Sneak Peek


He blinked hurriedly as red began glowing numbers danced in front of his vision, those numbers haunted him. 01:33. He blinked again hurriedly to get rid of them believing them to be some trick of his brain and that blinking would help get rid of them. They mocked him by staying there. They reminded him of when he was helpless, he was not helpless now though and it would not happen again. He would rather die himself than to let it happen again. Eventually the number faded and he was half thinking he had imagined it after all the numbers wouldn't really be there - perhaps it was from the guilt of letting it happen in the first place. Then he saw him, he wouldn't approach him as that was not what he was there for... in the end his selfishness won out and against all his warnings he approached him and his heart skipped at the other's smile. And that was how he knew he was already in too deep.


W h y.

W  h  y.






'Do I have to love you, Ryeowook

At some point he must have fallen asleep whilst Siwon and Kyuhyun carted him off somewhere. They had gone from running to potential carjacking. His dream did not help with his confusion at all, he just did not know what was going on and what fate of all things had to do with it. The burning question of why remained - but for the love of him he did not have any idea what the why was aimed at. Everything had just seemed to go crazy all at once from Siwon going all ninja priest on Hae and Eunhyuk to the latter two themselves. Just Kyuhyun appearing like that and joining them like he knew what had happened was crazy itself.

Ryeowook could hear the two talking to each other in hushed tones as so to avoid him hearing it seemed like. That or to not wake him up but with their peering back every few seconds or so it seemed like the former. Ryeowook feigned that he was still sleeping in order to eavesdrop as that should hopefully give him some idea about what was going on so he could clear up his confusion-ridden mind once and for all. Their words did not help with the confusion at all.

"You, one of the most priestly, Bible-ers there is just whacked two geese-monkeys over the head with a brick taken from the church itself." Kyuhyun's voice rang out in amusement, it seemed like it was a subject he had to keep bringing up considering how Siwon responded telling the other to get over it but Kyuhyun clearly did not seem able to get over it. Siwon grumbled at the other to shut up, he just did it in a much more polite manner being a priest and all.

"I'm sorry, it's just wow. I did not expect that of all outcomes for you to join our side, I keep a nice seat in Hell warm for you." Kyuhyun continued with a chuckle. Kyuhyun was loving it and Ryeowook could practically see the smug grin on Kyuhyun's face.


Going on Camping Trip from tomorrow (20/08/15) to Monday (24/08/15) so decided to leave you all a sneak peek seeing as I cannot finish the chapter over then. Because I am that nice (or is it cruel? Who knows...)

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Sorry Phil. I cannot stop my crying as it's not going to be alright.


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I actually found this on ao3 but shifted here because it was incomplete and I wanted to be notified the easiest way once it’s done. X’D I’m so excited to read this!
myonlyalien #2
Chapter 6: I'm loving it just so you know :))))) Enjoy the camping trip and safe travels! :D
Chapter 6: You're cruel lol but thanks!!
Hahhaha kyu your questionsXD Siwon.. We want answers! Wookie eavesdropping is bad :p

So siwon joined their "side".. Hmph! What what what!!
Chapter 6: WAAAAA.. Don't leave us hanging please!!!
Chapter 4: Lol we had a long chat and you already know what I have to say about this hahahha but I'll still comment here so to show my support^^

Kyu is so confusing!! And wookie is even more confusing! EunHae are crazy! But wth is this fate and wookie's time has ended><

Siwon said HELL :O :O
Where the heck did kyu appear from?!><
Chapter 4: Please update soon.. I got a feeling He, Hyuk and Kyu are not from this world.. Seems that Siwon knows something and is not telling..
791 streak #7
Chapter 3: Sorry for waiting FOREVER to read this~ Wonderful chapter tho ;)

Good luck on the next one =^.^=
Keyv88 #8
Chapter 2: very interesting!! Im reading the next chapter :p
Chapter 4: So it seems like Ryeowook can see what others can't see...
this is so exciting!! I can't wait to find out what happens next!!! :D
I can't wait to find out what happens next!
I hope Kyu won't do anything bad to Ryeowook though....
so nervous! >.<