
Break Up Battle

Author's note: POVs for the first time, just want to share you what exactly they have inside their minds

Out of all the fights that I had with Kyuhyun, this backfire is probably the most weakening, the most disheartening and
most heartwrecking thing he has ever done. In fact, its not even a backfire, I just so happen to witness the other side,
probably the real side of this damn story. I am becoming the third wheel here, and there is no backfire,
there is just Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi...kissing and me hanging around and butting in to their supposedly... love story.

I thought... all the while even after the backfiring and fighting with me, there will still be a chance for him to get
back together with me. It seems like... Im the only one who thinks that.
I smiled bitterly. How could I be stupid? I was the one who insisted the break up and I was the one who started the
battle and now... it seems like Im the one who should give up first.

Who could even thought that the man whom you think is still in love with you is in fact already in love with
someone else?

Kyuhyun... how could you move on so fast? You even wanted to take me away, after the party. You even kissed me the way
you kissed me before when were deeply in love during one of our fights... it turns out, those are part of the
strategies you use to hurt me. Congratulations, you completely and perfectly destroyed my heart.

I'm lonely... and it seems like even if I cry the whole day, my heart will continue hurting. I cannot take it anymore.
That's it... I've decided.

I stayed inside the room since I don't want him to see me crying. When he came into the room, I was able to calm myself
a bit. He was a little excited over some things I don't want to be bothered with so I stood up and looked at him

"I'll be moving out." I said looking at the luggage I have which only consist of my clothes. I think what I said
surprised him.

I excitedly opened the door of our room only to see Sungmin, he stood up, looking rather serious... why is his
nose so red? I wondered as I tried catching my breath.

"Im moving out..."

Did i hear something crashing? Like a fragile glass being stepped on, like a small piece of block being crashed,
like a heart that was suddenly... what did Sungmin say? Did he...

"What?" I asked. I thought I asked it to myself... I didn't realise it was a bit too loud.

I got shocked, unable to move. Sungmin-ah...why are your tears falling? And why do I keep on hearing the crash
everytime I see those tears? I- I just dont know what to do if you keep on showing me those precious tears...

"What?" he asked.

Suddenly, the tears that I successfully stop came up to me again and the emotions that I tried to keep stirred up as
well. I closed my eyes deeply on the verge of crying.

"Im hurting..." I said with my breathing held a bit to stop myself from crying. "I cannot take seeing you with
Mimi sshi." I confessed.

'do you think I dont know that? That's the reason why I want to make up with you...let's be together again, Minnie-ah'
I thought....but I dont know why my throat is too dry to make any sound and my mouth is too heavy to speak.
The only thing I was able to say was "W-why" and you" but that's not what I want to say, damn it! I just don't know
why I cannot say what I wanted to.

'Sungmin-ah, please stop crying... I dont know what to do whenever you are crying... it hurts me to see the tears
in your eyes...' and why do I continuesly hear the crashing sound? I thought. But suddenly he called me with his
voice breaking because of his tears.

He looked confused and in panic but I dont know if it is a show or not. "W-why? You-"

"Kyuhyun-ah..." I called as my voice break and my tears freed themselves forcefully from my eyes. "I cannot take
seeing us like this anymore." I started as I breathe in deeply. "All this time Im hoping for you and me to get back
together but I dont think it wont happen anymore." I said blinking, freeing the water, lots of water that is starting
to hurt my eyes. "I saw what you and Zhou Mi were doing just now..." I said almost whispering the last words.

Since I am already crying, I did not stop myself from crying out loud and showing him what I really feel. He
straighten up still looking at me, I dont know what he's thinking about, he has a blank face which hurts me
even more, if he could show a bit of concern in his face, it might lessen the pain but he doesn't.

"I dont even know if we still share the same feelings. I- Im giving up..." I said.

We've broken up, that's right... but our break up situation is more special than anyone who has broken up; we fight,
we play, we even kiss... you even initiated a kiss. Never did I thought that I would hear you saying 'I give up.'
I want to hold him, I want him to hold on to me...

"Sungmin-ah" I said, you have no idea how much I wanted to hold you in my arms, grab you on the spot and do you the
way I always want to...but my words were stopped the moment I called his name... my feet was suddenly rooted, afraid
to take another step, afraid that I am already crossing the line to what his moving out is all about. I am scared...
that I could only stand and look at him.

He took one step forward "Sungmin-ah..." but that was the only thing he did. I sighed and thought... 'Kyuhyun-ah,
can't you go back to the past? To the past when you were brave enough to let me cross the dangerous line? to the past
when you would just grab me and wrapped me in your arms and kiss me and own me the way you want to? To the past when
you are courageous enough to tell me how much you want me, love me?' I want my Kyuhyun back but-this is just too

I wiped my tears but it seems like they are going to come back.

"Im sorry if Im weak... that I cannot continue fighting anymore... its just that... " I paused to catch my breath and
still I was breathless as I say... "I dont see anymore reasons to fight this battle."

It breaks my heart to say these words to him. If there's any confrontation that I wanted to have with him, that will
be a confrontation about getting each other back in our relationship but never this one. Kyuhyun-ah... I dont want
anybody owning you aside from me, you belong to me, that's what you say to me... that's what you make me believe...
that's why I hate to see you with Zhou Mi but now it seems like Im getting selfish over you for nothing.


