ually Frustrated

Falling for My Fake Girlfriend....Again

Ye Na and Kai sat in their fourth period class, bored out of their minds.

"....and so, the great king of Korea met his demise soon after...." The teacher went on and on in his monotone voice as he read from the book. 
Half of the class was already asleep, Ye Na and Kai were trying hard not to slumber. Ye Na kept lightly hitting her cheeks to stay awake while Kai took a drink of water every time his eyes started to close. Tiffany's head was leaning on Taeyeons as they both slept. 
Kai glanced over and smiled at her peaceful face. She looked so serene and calm in her sleep. He wished he could keep that expression on her beautiful face forever. 
He looked over at Ye Na who's eyes were closing once again. She jumped when her head slid off her hand. Kai lightly smirked at her clumsiness. Ye Na yawned and shook her head to keep awake.
 Kai looked forward and ripped a small piece of paper off of his worksheet. He wrote a note down on it and glanced at the teacher. The teacher looked as tired as the students were so Kai figured he wouldn't even notice if they all just left.
He turned back around and threw the paper at Ye Na.
The little piece of crumpled worksheet landed on her own paper. She blinked and looked at Kai. He made a motion of his hands to open the note. Ye Na picked it up and unraveled it.
"Bathroom, 5 minutes." 
Ye Na read the note to herself. She blinked and looked at him. 
Kai gave her a questioning thumbs up. Ye Na bit her lip before she decided to do it. She nodded to his invitation.
Kai smiled and turned forward to raise his hand.
The teacher lazily looked up. "Neh?" 
"Ssem, can I go to my locker? I forgot something." He lied.
The teacher sighed with irritation. "Be quick Jongin." He ordered. Kai nodded and got up to leave the room. 
He left the room, and in the window from the room, he told Ye Na to hurry up. 
Ye Na nodded and waved to him that she was coming. 
After a few minutes, Ye Na left the room as well. She peered around the corner but didn't see her man. "Kai?" She softly called. 
He slowly came up behind her and tickled her sides. Ye Na yelped before turning around and slapping him across the face. 
"OW! YAH!" He exclaimed in pain. 
Her jaw dropped to the floor as she saw that it was Kai who had tickled her. "Oppa!" She gasped as he held his reddened cheek. "Oppa are you okay?" She rushed over to him and looked at his cheek.
"Yah." He scoffed at her. "Were you as a little girl or something??" 
Ye Na bit her lip. "Ani...I'm just jumpy..." She told him.
"Sheesh." He shook his head. "I can never surprise you without something hurting me whether it be your vicious demon dog or my own girlfriend." 
Ye Na swooned when he said girlfriend. She felt her stomach churn inside and she loved every minute of it. "Mianhe." She bit back a smile. "Well now you know not to scare me anymore." 
Kai sighed as they began to walk. "I guess." He slipped his hand in hers which made Ye Na's neck crawl, in the good way though. 
"Why did you wanna come out?" She asked trying to create conversation. 
Kai shrugged in response. "I just wanna to spend some time alone with my girlfriend." 
"He said girlfriend again." Ye Na nearly fell over from happiness. She smiled and looked down as they walked. 
They reached the bathrooms and Kai felt Ye Nas hand slip from his. He looked over at her. "I'll be right back." She told him.
"Where are you going?" He asked slightly confused.
"Bathroom. I'll feel guilty if I don't go since I asked." She slightly chuckled before disappearing through the door. 
Kai blinked trying to process what he just heard. "....she'll....feel guilty?" He repeated. Was this the same cold hearted that Tiffany talked about? Because he was sure as hell that not even the best student in the school would do something as good as that. 
Ye Na came out a few minutes later and saw Kai leaning against one of the walls. "Let's go." She told him with a smile. 
He never noticed how pretty her smile really was. She had lips almost as full as his. Her teeth were perfectly white and straight from the work of the braces. She had pretty pink lips that were full and luscious.
He wondered how he never saw that before. 
They linked hands again. It was becoming a regular thing with them. Ye Na loved every time she would feel his hand with hers. 
"You go in first, I'm gonna stop at my locker." Kai ordered her softy.
Ye Na and let go of his hand before going in leaving him alone with his thoughts. 
Kai walked to his locker and opened it but didn't move after that.
He looked down at his hand. It felt cold now that there wasn't something holding it. It felt alone. He felt alone.
"Ye Na!" Mrs. Lee called from downstairs. "Do you wanna go to the store with me?" 
"Yeah!" Ye Na yelled downstairs. "I'll be down soon!" She grabbed her sweatshirt and pulled it over her head letting the hood rest on her hair. 
"I'll be in the car." Lee Omma said when she saw Ye Na hurdling down the stairs.
