The Boy With The Eye Smile

Angel's Fate


"Rise and shine princess~" You heard someone said. You groaned and shifted around. 
The same person scrowled and tugged you up into a sitting position, forcing you to wake up even if you liked it or not. You slowly opened your eyes and adjusted to the brightness. It was strange that they don't want people to find their hide out, but they don't have any curtians. 
As a habit, you wanted to raised your hand and rub your eyes but found them still tied tightly together. That brought you back to reality and remembered where you were for the last 24 hours.
Your neck and back ached from having to sleep on the stiff couch. Your arms felt like they had thousands of pins in them from the soreness of having to be tied up all the time. You could already easily see the redness that was cause from the constant friction of the rope. 
Sighing, your body unconsciously started falling back down towards the cushion but got prevented from a pair of arms pushing you back up. You teared your eyes off the ground and looked at the person. 
He had black hair that came down to half of his forehead. Unlike Doojoon, he was short and had a small but bright smile on his face. 
The boy kneeled down in front of your frail self. You noticed he was holding something in his hands. One was a cup and the other; you guessed, was a bag of cookies. You stared at it like you've never seen the food before in your life. 
"You shouldn't lay down or hyung will get mad again" He chided gently. You just blankly looked at him wondering what he wanted and what his intentions were. 
"Do you like milk and cookies?" He asked. The latter held out his hands and stared at you curiously. You returned his stare with a strange look. 
"Don't worry i didn't do anything to it" He added when he noticed you were being cautious. 
You finally nodded. Suddenly he pushed the cup of milk in front of your lips, "Open up~" He sang. You blinked but realized that your hands were still tied together, so you willingly obliged. 
The cool liquid rushed down your dry throat in an amazing relief. "Whoah, haha slow down" He said and giggled like a little kid. You then could really see his eyes pulling into a cute eye smile whenever the male smiled. 
He fed you a cookie and you happily munched on the treat. "I'm Kikwang" He introduced himself. You nodded your head in a bow as he continued feeding you. Switching back and forth from the drink and the food. 
"Why are you being so nice to me?" You suddenly blurted which surprised the other person. But he quickly composed himself again and smiled. "Well you could say i'm against Doojoon hyung taking you as bait" 
You could tell by the tone in his voice that he was being sincere. Something inside you relaxed and told you that he could be trusted. 
"What does Doojoon want? Is it something to do with Junhyung?" You questioned. 
Kikwang was quiet for a few seconds but opened his mouth to answer, "He wants the money that Junhyung took from him 3 years ago. And i'm sure he just wants revenge for the territory that was taken from him" He explained. You nodded in understanding and let your thoughts wander. 
Somewhere im the background, a door clicked and a familiar but scary voice was heard. Kikwang gave you his last smile. "Behave and don't let yourself get hurt again" He nodded at the wounds on your cheeks and lips before walking back into the kitchen. 
You heard Doojoon's voice behind the couch and you were hoping that he wouldn't come over to your side. Luckily, you wish came true and the said male only said something like "Get ready, they're coming" Before leaving to go somewhere again. 
The van pulled up to an abandon neighborhood that looked like it haven't been inhabited by people in a few years. Grafitti imprinted on the walls and sidewalks of the buildings. 
Most of the homes were collapsed in mound of rubble because of the weak structure from the old buildings. It was probably 5 o'clock by the sun sinking on the horizon. It seemed to cast dark shadows over the eery place. 
Gongchan hopped off. Along with Junhyung and Baro piling out after the younger boy. He rubbed his arms and put them close to stay warm. He was shivering even though he was probably packing several layers already. 
"Where is this place? Scary..." Gongchan mumbled the last part to himself. 
A sound of an engine could be heard somewhere around the corner. It was louder and louder as the car got closer. The vehicle abruptly stopped behind the gray van, milimeters away from hitting it. 
The passenger door opened and a man dressed in a black suit wearing shades walked out and over to the three of them. He seemed to be holding a case of some kind by his side. 
