Chapter 3 – Morons and Milkshakes

I’m Sorry


Hyunseong walked quietly and found Donghyun waiting for him outside the park.

The elder stood straight from his leaning position and approached him agitatedly, “Have you found him?” Donghyun asked in concern. Donghyun had a feeling that Hyunseong was a bit thoughtful recently, and he has already known why it is.

“I know it won’t be easy.” Hyunseong groaned in frustration as stepped on the path to where their car placed. He leaned on the seat; his shoulder slumped with forearm upon his eyes. He already knew that it wouldn’t be easy and that Jeongmin might chase him away. However, experienced it by himself was another thing. The heartache of being ignored was too much for him to bear.

Seeing that kind of soulless Hyunseong, Donghyun patted his shoulder briefly, giving him more courage not to lost hope. Seeing no reaction from Hyunseong, Donghyun went driving the gloomy young man to their staying place for some weeks ahead. He kept checking on the younger that was looking outside the window, unfocused. Nothing he could do beside exhale deeply before focusing himself toward the snowy road again. He let the silence dominating until they arrived at their destination.

“I don’t know what to do!” Hyunseong screamed when they’ve been inside their room. Donghyun threw a pillow toward Hyunseong to receive a death glare from the younger. However, he just shrugged his shoulder and sat on the fluffy couch beside the bed.

“Hyung, do you know how I feel now?” Hyunseong stated while staring down at the busy road that was full of cars and pedestrians.

“You feel terrible, of course.” said Donghyun nonchalantly, looks like he doesn’t feel interested with the younger’s feeling. However, Hyunseong knew that he actually listened to him.

 “Hyung, he doesn’t want to meet me. He doesn’t even want to look at my face. He has his face down all the time.” Hyunseong kept on pouring his heart out, didn’t care if Donghyun listening or not. He just wanted to talk about his day when he could meet Jeongmin after these past two years. He was happy for sure even though he was rejected by Jeongmin who said that he didn’t know him. He didn’t know him, huh? How ridiculous.

What he supposes to do?

“Just begin everything from the very start.” Just like knowing what was inside his head, Donghyun suggested the sentence with a chuckle escapes from his lips. His eyes meet with Hyunseong who still in a state of confusion.

“You want me to do what?” Hyunseong sat up abruptly and crawled to approach his friend. Excited about what the older had inside that brainy tricky brain of his.

“If he says he doesn’t know you, then introduce yourself just like when you two first met.” Donghyun closed his eyes and brought his arms behind his head, breathing in the scent of glory about his brainy plan.

“What if..”

“Just do it. I’ll give you more advice if you pay my drink.”

Hyunseong clicked his tongue when he heard that word out from the elder’s mouth. But, for Jeongmin’s sake he would definitely do anything to pay the price for leaving him and breaking his heart. Actually leaving him was also breaking his heart now.

He got up from the bed while grabbing the pile of sweater and jacket that lie on his bed with a slight smile appears on his heart shaped lips. He will win Jeongmin’s heart back. No matter what may happen to him. He would sacrifice everything. Well, not everything because he needed money to keep himself and Jeongmin alive in the future.


“Hi, Jeongmin-ah?”

Jeongmin tilted his head to the person who called him just now. He quickly reached for his car’s door and leaving the man knocking on the window of his car with a smile. He glanced at the figure and focused back on his shopping bag, grabs his headphone and has it on while closing his eyes.

He still heared the man knocks his window’s car for some minutes before the noise end just minutes after. He let out a heavy sigh and looks out the window just to check if the man has already gone.

“Jeongmin-ah, what are you looking for?”

“Yes, what?!” Jeongmin was stammering when his sister caught him roaming around with his eyes. Well, Jeongmin just did a double check in case the man would suddenly appear in front of him with his ty face.

“No, noona. I just look at the flowers over there. Yeah, that’s it.” He manages his answer to come as natural as possible. Even though his trembling voice doesn’t seem supporting his supposes to be natural act.