"Okay." Ye Na said. She took another step down but tripped over her sweatpant leg and took a dive into the carpet.
"Safe!" Mr. Lee threw his hands up in the air from the couch. Ye Na chucked and jumped up. She hugged her dad goodbye and winded out the door letting the cold November air into the house.
"Oppa!" Sae Ron called coming into Kai's room. He looked up from his laptop at her. "Omma says to go to the store. She needs you to get a few things." 
Kai slightly groaned while pushing his laptop away. "Why can't you do it?" He asked like it was an actual question. Sae Ron raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms. 
"If you want me to do it then give me your car keys. I'd love to crash your car." She challenged putting her hand out for him. 
Kai ruffled her hair and pushed her aside. "Go play with your barbies or something Rat." He said to her before going the stairs.
"If I'm a rat then you're a rats older brother!" She yelled down to him. 
"What do you need omma?" He asked walking into his mothers study. 
"Your father wants to make lasagna tonight. Can you get these things?" She handed him a piece of paper from her seat.
"Does dad even know what lasagna is?" Kai smirked as he read down the list. 
"I've got the fire department on speed dial. I think we'll be okay." Mrs. Kim chuckled. Kai laughed before leaving his mother alone for her to finish her work.
"I'm gonna quickly go check on Hye Soo and how the baby is. I'll be right back." Mrs. Lee said to Ye Na as they walked down the street towards the market and the apartment buildings nearby. Hye Soo was one of the guitarist in Infinite Song. Her and husband just had a baby girl and Mrs. Lee wanted to see how she was doing. "I'll be fast so you just get some of the stuff and I'll be back before you're done." 
Ye Na nodded as she scrolled through her phone. "Arasso." She walked mindlessly into the store but her mind was too focused onto her phone. "Omo ottoke ottoke!!!" Ye Na squealed as she read through the story. "I knew he'd save her!!!!" She did a little dance in her place that made some people glance over at her. Ye Na became even happier as she read forward. "Holy crap he's so perfect oh my god." She swooned with a hand over her heart. She walked into one of isles where the frozen pizzas were. 
She kept walking forward and bumped into someone tall and lean. "Oof!" She yelped as the items from his hands fell down. "Oh I'm so sorry." She bowed her head and began picking them up.
Kai looked at Ye Na picking up the fallen objects and lightly smiled. "Yah." He nudged her.
"Neh?" She looked up. "Oppa!" She exclaimed with surprise. "What're you doing here?"
"Watch where you're going Pabo." He lightly shoved her head. 
"Mianhe." She bit her lip. "I was just too into my story." Ye Na confessed.
"What story?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows.
Ye Na realized that what she had been reading was pretty embarrassing as her cheeks turned red. "Nothing!" She yelled and hid her phone behind her back.
Kai gave her a weird look. "What were you reading?" He asked mysteriously as he reached for her phone. 
"Nothing!" She argued and backed away from him. 
"Oh come on." He wrapped an arm around her waist trying to get it. Ye Na slapped his hand away but he was persistent. He fought with her to get the phone and eventually retrieved it from her grasp.
Kai quickly walked away with Ye Na hot on his tail as he began to read the words. "Yoochun held her struggling hands against the wall in the dark hallway. For some reason he couldn't seem to let go. Ji Won stared into his pitch black eyes, without moving an inch of her body. They heard the professors heavy foot prints walk away. But the two didn't move. He stared at her, frozen. She felt his hot breath against her lips which made her eyes automatically shut. He yearned for her and began slowly moving into her lips.." He slowly stopped reading and faded out. 
Ye Na wanted to die right there. Kai looked at her. "Yah." He scoffed. "Are you ually frustrated or something?"
"ANI!" She yelled defensively. "It's a fanfiction! What do you expect?!" 
Kai looked at the phone and scrolled up. "It's rated M!" He exclaimed showing her the screen. 
"It's only that one chapter!" She argued and snatched the phone out of his hands and quickly slipped it into the side pockets of her sweatshirt. 
Kai smiled at how nervous and embarassed she was and decided to play with her some more. "Ye Na yah...I know we only started dating like a couple days ago but if you really wanna go to that...i guess i could..." He rubbed the back of his head playing along with his joke. 
Ye Na's dropped to the floor at his offer. "YAH." She glared at him. "I DONT WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH THAT YET!!! DONT YOU DARE TOUCH ME." 
Kai raised an eyebrow at her. "Is that why you're reading online ??" He accused making people give them weird and disturbed looks. Ye Na blushed crimson as she slapped a hand over his mouth. 
"Im gonna tie you up and throw you into the ocean if you dont shut up." Ye Na gritted her teeth as she pulled on his hair.
Kai lightly growled under his breath. "Unf. ." He purred. 
