Christmas Part 1

Falling for My Fake Girlfriend....Again

"Stupid stupid stupid!" Kai hit his head with his hands furiously. 

He had missed his chance once again. He couldn't tell her, not today. Not when Ye Na was so happy.
After they broke the kiss, he told her she should go home and celebrate more with her family. Ye Na agreed and left soon after, leaving Kai alone at the park in his own misery. 
"Idiot." Kai shook his head as he stared at himself in the rear view mirror. He couldn't bare the sight of himself, even his own face disgusted him. Kai turned the mirror away. Even though he knew the longer he dragged this out that it would hurt more Ye Na more, Kai couldn't tell her. 
He knew he was being a coward and a bastard, but couldn't he be selfish for a little while longer? 
He couldn't, and that made it even worse. 
And so, the days went by. Ye Na and Kai went on their usual dates every weekend, they would hang out after school most of the days, he would visit her at work. It basically became Ye Na = Kai, and Kai = Ye Na. The two were inseparable. And that made both of them happy. 
They were in love. The purest and happiest love you would ever see. Their relationship was pure happiness and passion. Each time they would see each other, they fell in love all over again. And that would be true, until the day they died. 
Kai loved Ye Na with all his heart, and she loved him. Nothing else mattered to them.
But even though their own little world was happy, everything on the outside was about to crumble down. 
Tiffany noticed how much Kai liked Ye Na, and it angered her to the point where her blood boiled. The more time Kai spent with Ye Na, the less he spent with Tiffany. She hated Ye Na more than ever now. Ye Na got the love from her parents that Tiffany could only dream of, she wasn't gonna let Ye Na take her best friend away. 
"Oppa jump! Jump dammit I said jump!!!" Ye Na yelled to Kai. BF4 and Ye Na were at Kai's house hanging out and playing video games. 
They were supposed to be studying but when the other guys came over, well, who can study when with friends anyway? 
Kai's character in the game was fighting zombies and Ye Na was telling him to jump so he could dodge their attacks but Kai wouldn't listen, causing his player to get stabbed. Kris, Lay, and Chanyeol chuckled at the death of Kai's character since theirs were still going strong in the game.
"." Ye Na whacked him on the back of the head. "I told you to jump didn't i?!" 
"Yeah yeah yeah." Kai rolled his eyes and slumped back into the couch.
"You never listen." She shook her head, actually feeling irritated. "This is why you keep failing your tests!" Ye Na kicked his leg, hard.
"OW! YAH." He yelled rubbing his throbbing calf in pain. "What did you say four eyes? I fail all of my tests?!" He retorted.
"Bwah?! F- four eyes?!" Ye Na gasped when he said that. Was he really stooping so low? Ye Na grabbed his hair and began yanking it around. "Say it again! I dare you!" She yelled as Kai screamed in pain trying to pry her fingers off his luscious locks.
"YAH. YAH!" Kai yelled as his head shook around. "MY HEAD IS PRECIOUS! IF I TELL THE GIRLS AT SCHOOL THAT YOU YANKED KIM JONGINS HAIR, THEY WONT LET YOU OFF!!" He screamed still in pain. Ye Na tighened her gripped when he said that and grabbed Kris's water bottle and began hitting him with that as well. The other guys had to pause the game because they were laughing so hard. 
"Fricken idiot." Ye Na pushed Kai away after she got tired. "I cant stand you sometimes." She huffed a sigh with her arm crossed. Even though she loved him, he made her want to pull her hair out. 
"The feelings mutual, ." He muttered angrilly. Ye Na looked at him threatingly. "What did you say?!" She grabbed his collar menacingly. 
Kris chuckled to Lay and Chanyeol. "Man, I wish  one day I could have a love like that."
"I know right. They're just so sweet and loving to one another." Lay sighed sarcastically. 
"." Ye Na mumbled as she sat as far away from Kai as she could. 
"Nerd." Kai muttered back to her with his arms crossed as well. 
Trust me, they were very much in love.
Christmas was right around the corner. The stores were bustling with people trying to get gifts, the malls were putting out their sales for clothes and other items, Christmas trees were going up everywhere, and the Kim Family was at their house decorating their tree with Ye Na.
"Everyone smile!!" Mrs. Kim took out her phone to take a picture of Sae Ron, Ye Na, and Mr. Kim putting ornaments. The three smiled as she took the picture and continued placing the objects after it was taken. 
"I like this one." Mrs. Kim smiled when she looked at it. Mrs. Kim felt like she had gained another beautiful daughter when Kai started dating Ye Na. The family loved Ye Na. But Sae Ron loved her the most. Sae Ron felt like she had gotten a big sister, one that she could look up to and talk to whenever she needed. Ye Na went to every one of Sae Rons games and cheered her on, especially when her parents or Kai couldnt make it. And for that, Sae Ron was grateful.
The whole family felt like the recieved a new family member.
"Unni! Can you hand me three angels?" Sae Ron called to Ye Na who was by the boxes of decorations. Ye Na nodded and took out the said items. She handed them to the little one and helped her put them on. Kai watched from the background with a big smile on his face. Ye Na wasn't only good with old people and kids, but she was amazing with his family. And that was one of the reasons why he loved her all the more. 