The stranger bowed to Junhyung in respect and handed him the object with both hands. And as quick as they got here, the guy was already back in the car and driven away by the time they could count to twenty. 
Baro stared at it with curiosity. He opened his mouth in an attempt to ask but before he could, Junhyung had already answered his question. 
"The ransom that Doojoon wanted" Junhyung explained. 
Gongchan let out an exasperated sigh and just wanted to get this over with... Quickly before he freezed to death. 
Junhyung stared at the building in the distant that was suppose to be the designated appointed spot. The latter cracked his knuckles and relaxed his body. 
"Ready?" He uttered. Baro nodded slowly and followed suit behind him. 
"Gongchan! Stay and watch the car!" He commanded and gave him a glare. The maknae flinched, he pouted but obliged with heavy footsteps. 
*How scary...* Baro thought. This was the first time he seen Junhyung this way. And to be honest, this was much more scary than the way Baro had seen the latter back in school fooling around with you. 
The building was already towering over them. Being up close, they noticed that this was the tallest building still standing in the whole town. 
With his hands wrapped tightly around the handle of the case that it had even turned white, Junhyung hand hovered over the door of the warehouse. Before he was able to turn the knob, a voice spoke up from behind. 
"Well well well... Look who it is" Doojoon said with a smile, mostly directed towards Junhyung. He stood in the middle of the road, not caring if any car was going to zoom by. 
The purple haired male scrowled. His bangs were over his eyes, and if looks could kill, Junhyung's glare would've killed him by now. "Where is she?!" 
Doojoon merely chuckled and clasped his hands together. "Where's the money i wanted?" He raised a brow, eyeing the case in Junhyung's hand. 
With a lift of his arms, Junhyung threw the object like it was nothing. It hadn't even look like it was heavy by the way the way the other male caught it. Doojoon opened the case, his eyes peering back and forth from the items inside to Junhyung. With a click, the top closed. 
"Now where is she?!" Junhyung demanded in a yell. Even from far away, that smirk of his was easily visible. "You like hide and seek right? Go and find her!" And with that the latter walked away. 
Before Baro or Junhyung could even step a foot forward, several guys dressed in black stepped out from their hideout and surrounded them. 
"Aish.." Junhyung cursed under his breath.
The two of them put their backs against each other, glaring at each and everyone. It was the guy on the righ side of Junhyung that threw the first punch, after that, it was an all out war. 
Junhyung, punching guys left and right. Baro trying his best to avoid each throw, barely dodging a kick from a guy in the corner of his eye. Junhyung grabbed ahold of a collar, throwing the boy to the ground. 
With his back exposed, a hard kick landed on his spine. The latter double back but quickly recovered. Luckily, Baro caught the guy trying another low trick and kicked him right in his stomach. 
"Go! Find ________-ah, i'll be fine!" Junhyung yelled over the mayhem. Baro looked around and saw that most of the guys from before was already laying limplessly on the ground so he thought the other male could handle the rest. 
Baro ran into the warehouse, his eyes fleeting back and forth to make sure that there were no particular danger or any more surprise people waiting for him. Fortunately, Junhyung had taught him a few moves before back at the school or the latter would've been dead by now. 
Walking down a long corridor, he turned a corner and saw a shabby looking area. His eyes passed the pile of boxes in the corner and his eyes widen when he saw a figure sitting on the couch. 
It felt like the worry of his heart lifted when he saw that you were still fine. Baro ran over with his arms wide open. His arms latches tightly around your slender neck. You gasped but sigh in relief at who it was. 
"Baro oppa!" You exclaimed. 
The said male would've hugged you to death just then if his ear didn't perk up when they picked up a sound of walking footsteps. In a swift motion, he turned around with his arm raised and fist in a ball. 
"OPPA! Don't!" You screamed. "Ehh?!" He stopped and stared at the person in front of his face. 
