Storms - Kai

Suffocating Minds

There’s so much beauty in a storm. And there was. There was no other way to describe your relationship with Kai but that. His moods were so mixed up and ever-changing, you could never keep up. And sometimes he would hit your last nerves, but then you would look back on your relationship and you would realise just how precious it was, he was. And now he was gone.

There was always something, running deep in his veins, that affected him greatly. Maybe it was something in his past, you didn’t know. It caused him to do such reckless and dangerous things. It also made him curl up, gripping his hair, and shout, trying to sound out his demons; but they rested burrowed inside him, refusing to leave. And that’s why he died, why he’s gone.

You wondered if you should blame yourself; for not protecting him enough. But sometimes it’s hard to protect someone from themself. They’re wound in within themselves so much, their souls are trapped, that no one can get through to them. It’s something they have to overcome themselves, but it only caused them more pain to do so. Until they end it. And so he did.

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Chapter 2: Good sentence structure and story organisation!
ChickenBumping #2
Chapter 1: Ah.. it's the first time I've encountered this genre..... You've made it seem really promising I'm looking forward for more ^^ waaaahhhh a drunk and messed up Luhan shweet!