
Made From Heaven...

"Jihyo-ya." - "Hum ?" -"Can I ask you something ?"- I asked her when we were sitting on a bench, in the hospital garden. She stared at me "Go ahead," she said. "Why are you affraid when someone touch you ?" She sighed at my question "Well if you don't want to tell then don't, I'm sorry if I anoyed you." I said to her after she sighed. -"Aniya, it's just that... It's painful, I'm affraid that if I say it to you oppa, you won't want to be with me anymore... You'll avoid me..." Her voice cracked a little her her eyes got wattery. "I won't leave you, whatever happened to you for you to be here, I just know that we're good friend right now and I enjoy my time with you." I tried to rassure her. "It disguste me..." - "What ? Me ?" I thought she was talking about me, she giggled a little it was the first time I heard her laugh, well it wasn't a big laugh, actually it can barely count as a laugh but still it was the first time I heard her soft giggle usually she's blank, or sad. "Not you oppa, I mean when someone touch me, it disguste me, it's scared me... I can't breave and all those images come back into my head..." All her body started to shake, her face turned dark. "But you let me touch you, I mean when you're having those nightmare, everynight I'm here hugging you, and also I'm the one holding the stethoscope on you when the doctors do their check up. Do you feel scared, and does your breath stop ?" she looked down. "Anio, this is what is weird... At those times I'm not affraid of you oppa." - "Then maybe this mean that you're already getting better. Why don't you let me try to touch you right now ?" - "I don't think I can oppa..." - "Let's just try ok ? Remember what the doctor said to you : you can't stay in that state, you have to open your heart to people again, and you have to learn to not be affraid of people next to you like it was before." She nodded at me and I lift my hand up, waiting for her to take it. She hesitated for a while and then she finally hold my pinky finger with her bare hand for few second before relasing it. I smiled widely at her : "You did it ! Look at you, you did it Jihyo-ya !" I yelled happily, looking at her. She started to smiled, that's smile how I wished she could have that smile on her face everyday insteed or that sad and dark face she usually had, and I could see in her eyes that she was proud of herself as much as I was. "Aren't you curious oppa ?" - "About what ?" - "What happened....." - "I'll wait for you to be ready to talk about that with someone. I'm not like those doctors who want to force you to speak up about what happened to you, I don't want you to remember if it's to painfull for you. Seeing you I don't doubt that it was a serious matter. More serious than my poor breakup story, I wish I could erease your memory for you to not remember and for you to be able to smile." - "Gomawo..." - "So do you want to try to grab my hand again ?" I said to her smilling. She nodded and I lifted up once again my hand, she stared at it and grabbed it, this time she held my whole hand. I tighten my hand in hers, a little surprised she took her hand away from mine. "I'm sorry did oppa scared you ?" I asked sorry and guilty. she nodded "I'm sorry, ok ! Let's stop for today, you've been amazing ! See you're already feeling better. step by step you'll make it !" I encouraged her.


That night she had another of her nightmare, but this time it was a little different. She strated in pain, when I heard her I went to see her, waiting to wake her from her bad dream. I approched her bed when she yelled, she was debatting alone and tears were rolling down her cheek. "Stop ! Stop ! Help Me !!! KYAAAA". I tried to shook her body : "Jihyo-ya wake up, it's ok, wake up". I tried to wake her up. But she kept dreaming and debatting against nothing. I tried everything I could to wake her up, but remained unsucessfull. Suddenly she stopped yelling and then stopped breathing. Her pale face only lighted by the little light on the bedside table turned blue. I was shocked and worried, I though I would die from shock. I shook her body harder : "YA !! SONG JIHYO !!!! WAKE UP !! WHAT ARE YOU DOING PLEASE WAKE UP !!" I yelled, still shaking her body stronger and stronger. Finally she opened her eyes and took a huge breath "Huuuuuffffff". I helped her sat on the bed : "Ya, are you ok ? Can you breave ?" I asked her worried like ever, my hands still place on her shoulder as I was shaking her body before. She looked at me, and started to cry. I hugged her tightly and her back. "It's ok, you're safe now, Oppa is here, it was just a bad dream." We stayed like that for he while until she stopped sobbing. I broke the hug and looked at her : "You scared me to death ! You stopped breathing right now and you wouldn't wake up. This is not like usual, I'll call the doctor, he need to check your condition right now !" I was speaking fast as my heart hasn't calm down. I was about to leave calling for help when she held my arm :"Don't... please...." she begged me. "But what if you stop breathing again, I don't want something happen to you !" - "It's because I dreamed of it... I won't stopped breathing anymore, oppa, please don't call them and stay with me, I'm so scared right now.." I sat down on the bed next to her. "Arasso, I'll stay for you, but promise me you will keep breathing ok !" I said to her, I was still a little affraid and shocked by the though of something happening to her. "Oppa..." - "Hum ?" - "Can you... Can you held my hand ?" She asked me. I nodded and took her hand in mine, I was staring at her, checking if she was still breathing and if she was really ok. She stared at me, then she looked down on the mastress and started : "I dreamed of him...." Him ? I didn't knew who she was talking about. "You know oppa, I'm in my last year or highschool right now... And I was a member of the swimming club, my mom say that I'm good, and I like simming. In that highschool... I had friends..." Her voice started to shake, her eyes became wattery again and her hand held mine tightler. Her fingers were also shaking as her breath and her hand also became wet. She was struggling with what she wanted to tell me. I just kept listening to her. "One day... A..After class.. It was late... I... I went to the indoor pool... Because my coach had called me. He said me to follow him because he wanted my help to reorganize the storage room... I followed him." she stopped there. I looked at her, gently her hand. She kept going on : "In the room... He... He locked the door..... After he started kissing me while I didn't wanted to... I tried to push him away.... But he.. was.. too strong..." She cried louder : "He touched me.... and... for... forcely took off my clothes..." Tears started rolling down my cheeks, that bastard.. "He me oppa...." Crying I let her hand go and stared at the floor. I was hurt, why did that kind of awfull things happened to her ? Why ? Trying to contain her sobs she kept going : "After that, I coudn't go to school... When I finally got back there, all the student stared at me and said that I was a , that I slept with that man to be able to win a competition of swim. Nobody believed me, nobody trusted me when I said that I didn't wanted to, that I was abused, neither the principal neither the teachers. That's why... That's why I'm here, because I tried to killed myself after that..."