His noona stared suspiciously but let it slipped away as she started the engine and drove to their house.


Blowing his hands and rubs it to one another, Jeongmin walked to his work place that is only two blocks away from his house. The winter seemed getting cold and rough for him to retain.

He walked faster as he knows that he only has five minutes before his shift begins. His eyes wandered to the side of the road to find a familiar car park on the side of the road. It was just too clear for him and too easy for him to know who the owner of that glamour car is. So, he speeded up to reach for his work place, hoping the person that he didn’t want to say the name come after him again. But when he found that no one was after him he felt a bit weird and uneasy about it. Yet, he only shrugged it off and enters the café. His ordinary boring life is officially begins.

A fake sweet smile and polite manners is a mask as he serves some meals for the costumers. He is a nice person actually. It is just life is being tough to him, and he has forgotten how to smile genuinely. All the smiles that he shows are either a polite smile of a sarcastic one. No heart puts on it, no feeling over it. The owner likes him to work on their place because Jeongmin is sweet around the school girls that come regularly just to see him works behind the desk or talking to him when he asks for their orders.

Jeongmin shows his smile to two people who just entering the café and take them to an empty table. He politely asks for their menus and starts to write it down on his little note. His head snaps when the second person says his order. Does he hear it wrong?

The second person tried to open his mouth to repeat his order before Jeongmin cut him off, “Sorry, we don’t have that in our menu’s book.”

A glare was thrown as the person he didn’t want to remember even the name sigh. He could notice the dark circle on his eyes but he refused to care. “Next.” He finally said.

The person then lifted up his hands,”Wait, wait! Alright, I want a glass of chocolate milkshake.”

A brief smile escaped Jeongmin’s lips as the man told him his order. A glass of milkshake for a grown up man was a rare thing to him.

“We will serve your order sir. You can wait there.” Said Jeongmin and pointed to an empty table beside the window.

The man smiled back to him and Jeongmin could hear he said, “Thank you”, before he walked toward the empty table.

“Hi, Jeongminnie…”

A frowned emerged as the person called him so friendly.

“I’m offended that you forget me already.” Said the person that later Jeongmin knew as Hyunseong’s friend, the one that was always with him even when they had a date, sometimes.

An annoyed look and a glare was prepared for this person, Jeongmin then looked up to see the man. Damn! Why’s everyone so tall, “So, you’re still with that moron until now?”

Jeongmin could see that the man was a bit agape as he asked that question, was it offended him? Who cares?!

“Hey, kid these times. Couldn’t keep their mouth shut.”

With more glare Jeongmin replied, “You’re only five years older. I’m not a kid.”

“Right, right. And so you know, that moron is my boss now. He takes up his parents’ company. That poor kid.”

Jeongmin was a bit troubled inside, but he needed to stay calm and try not to show his interest, “What happened with all the vocal lessons he took.”

Donghyun smiled and shrugged, “You can ask him yourself.” Ha said as he turned his back on Jeongmin.

“Oh, and I want a strawberry milkshake, Mr. Lee.”

“What the-“ Jeongmin wanted to curse but restrained himself not to. It could be a problem, not caused by him but two morons who sat over the window.

“What a moron.” He grumbled and put up with those two orders.




Hi…. So, here I am in the middle of the night remember that I have this chapter half done but then, hey… I want to upload this coz it’s been so long…. SO, please bear with this not long chapter…

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Chapter 3: Kenapa ini nggk dilanjutin? Lanjut please ??
hinata1242 #2
Chapter 3: Ooooooh please update soon ^_^
I want to know what will happen next ^_^
Great start~ yay! More jeongseong couple >_<
Chapter 1: awwwwwww sad sad T T ugh. Thanks ♥
Hello girl!!!!! yes a new fic about seongjeong!!! I can't wait to read it and to have more updates. I hope it will be happy ending...