had shamelessly typed your name on the search engine and stalked both your instagram and weibo just because I wanted to know your well-being?
Knowing or not knowing—heck, it doesn’t even matter for me. Really. But in case you didn’t know, now I’m telling you. For what purpose? You might have asked that—and I’ll answer your question with, “Just because. Probably you're curious about my well-being too.”
Okay, now I’m being too delusional, aren’t I? Forgive me, yes? It is just that, I don’t really know what I should say to you in this letter. You might have asked me for the second time, with a hint of scolding, “Then why the hell are you writing me a letter, Im Yoona?”—and I’ll answer your second question with, "Just because. Probably you want me to send you a letter. Or probably you miss me too, like I always do.”
Dear dearest unnie,
The idea of having a time machine is very tempting, don’t you think? If I had one, I would certainly go back to the time when I still could freely cling on to you and vice versa. I would go back to the time when we didn’t give a damn about the speeches that came out from our manager’s mouth and kept fooling around on every stage we had. I would go back to the time when you posted a couple of my face on your social media and even claimed me as your little rascal, without having the thought of deleting every post with me or other members on it some time later. I would certainly go back to the time when we were shamelessly giving everyone our public display of affections because we just loved and cared for each other that much.
But to think further about it, I choose not to have one. The idea might be tempting, but if it means that you wouldn’t be as free and happy as you are right now, then no. I’d rather cling on to that beautiful memories we had together by myself, unnie. Your happiness is more important than anything that might be able to bring you back to me—to us.
And on their behalf and also mine, we—I deeply apologise for every hurt and inconvenience we have caused you. We are really sorry. We really are. I really am.
Unnie. Jessica unnie.
Oh damn, how I wished I could freely shout it out loud to the world now. In front of your face with my cutest voice ever would be even better.
Sadly, I couldn’t. I’d do it countless time on my head, then. Don’t you ever try to stop me, unnie—or else, I’ll give you a package of cucumbers.
Dear dearest unnie,
, I have tears on my eyes now. Better stop writing you this letter immediately before they stained the paper. Surely I don’t want you to laugh out loud when you find out that I was crying while writing you this letter. Better save myself from future humiliation you might attack me.
Though I doubted that this letter would make it to your hands, still, I wish you nothing but the best. I wish you nothing but a brighter and better future. I wish you nothing but to feel content in every second, every milisecond of your life. 
Because I know, you deserve all the best of the best thing that this world offers, Jessica unnie. And if ever you need me, give me a call. or a text certainly fine too.
Till the next time then, dearest unnie.



The who misses you so so much,
Im YoonA 


Instead of giving the deer a text or a call, she decided to meet her physically. 
She felt her bones were about to break into pieces as a tight hug suddenly enveloped her whole body. But she didn’t mind, because this one girl worth more than her bones. Or anything, if there’s any.
“Yoongie, since when you learned to curse that much? It's Tiff who taught you that, isn’t she?” And she felt her body being hugged even tighter.
Jessica Jung hoped for nothing but the time to stop ticking—because she was happy, she was content; and nothing could ever change the fact that Im YoonA was one, out of few, people that could make her content this instant.
“Goodness, this is ing real. You are here and you’re real.” 
Probably, she should both scolded and thanked Tiffany Hwang for adding curse words to her precious rascal’s dictionary later on. 


Been a long time since the last time I updated this collection. Out of anything, I only wish for the rumour of Im YoonA and Jessica Jung still in contact with each other to come true. Even if it really is to good to be true, anyway.
So, dedicated to my delusional thought over this issue, here it is, a letter from (imaginary) Im Yoona to her dearest unnie, Jessica Jung.
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Whoah, another letter was written! Enjoy :)


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Chapter 6: please update soon
KM_3451 #2
Chapter 6: Reading yoong letter to jessica make me reminise their moment too.. And I feel like im going to cry too.. Authorshii..I wish it is true tho the rumour that yoong still contact with jess too and krystal too.. Both yoong and krystal look awkward now but hope it just for show ...
nyonyo3012 #3
Chapter 6: wow. this letter make me crying like a baby.. i wish they are still in contact, and goes to their relationship too, all of them.. i miss yoonsic.. huhuhuu
Chapter 6: I also got heard the news I was so happy if that's true Damn I'm in love with them but if not nvm like what you wrote before I will attached myself to their memory itself
Dear yoonsic I miss both of you especially you Jessica . If you ever read this for real I as a SONE still support both SNSD & Jessica
I think yoonsic still keep in touch and at China many they met ? Lol my imagination hhaah
Chapter 6: I also got heard the news I was so happy if that's true Damn I'm in love with them but if not nvm like what you wrote before I will attached myself to their memory itself
Dear yoonsic I miss both of you especially you Jessica . If you ever read this for real I as a SONE still support both SNSD & Jessica
I think yoonsic still keep in touch and at China many they met ? Lol my imagination hhaah
princehades #6
Chapter 6: Thanks for the latest letter. It makes my love for yoonsic bloom again tho. I do miss Jessica now XD
Kiddie13 #7
Chapter 6: Wow.. I knew about the rumour that said sica and snsd members are still in contact, they just didnt show it to the public, and I was so damn happy when I read it!! Dont even care if its real or not, Lol. Just because probably you missed me, lol of course she missed you, you're her little rascal after all :p thank you for this update, and the letter!! Hehe
Chapter 5: Just found these stories and i have to say they are really beautiful! I love how it shows yoona's true inner feelings and also her close bonds with the people around her! Do continue writing these letters thank you ^^
Chapter 5: Jessica isnt it?
Miss her so much...
nyonyo3012 #10
Chapter 5: Hmm.. Isnt that from sica unnie?? If it true, thats gonna be sweet.. I hope they still had a sister-love relationship.. Miss jessi unnie so much...