Our Intertwined Destiny



"I, Kim Taehyung am vowing to you that I will be right here,always staying by your side until the end of our lifes"



Dear mom and dad,

What should I do if.. my first love, the only boy that I trusted and loved betray me?

It's not just any betrayal... he is the son of the man that murdered both of you.

This is what I've been going through. My heart is in so much pain that I can't even feel a thing. 

After all the good memories and sweet promises he has been giving to me.. in the end it was all lies.

Now, I can only feel Harted.

And desire... to have our revenge.

Even If I have to disguise as a boy to be beside him, it's okay.

 To slowly earn his trust. Then punished him with the same betrayal as he did to me before. 

That is how everything supposed to be... 

But what should I do when my thought of revenge started to fade? 

What should I do when I hopelessly fall for him again for the second time..

.. Will you both forgive me?

I've always wondered, why fate is so cruel?

Mom.. dad.. 

Do I have to fight my own destiny?

- Cho Yoon Hee








"I don't understand why destiny allowed us to meet. When there's no way for us to be together"







Cho Yoon Hee/Shin Haneul (OC)

She is once a very sweet and gentle girl with a bright personality. Because of a terrible betrayal she become a rough, tempramental, fearless woman who was living for revenge. Later, she disguised herself as a boy named "Shin Haneul" to enter a dangerous gang called "BTS" where she can be with Kim Taehyung. 

Finally, her revenge has started. 



Kim Taehyung-V

He is Yoonhee's first love. Hyper, warm, caring, and  foolish little boy, his name is Kim Taehyung. With those personality, everyone were dumb-founded to learn that he is actually the leader's son of a top-infamous gang named "BTS". Now, he is the grim reaper, a heartless and cold blooded killer. Little did everyone know that a girl called "Cho Yoonhee" is all they need to melt his cold heart.                                 



Jung Daehyun

To be revealed later as the story goes on.



tumblr_ltt9l9O7H51r5nvxzo1_500.jpgSnowsonye's note :

This was another version of our 'intertwined destiny' in my another account 

Well, hello again and again chingudeuls!! this story of 'revenge' was inspired by "Empress ki" and "I miss you". This story will have a-lots-of-drama-angst-and maybe tears? Hopefuly I will make you cry! (?that sounds weird?) 

Sorry for all the mistakes in this fanfic, because I'm not perfect. 

Lastly, COMMENTS AND SUBSCRIBE. that is how I motivated to write this story. that is my energy. 



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Chapter 6: My god I was crying the moment Taehyung started washing the ketchup (okay, blood, but dayum he had beautiful fingers xD) off his hands. Awesome chapter, Chaejjangmyun hwaiting~ ♥
Chapter 5: I WAS FANGIRLING SOOOO HARD JUST NOW Tae is quite the knight xD xD They're so kawaii tigethere hehe :') I am curious about Daehyun though (Taehyung's appa makes a cameo) Thanks for the chapter, FIGHTING~! :3
Ara_Jung #3
Chapter 5: OMG OMG OMG FINALLY U UPDATED THIS STORY AAAAAHHHHH *screams* *fangirling mode" !!! Really love ur story authornim !! Curious for the next chap, pls update soon authornim :* luv u authornimmmm !! Fighting !!<3
Chapter 4: MOTHER SAVE ME FROM THESE FEELS. I'm like, shipping these two so hard right now, but knowing that she's gonna get betrayed makes me tear up a little. D": But awesome chapter as always, FIGHTING authornim~! ^^ ♥
-DaeButt #5
Chapter 4: omf!!!! this is so gooodddd!!! i cant eveenn!!! so...tae's parent the one that kill the girl parents? and why she need to revenge on tae when he dont know anything about it, right? or maybe...he knew...
Ara_Jung #6
Chapter 3: OMG OMG OMG !! totally love this authornimmmm :* thankyou for the update ! btw, i'm looking forward to your 'Marrying Jekyll & Hyde' story, i've read the foreword just now. i'm really curious what's gonna happen in the next chapter of this story, SO UPDATE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNN :* much love, from me. kekekkeke
Ara_Jung #7
Chapter 2: I'm looking forward to this story ! Pls update soon authornim ^^. Umm, what do you mean by Myungsoo and elementary school ??? I still don't get it kekeke.