
Life is a game

That morning I woke up because the sound of someone talking . "Woah! She is so pretty!" I heard one of them say "And so small" someone else whispered. Knowing those were the voices of my kidnappers, I tried to stay still and pretend I was sleeping. "Hey guys,stop being so creepy!" I heard a deep voice say and I blushed. My Heart stopped for a second when I felt someone touch my exposed arm. "I guess she didn't live a good life till now" the same voice said tracing a cut on my skin with a finger. I guess they aren't as bad as I thought they would be.

I wasn't really a fan of skinship so I started squirming lightly "Oh,hyung look! She is waking up!" another one said. How many are they?! I slowly opened my eyes. It was obvious that I was awake,so why keep pretending,right? When I looked up the first thing I saw was very,VERY unexpected: my kidnappers were seven handsome boys....WHAT?! I

immediatly sat up,but my head started spinning so I leaned on the headboard. " Goodmorning!" one of them said, he had dark blonde hair and big innocent eyes...yeah,'innocent'. "W-who are you?! What do you want?!" I started alarming myself again. "Woah woah woah...calm down!" a boy with black hair and a lollipop in his mouth said,putting his hands up in a defensive way. "Well,sorry if I'm scared of my kidnappers" I said sarcastically,rolling my eyes. "Yeah,but still you have the guts to talk like this" said a guy with purple hair before chuckling.

"Okay,listen..." sighed the deep voice that made me blush before. I turned my head and I saw a hot guy with strange colored hair. "...We don't have bad intentions-" I snorted rolling my eyes again " It's just...we needed a girl..." I wided my eyes "Y-you what?!" I stuttered covering myself with the bedsheets "Wait,what?! Oh, not in THAT way!" said the same guy blushing hard. "Yah,Zico you're scaring her!" interupped another one with brown hair, he seemed the most serious one "We're not bad guys okay? It's just that we needed someone who could take care of us and the house,so...yeah." explained "Then why not hiring a maid or something?!" I asked them "Because...yeah why?" said another one with dirty blonde hair and a big black earring "Becouse,my dear U-kwon, we don't have enough money." said a guy with blach hair. Aissh,why are they so many?!

"So...now you understand?" asked me the guy with brown hair "Oh,yeah! You didn't have enough money so you just kidnapped a random girl hoping nobody would notice" I said with an angry tone. Psh..and they said they weren't bad guys. "Well...it wasn't really random..." mumbled the one with the lollipop,scratching the back of his head. "What do you mean?" I asked him slowly "We always saw you at the park. Sometimes you were crying and sometimes you were playing with the kids. We thought you were very interesting,soo yesterday when we saw you alone,we took the chance." explained the cute one smiling (Kyung). "So,you aren't gonna hurt me...?" I asked them carefully. "Obviously! We already told you: WE.AREN'T.BAD.GUYS." said the one with the big earring,then he laughed. "Are you hungry?" asked me the one with black hair "Well-" I was interrupted by my stomach growling. "I take that as a yes" he chuckled and I blushed.

"Oh,before we go down,do you want to change into something more comfortable?" asked me the one with brown hair. I looked at my clothes...I've been wearing them for almost two days... "Ehm..sure. Can you give me my suitcase?" I asked them as I got up from the bed "Oh,certianly!" exclaimed the one with purple hair and rushed out of the door. After some seconds he came back with my precious blue suitcase. "We will be waiting outside,ok?" smiled the one whose name I think was U-kwon "Yeah." I smiled back. I don't know why,but I feel like I can trust them.

After I changed in an oversized red sweater and a pair of black leggings,we all went in the kitchen. The room was strange like the bedroom: it had light yellow walls, the table was a pastel green,the cupboards were orange and the island was yellow like the walls,but it was more like a pastel color. These guys have a really weird taste. "Before we start cooking/eating,we should introduce ourselves. Right,guys?" said the one with black hair. Finally I can call them by their names! "My name is Lee Tae Il. I'm the oldest one, 24 years old" the one with the lollipop said...wait,what?! But he looks like 18! "I'm the second oldest here, 24 years old,too. My name is Lee Min Hyuk,but you can call me B-bomb" said the one with black hair "O-okay" I mumbled before the guy with brown hair spoke "My name is Ahn Jae Hyo and I'm the third oldest one" I nodded,he was so calm. The next one to talk was the guy with that big black earring " Hi! My name is Kim Yoo Kwon,for short U-kwon, I'm 22 years old" he flashed me a super cute smile after introducing himself. "Then there's me! My name is Park Kyung and I'm 22 years old too!" said happily the cute one. "Hey,I'm Zico,21 years old. Nice to meet you!" said the guy with the deep voice,blushing. And lastly the boy with purple hair bowed before talking " My name is Pyo Ji Hoon,but you can call me P.O.,I'm the maknae between the guys,I'm 20years old" I smiled at him thinking about how deep his voice was despite his age.

"Well,I guess it's my turn now,right?" I chuckled seeing them nod excitedly "My name is Han Hye Jin and I'm 18 years old" I bowed at them. "Such a pretty name!" complimented me Kyung "Thank you" I replied blushing. "Do you have any question about us?" asked Jaehyo. I thought for a while,before my eyes landed on Zico "Actually I have ore than one,but there's one in particular" I said "What is it?" asked Zico noticing I was looking at him. "I don't know if I should ask this or not,but...what is your real name?" I asked him hesitantly. Everybody's expression changed and immediatly knew I shouldn't have asked it. "Well,the thing is...Zico doesn't really like talking about this..." said Taeil,who was beside me. "Oh,I'm sorry. I was just-" I was interrupted by Zico "Woo Ji Hoo" he said before getting up from his chair I'm going to the bathroom." was all he said before exiting the kitchen.


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exoramen #1
do update soon the storyline is so nice
btw do check out my story too