Chapter 3

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What are YOU doing here?!?

But instead of an answer a pair of arms wound around her waist as a pair of lips descended on hers, a strong smell of liquor assaulted her nose as she struggled to break free from his grasp, he, in turn tightened his hold on her and continued to ravish her lips. She stopped resisting and accepted that she couldn’t get away from him then wrapped her arms around his neck. Jiyong pushed himself inside and kicked her front door shut; he maneuvered them on to her couch without breaking their connection.

They broke apart eventually for they could no longer deny the need to breathe. Panting, they straightened themselves on the couch then stared at each other for a few minutes more ‘till Dara decided to break the silence.

“What are you doing here Jiyong?” she said in a whisper.

“I’m not sure, I just know that I have to be here right now” he started to move towards her again

“Stay away from me, I don’t know why I responded to your kiss I guess you can call it ‘in the heat of the moment’ but please leave my house right now.”

“No, don’t say there’s still an attraction between us. You know it and I know it so don’t you dare deny it. I can see it in your eyes my butterfly” he slowly wrapped his arms around her.

Butterfly, the endearment Jiyong used to call her back when they were together, she loved it when he called her that, there was just something in the way that he said it that made her feel special, it seemed like it was the sweetest word to come out of his mouth, it always manages to make her defenses crumble.

“Jiyong no please, stop this, I don’t want you anymore, leave me alone! You’re just drunk” she tried to wriggle free from his grasp but failed.

“C’mon now Dara, don’t deny it” he said huskily as he claimed her lips once more.


 Dara couldn’t stop herself from releasing a groan of pleasure, she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck once again as he lifted her off the couch and guided her legs around his waist. He slowly stalked towards her bedroom and laid her on the bed and soon enough they became engrossed with the sensations they were once familiar with not too long ago. . . .




Jiyong woke up with a splitting headache, he struggled to open his eyes and found himself in an all too familiar room. He bolted out of bed and saw the figure of a woman entangled in the sheets. He rubbed his eyes then cursed and hit his head a few times.

‘I’ve got to get out of here’ he thought.

He slowly picked up his discarded garments of the floor, careful not to make a sound and proceeded to exit the bedroom doing his best to stay quiet. He made his way to the bathroom and put on his clothes; he went outside then put his shoes on. As he was about to exit the apartment the bedroom door creaked open revealing a disheveled Dara with a blanket securely around her.

“You’re leaving?” tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at him with pain

“I’m sorry Dara, I was drunk I didn’t know why I did that last night” and his loafers suddenly looked interesting.

“I can’t believe you. You heartless bastard! How could you keep doing this to me?” she screamed at him.

He couldn’t bare look at her because he knew she was right. He didn’t know what got over him last night, all he knew is that he couldn’t do it with that blonde chick and he had to do it with her and only her.

“Get out of here Jiyong, I never, ever want to see you again” her cold words shook him out of his reverie, he raised his head and saw her piercing stare and he shivered.

“Leave Jiyong and don’t ever try to come back”

He quickly made his way to the door, opened it looked at her one last time then left. When the door closed all that was heard was a woman’s anguished sobs.



Dara felt so stupid, she couldn’t believe she let Jiyong use her like that. She was weak and he knew it but he still took advantage of her. She did admit to herself that it was partly her fault as well, if she didn’t let him in none of that would have happened.

“Are you okay Dara? You seem down the past few days” Donghae had invited her to lunch a few days after her encounter with Jiyong.


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Francesmay #1
Chapter 4: So happy with the story's ending......Daragon FOREVER!!!
Red_Butterfly #2
Chapter 4: Is good.. btw love the ending.. the perfect way to end the story..
cesmari #3
more daragon stories plsssss
cesmari #4
i love it...daragon ftw!!!