
Life is a game

"Worthless!" yelled the woman before she slapped me . I fell on the hard ground, a stinging pain on my left cheek. She looked at me with eyes full of hatred as she spat her next words "How're becoming exactly like your mother" she smirked before gripping my arm full of marks "You're just like her...a useless !" 

I suddenly woke up from my nightmare. I sat up on the bed as I touched my throbbing head with my hand. I looked around and I finally noticed that I wasn't in my room.  I was sitting on a queen-sized-bed covered with white sheets. The room was lit by the sunrise penetrating from the window on my right. That  wasn't really a typical bedroom: the walls were painted with stripes,each one(stripe) was a different color; on my left there was a yellow bedside table with a glass of water on it. "Well,at least they care about me" I mumbled by myself as I got up from the bed,almost falling on the ground because of my numb legs. I guess I slept a lot. I looked at the baby blue wardrobe in front of me and I continued scanning the room. I made a bee line towards the window and I opened it,inhaling fresh air.

After looking out of the window for some good five minutes I walked to the door and I tried to open it. After struggling for a while, I sat again on the bed. Finally reality hit me. My eyes went wide and I facepalmed myself "Stupid,stupid,stupid!" how could I be so careless?! Someone fricking kidnapped me! I tried to calm down as I was thinking about different ways to run away from here... My first thought was the window,but it was too high to jump from it. The other way to get out of here was the door,but obviously it was locked. 

I sighed and I lied on my back. Maybe it won't be that bad living here...I mean,   I know that probably I won't last long here...since I don't even know what they want to do with me. But it would still be better than dying on the streets like 'she' said. I suddenly rose from the bed and I started  searching everywhere...oh,no,they took my suitcase! There was everything I had! If they threw it away I'm going to kill them. 

After a while I decided it would be useless to stand in the middle of the room waiting,so I lied again on the bed. It was really comfortable: not too hard and not too soft. I closed my eyes,relaxing...Any other person would have been terrified in a situation like this,but I wasn't. I don't think they'll make me suffer more than 'she' did these past ten years...Actually I feel safer here than in that house.

Time passed and still nobody came. I was starting to feel really annoyed.  "Who in the world would kidnap someone and then let them stay in a room fo so long?" I asked myself getting up again. I looked again out of the window and shivered a little from the view. Exactly in front of the house was an abandoned amusement park. And let me say looked scary as heck.


" this why the were wearing those clown masks?" I mumbled again.  I really wondered why out of all people they choose ME. Like, I'm not the daughter of some rich man or something like this. I'm a homeless girl with no money or beauty or whatsoever. Maybe they were bored... "Aissshh! I don't knooow!" I exclaimed ruffling my hair...


Aaaand I was lying on the bed AGAIN . I gulped, my throat as dry and I was super thirsty but I didn't want to drink the water on the nightstand 'cause I was afraid they put something in it.  I continued looking at the strangely black ceiling as I played with my hair.  Time passed and the sun was starting to set.

"Oh my gosh! Are they for real?!" I said sitting with my legs crossed. "Are they just gonna lett me stay in this room until I die or something?!" I asked myself again. Yeah...I really liked talking alone.

I noticed the light outside was starting to fade so I quickly got into bed ready to sleep. I hated being in the's not like I was afraid of it, I just didn't like it.  My stomach growled from the hunger but I tried to ignore it. I closed my eyes and I slowly drifted to sleep. All my thoughts about running away disapearing...

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exoramen #1
do update soon the storyline is so nice
btw do check out my story too