'Sungmin-ah... don't say those words please...' hearing this makes me feel so terribly bad that I want to punch myself
infront of him.

'I wanted you so badly, you always know that. Even with this break up, you always know that I
belong to you, that's what I keep on saying... can't you just be selfish for me? just this time, do not give up on me...'
I wanted to say more than what my brain is thinking about...but the words really get in the way... I dont have the
strength to stop him...especially with those lonely disheartened eyes on me.

I stared at those dark brown eyes for the last time. I turned my back and closed my eyes shortly. I am still crying,
it doesn't really help that I was able to tell him what I feel instead... this moving out is making me feel even
more burdened...disheartened... lonely.

Kyuhyun-ah... you don't need to cry for me if you wish to stop me, you don't need to hug me as well, you don't
even need to say 'I love you'. What I want is just one word, which I pray, I silently beg you to say...stay.


"Stay." I said but he refused to stop walking... I gather my courage to conquer the space between us before he
could even make it further, I grabbed him and kissed his warm lips, deeply.
When we parted, I look him in the eyes with my most weakening stare... "Stay with me."

I just wish I have the courage to do that... it's the only thing I wanted to do at that very moment. But the useless me
just stood there and watch him leave.


What I want is just one word, which I pray, I silently beg him to say... just a word
which you never even tried saying even until I left the room completely. I just need one word- stay.


Sungmin-ah...stay with me... Dont go anywhere else, stay here with me... for the rest of our lives.
But no matter how much I wanted to say those words... it seems like my voice has been dried and my foolish,
damned heart cannot be heard inside...continuously the crash that I've been hearing is still there.

'Sungmin-ah...' my heart called. He didn't hear me. He's gone.

I smiled bitterly as I continued weeping outside. Until the last time, you break my broken heart... by not stopping
me to leave.

Goodbye, Cho Kyuhyun, my Kyuhyun.

The crashing finally stop. It started raining, my face is getting wet the moment he disappeared. The ceiling must
have a problem... I must call the repairman...
Strange how everywhere I seem to go, the ceiling has a problem and the rain keeps on streaming down my cheeks,
rolling down warmly on my face and making me feel like its destroying the sad moment I am supposed to be having.

Can the rain just stop? this dripping from the ceiling is making me feel even more worst. Lastly, my heart seemed
to stop beating from the moment Sungmin left... I cannot hear it beating at all. Why has the crashing stopped as well?

Damn this rain, I'm getting runny nose with it. I... hold on a minute.

I suddenly stop and realised as I look up... put my palm up to catch waters to see where exactly is the drippings from
the ceiling. I held my breath... no, I catch my breath and see no rain dripping from the not so high ceiling that
witnessed our love and pain...

The rain doesnt come from the ceiling at all. The rain comes from my eyes and I cannot breath because of crying
so badly, I have to open my mouth slightly to catch my breath. This cocky, evil Cho Kyuhyun
is crying...

I am crying, and I am crying heavily my eyes started hurting...and the crashing that I've been hearing...
is my heart... my heart is broken into small pieces. Cho Kyuhyun's heart is broken into pieces and is
crying? Yes...

My Sungmin's just the most heart breaking thing that happened to my life.

Sungmin-ah...come back to me. Minnie-ah... come back.

He cannot hear me.

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QMiniSa #1
Helllloooo dear Autornim ... i have a favor to ask and i'll be realy glad if you'll accept it ...
i want to translate this fanfic in kyumin fanclube in iran for persian joyers... Ofcourse if you'll alows me to ...
will you ?? (papy eyes) kkk
Elrhumy #2
Chapter 26: Gosh both of them was so stubborn.. but im glad from this break up kyu n min learned their fault n come back together more understanding n loving toward each other..
Chapter 26: I think I've read this before...? Or not?
Oh well.. forget it... the story is so great!! Cute and funny.. so fluffy <33
Though it's heartbreaking when min moves out and kyu do nothing... but everything is going so well... even siwon and mimi... kkk~ love love it!!
Minh-Phungly #4
Chapter 26: This so Great!!!
You are amazing
U got an New Fan :D
Thankyu , i Laugh so much
RayhanAdni #5
Chapter 26: as you can see i reread this great ff xD yuhuuuuuu!!!!
commonfanatic #6
Chapter 26: Jiahaha im glad this story is not heart-breaking XD
Ahh you're truly my favorite author!!
Please don't ever ever ever ever leave aff :(
Chapter 26: Why I didn't read this before its so cute XD
Exofan12345 #8
Chapter 6: I'm already dying with laughter
nananavizaa #9
Chapter 26: asdgahskhdjw this story is beyond fluff and cute. sungmin belongs to kyuhyun, kyuhyun belongs to sungmin. And they're talking about mug. lol and when sungmin teased kyuhyuh then min said 'wipe it' i was like kyuhyun was drooling? Lmao hilarious!
mickyuminnie #10
Chapter 26: "Because Sungmin belongs to Kyuhyun, and Kyuhyun belongs to Sungmin"♥♡♥ Thank you authornim for writing a sweet and adorable kyumin fic! Their "break up battle" is just so cute!^-^