"Thats it." She pushed him away. "Im never talking to you again." She said while walking away.
"YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME LEE YE NA!!" Kai hollared after her. Ye Na covered her ears and walked away quicker into the next aisle. Kai smirked and chased after her. 
"AH! OPPA STOP IT!" Ye Na laughed when he caught her from behind and began tickling her sides. Ye Na shrieked and tried to slap him away but his firm arms around her were too tight. 
Other people around them flashed them annoyed looks and some of the workers gave each other the 'stupid teenagers' look. But Ye Na and Kai were in their own world. 
He was too busy tickling her and Ye Na was too busy trying to free herself from his evil clutches to notice the stares they were gaining. 
"Im gonna break up with you if you dont stop!!" Ye Na hissed one last time. 
"You like me too much to break up with me." He said back as he finally stopped bothering her. Ye Na panted as she rested her hands on her kneees. SHe finally calmed her breathing and stood up straight again. 
"Oppa..." She said softly. "Come here." Letting out a long sigh. 
Kai looked at her warily. "Wae?" 
Ye Na clucked her tongue and just irritated waved for him to come closer to her. He hesitantly walked over to her. Ye Na placed her hands on his shoulders and stared into his eyes. Kai looked into her eyes and for the first time, he saw light and happiness. HEr eyes sparkled brightly like the stars in a dead black night. 
But the moment was ruined when Ye Na slapped both of his cheeks with her hands. "MERONG." She laughed and ran off. Kai sighed angrilly. 
"YAH." He yelled and chased after her for the 3rd time. 
Ye Na chuckled and ran towards the end of the aisle but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw her mother walk through the door of the store. "O- omma." She gulped. 
Mrs. Lee looked up at her. "Oh did you get the stuff?" She asked. 
"Yah. You think i'd let you get away with that?" Kai ran out of the aisle as well. Mrs. Lee looked at Kai and then at Ye Na. Kai looked at Ye Na's dead expression and looked at the woman she was looking at. 
"Ye Na..." Mrs. Lee slightly raised an eyebrow. "Who is....?" 
"Uh," Ye Na looked at Kai, "This is...Kai," she cleared , " boyfriend..." Her hands became clammy and she could feel the utter embarassment that her mother would cause already. 
"KAI!" Her mother perked up. 
"And so it begins..." Ye Na slapped her forehead. Kai looked at Ye Na in surprise. 
"Uh, neh. Annyeonghasayo, Kim Jongin imnida." He bowed 90 degrees to his ommoni. 
Mrs. Lee smiled from ear to ear and walked over. "Its so nice to finally meet you!!! Ye Na is always squealing in her room about you and how she likes you so much!" Kai couldnt help but smile at that.
"OMMA!!!!" Ye Na screamed in shock.
"Ah wae??" Mrs. Lee gave her an innocent look. "Did I say something wrong??" 
"Can we just get the stuff and go please?!?!" Ye Na begged so that her mother couldnt ruin her life anymore. 
"Oh of course! I almost forgot why I came." Mrs. Lee giggled. "But before I forget," she turned her gaze towards Kai again, "you have to come over for dinner soon arasso?" She said to him.
Kai smiled and nodded. "Neh, of course." 
"Can we please go now?!" Ye Na pulled on her moms arm and dragged her mother away. 
"Bye Jongin ah!" Mrs. Lee waved as they disapearred behind the chips aisle. 
"Bye ommoni!" Kai waved back. "Bye Ye Na!" He called as well.
"Bye." Ye Na muttered wanting to vanish into the ground. 
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Hey thank you so so so much for all the love you've given me through this story! if you wanna read more of my stories, subscribe to My Other Half with Kai (:


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Zahraliebi #1
Chapter 31: I miss this story :(
-kimmyeons #2
Chapter 31: I miss Park Bom tooooㅠㅠ awwwwwie cannot wait for the next update AJSHSKSJ
Chapter 31: I am glad I found this chapter. hehe!
Chapter 31: Gaaaaaaa. So sweet of Jongin and Sae Ron is such a cutie. :)))) I missed my mother for this chapter. Hehe. Lee Ye Na. Omg. This is it!!! T.T thanks for the update authornim. ^^
Chapter 30: Huhuhu. Manager hyung why don't you let Jongin go after her even if there are too many paparazzi. Kai go after her and please let Ye Na be okay with him now, like start a new open life. Huhuhu. KaiNa forever!!!!
Lillybellsun #6
Chapter 30: KaiNa ship sets sail<3
Lillybellsun #7
Chapter 30: omg.. this is such a good story.. why haven't I come across this before>.<
-kimmyeons #8
Chapter 29: I need both of them to settle everything out and being a couple again so I can go mushy mushy and smile like an idiot again.
Chapter 29: Anticipation...