About Me

Multifandom. Everyone has their opinions, and they can express them. It's called freedom of speech. But they don't have to be an about it. ^^


Hi there, onceuponakaisoo here. (Not that my parents named me this or anything, but y'know.)

Strictly trash. I ship everything. You show me a ship, and I ship it. I give counselling to people who are unhappy with their lives (and hang out). I have no friends  because whoever they were have run off with themselves and I'm alone.



I'm a nice person.

I like memes (the danker the better), puns (the lamer the better), and good books. Including the Three Musketeers and any Agatha Christie book, especially Harley Quinn, Dead Man's Folly and Giant's Bread. I like my coffee like my soul: so unbelievably bitter that you have to sit and ponder over all the mistakes you've made during your life. I'm kinda through w/my teens but I still watch Cartoon Network and miss Kids Next Door. I cry everytime I watch Up, Lilo and Stich, especially Lilo and Stich, Gaara's childhood story flashbacks, that part in Avartar: The Last Airbender where Apa is lost and alone and wandering through th street by himself looking for Aang yes that entire episode I did nothing but cry. I like watching Kpop on Crack and Vine Compilations even though Vine commited suicide.

I'm sorry.

My favourite Korean drama is Love Rain. In case you haven't watched it, here are some of the highlights:

ISTG I'm a good noodle.