The boy had a bright smile and was a little shorter than him. The way his eyes lit up made Baro put his arm down slowly back to his side. You sigh and smiled. "That's Kikwang, he's been really nice to me" You explained. 
"Is that anyway to trust someone?" Baro mumbled under his breath. "Did you say something?" You asked with curiosity. He shook his head as in to say nothing. 
Baro kneeled down in front of you. His eyes scanned your face. Your scarred face that had cuts from the end product of Doojoon playing with his knife. Some blood were still seeping out but it was much better since Kikwang treated the wounds for you. 
The latter gave you a worried look. His eyes trailed down to your hand that were free but red marks still visible and he had guessed that they had tied you up at some point.
"Where's Doojoon?" Kikwang spoke up. Even though he didn't want to disrupt the little romantic reunion, he wanted to know where and what his wicked leader was up to. 
"He left with the ransom long ago" 
"Great! That means you can get out of here" Kikwang urged the two of them to get up. 
All three of them walk out onto the big open, but inhabitant of thousands of boxes and crates, warehouse. Everyone was on high alert, not wanting to risk anything. 
When the sound of footstep came near, you jerked and hid behind Baro. But out of the shadow, came a beaten and battered Junhyung. He wiped some dry blood off of his lips and smiled, grateful that you were ok. 
You ran out with a worried heart, "Oppa! What happened to you?!" You scolded. But you looked at the wounds of his arms and face that was clearly visible.
"I'm more worried about... y-you" He said, a bit out of breath. 
You smiled that smile that made his heart flutter and he was sure that he hadn't even been in the fight at all in the first place. 
*I'm glad you're safe...* Junhyung thought. 
"WATCH OUT ________-ah!" Kikwang shouted. 
You shut your eyes and waited for an impact but nothing happened. Slowly opening one eye, your heart seemed to stop when you saw a pool of blood at the end of your feet. 
Ok yesh, i know. I at writing fighting scenes. I seriously can't write it for my life. ANYWAYS~ We've reached 200 subscribers! THANK YOU SOO MUCH! Even though it's not much to some of you, it's a huge achievement on my end and this being my first ever fanfic? It's kinda uhmazing :D 
So like we promised, out surpise little gift for you :D IceCream decided that she's gonna write three oneshots for three subscribers that commented the most in my story. And soo we counted each comment fair and square and came up with: henheaFTW, nyangseob, and tbhsapphire! Congratz~ I'm not sure when she's writing them but i'll get back to you guys on that :D
Yeah. 200 subscribers. Yay. Thanks, you guys. We appreciate all that you've done for us, and thanks for staying with us. So, the three people up there, if you'd like a oneshot, just pm me with a pairing you'd like, a genre (I can't do horror), and a little description. Congrats, guys. :3
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When this story reach 200 subscribers, we're gonna do something for you guys! A special something, yes ;) It's a surprise. So please help? -Angel's Fate


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Chapter 43: Omg this is the first b1a4 I've ever read it's amazing....
great story
Chapter 43: Congrats on a successful end to your first story!! Honestly, I've been reading and following this story for the passed three and I'm so happy you decided to complete it. I really liked it; it gave me so many feels as I read along haha. Thank you for a great story. I hope to see more of your work on AFF (hopefully ^-^) Good job!! :D
Chapter 43: ahaha so it ends. 3 years, huh? haha this was one of the first fanfics i read, i think (circa 2011 yes) and i know i kept myself up to date with this story teehee thanks for this!
iluvEXOforever #5
Chapter 41: waiting for your next update!
iluvEXOforever #6
Chapter 32: sandeul the er!!
Chapter 41: It's going to end soon?? :O I'm anxious to see how it ends :)
Chapter 41: heh guessed right. thanks for the update!
Chapter 40: Woo. Lemme guess. Something happened when she was a kid involving an ambulance? And she has a phobia or smth with it?
Oh my gosh you know what I just found out.....I am subscribed to this fanfic on wattpad too!! How awesome