After she told me this I was shocked and angry, I wanted to find that son of and make him pay for what he did to her, I didn't looked at her nor answered to her as I was thinking of a way to revenged her. She saw my blank face while I was in my though, she continued crying and said :"I understand you, it's true who would want to be friend with me anymore... Oppa, thank you for what you did for me" then she stood up and started to leave, that's when I relized I've been in my own thoughts for to long. I stood up and ran toward her. I backhugged her :Where are you going?" I asked her. "I'm not letting you go anywhere Jihyo, I know you and I'm not like thoses ing schoolmates or teachers. I'll find that son of and make him pay for what he did to you. Jihyo-ya Oppa won't leave you, in fact I think I'm already fall...". - "Oppa.." she cut me - "Hum ?" "Hug..  Can you release me please ?" Oh I scared her. "Miahne, Miahne are you ok ?" I asked consideringly she nodded to me as a response. "Ok then, should we go eat something at the hospital cafeteria ?" she looked at me, her eyes wide open :" Why ?"she asked - "Why what ?" - "Why are you staying with me even after you know everything ?" - "Pabo ! Where do you want me to go ? I'm your... friend ! of course I'll stay ! Come on ! Let's go eat" - "But oppa, it's 4am." Oh right, at that time the cafeteria was closed. "Then come in my room, I have soom snacks my friends brought me last time." And we went eat.


Hi~~ So Jihyo finally said Gary what happened to her.... How their relationship will change after he knows and what will he do to took revenge for her ? For those who asked me, Yes I did inspired myself with the movie " Is Zero 2" because it was one of her movie and also because, well maybe some of you haven't see it cuz it's rated mature cuz of some scenes, but besides those kind of scenes, the story line between the two characteres in the movie is really cute and good, that's why I took that story line for my fanfic but put our Gary in ! MondayCouple forever !

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prettychim #1
Chapter 11: Great job.great ending.authornim jjang..but i am just curious about kang gary's mom and dad.
AugustK88 #2
Chapter 11: Great ending! Glad they ended up happy with each other.m Thank you for writing the story. I hope you will write more stories! :)
Chapter 11: fortunately im alone in my office.. hahahhaa
smiling non stop hahahhaha
thank to you for making this good story ;)
keep writing :)
iamrainy #4
Chapter 11: awesome...
mongae #5
Chapter 11: Thank you for updating authornim..... I've been waiting for so long.... this a really really great chapter authornim... keep on writing authornim... authornim saranghae :-D
nurfitrianits #6
Chapter 11: finally you're back authornim I need to read previous chapter before I read this :D
yeeay happy ending and good for both of them also, but authornim I feel like the plot of this chap is so fast, but I really like your ff
hope you can update the other ff of yours or maybe make a new ff about mondaycouple
fighting authornim o∩_∩o
iamrainy #7
Chapter 10: please update
AugustK88 #8
Chapter 10: I really live the story! I find the plot really interesting. I look forward for the next update! :)
iamrainy #9
Chapter 10: thank you author
fireheaven #10
Chapter 10: Finally they are together again haha
Next chap will be the last already? Can't wait