His smile went away when his phone started ringing. He looked down at the caller ID: Tiffany.  Kai looked at Ye Na and his family together before disappearing into the kitchen. 
"Hello?" He answered quietly rubbing the back of his neck. 
"Oppa! When're you gonna decorate your tree?" Tiffany asked. 
. Kai's mind practically blew up. 
Almost ever year, Tiffany would come over and help decorate the tree. But this year, they all forgot when Ye Na came. 
"Uhh, Tiff..." Kai banged his fists on his head in frustration. 
"Tiff?" Tiffany thought to herself. Kai never called her Tiff. It was always either Tiffany or Miyoung or Fany. Something was very wrong with him. "Oppa is everything ok?" 
"Uh, Tiffany. I- actually, Ye Na is here right now decorating the tree with us..." He told her. Kai could almost hear her heart break. 
"Y- Ye Na?" Tiffany repeated. Did she hear him correctly? "Oppa..." 
"I know. Im sorry." He said leaning against the counter. Kai felt like a jerk. First, he couldnt tell Ye Na about the cruel joke, and Second, he was completely ignoring Tiffany.
There was a long pause on the other line. Kai began to wonder if she had hung up. But then he heard her take a deep breath. "Oppa..." Tiffany began, "Dont you think its time to end the joke? Its starting to get boring now..." She confessed. 
A lump formed in his throat. He wasnt ready to end the joke. He had fallen for Ye Na too hard to end now, not so soon. "Fany yah..." He said, "Actually, I..." But he couldnt finish his sentence because Tiffany interrupted him. 
"I have to go now. I'll see you at school on Monday. Bye." And with that, she hung up. Tiffany knew what he was gonna say. But she wasnt ready to hear the words actually come out of his mouth. Tiffany wasnt ready for her puppy Kai to reject her. The Kai that she had taken advantage for, the one who had been with her since day one, was gone. And she wasnt ready to face that. She had to end this now, before he left her any more than he already had. 
Kai slammed his phone on the counter and ran his fingers through his hair, frustrated and angry. Not at Tiffany or Ye Na, but at himself. He was angry for not telling Ye Na, he was angry for letting himself fall in love with her, he was angry for agreeing to this stupid joke in the first place. 
Ye Na heard a slam from the kitchen and went to check on Kai. She walked in and saw him leaning against the counter, his head hung low. "Oppa." She called softly. Kai looked up at her. "Is everything okay?" she asked walking over to him. "You look tense." 
But he wasnt, not anymore at least. That was the affect she had on him. She made all his troubles go away with just a touch,  with just a look. An affect that would last the rest of his life.
"Im fine." He forced a smile and took her hand. "Lets go." Kai said and led her back out to the living to. 
"Guys come on." Mrs. Kim called when she saw the couple walking out of the kitchen. "Sae Ron and Appa are about to put the angel on the top of the tree." She ushered the two over to her. 
Ye Na and Kai scurried over and smiled at the daughter and father. Mr. Kim lifted Sae Ron up high as she reached to place it on top. 
"Say cheese!!" Mrs. Kim called. 
"Cheese!" Sae Ron and Mr. Kim smiled towards the camera. The flash went off as the angel sat upon the tip of the tree. 
"It looks amazing." Kai said at the beautifully lit plant. 
"It does, doesnt it?" Mrs. Kim smiled to him. "I think it looks the prettiest this year out of the previous Christmases." She said glancing over at Ye Na who was talking to Mr. Kim
Ye Na was helping Mrs. Kim clean the dishes when she remembered something. "Oh yeah! I almost forgot." She began and turned to the family. "My parents are having a Christmas party on Christmas and we wanted to invite you guys." She said. 
"All of us?" Mr. Kim asked. 
"Mhm. My parents do it every where. We all invite our close family and friends and havve a big party at our house on Christmas. You'll come neh?" She asked with hopefulness in her eyes. 
"Of course." Mrs. Kim smiled. "We'll be there." Ye Na smiled and clapped for joy. 
Hey guys!!!! Wheeeew, Im sorry if this chapter didnt have any cute moments or you just didnt like it but I figured since its been like 2 weeks sincec I last updated, I had to squeeze one in since I was sick today and didnt go to school. Well, tell me what you think in the comments and dont forget to subscribe! You guys are all the best! Bye! <3 ~sasha authornim
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Hey thank you so so so much for all the love you've given me through this story! if you wanna read more of my stories, subscribe to My Other Half with Kai (:


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Zahraliebi #1
Chapter 31: I miss this story :(
-kimmyeons #2
Chapter 31: I miss Park Bom tooooㅠㅠ awwwwwie cannot wait for the next update AJSHSKSJ
Chapter 31: I am glad I found this chapter. hehe!
Chapter 31: Gaaaaaaa. So sweet of Jongin and Sae Ron is such a cutie. :)))) I missed my mother for this chapter. Hehe. Lee Ye Na. Omg. This is it!!! T.T thanks for the update authornim. ^^
Chapter 30: Huhuhu. Manager hyung why don't you let Jongin go after her even if there are too many paparazzi. Kai go after her and please let Ye Na be okay with him now, like start a new open life. Huhuhu. KaiNa forever!!!!
Lillybellsun #6
Chapter 30: KaiNa ship sets sail<3
Lillybellsun #7
Chapter 30: omg.. this is such a good story.. why haven't I come across this before>.<
-kimmyeons #8
Chapter 29: I need both of them to settle everything out and being a couple again so I can go mushy mushy and smile like an idiot again.
Chapter 29: Anticipation...