


01:33 AM

Time: 12:52 (need a specific time and date)       01:33 (as time at this precise second on 13/08/2015)

Flat-lining... the dull and final tone. The desperate shouts and flurry of movement as they did all they could. It was pointless - he just knew it - so he did not dare look instead his eyes remained on the cold green line. He was thankful for the doctors working at this hour in an attempt to save the life... but they did not manage to so he found himself sort of blaming them. Time of death 01:33 AM, that was how his world had ended. 

It was ridiculous really how one person could become so much to him that nothing else really seemed to matter, especially if the other person would probably never recognise him - he was a side-character in the other's life. Well what had been his life... it was crazy. He was crazy to do it. He did it anyway as even if it killed him inside the other had given him something that he would otherwise never have, he owed him that much.

It was dark... far too dark, it was like the whole world had been swallowed up. There was no sound, he could not even hear his own breathing and he did not like it because it was like he did not exist like nothing existed anymore. Then he heard it. A heart-beat, he could hear a heart-beat. It seemingly grew from the emptiness and despite himself he found that he had a smile on his face. It meant he had done it... for now at least. They weren't out of trouble yet but listening to the now steady rhythmic beat of the heart made him feel at peace despite the emptiness and darkness. The darkness was slipping away now though, a warm red glow began to steadily fill the black, it was slow at first until you noticed it and then you realised how quickly it was in fact moving. Then the whole world was red and he could feel and hear. The ground felt hard and bumpy under his fingers as he spread them out and the noise of traffic rushed past. He could smell the drafts of warm sausage rolls and bread, smell the earthy scent of leaves and the minty scent of gum. He could also smell the more unpleasant things such as litter and tobacco smoke. The world was still red though until he thought... perhaps he should open his eyes?

Then the world was filled with too bright colours and it hurts his eyes as the sun reflected off surfaces right into his retinas, all of a sudden he wished he did not open his eyes after all. The world felt too bright after being in the dark, it looked as if someone decided to paint it all in poster paints. He stood up slowly brushing himself off; stray bits of gravel had stuck to him from when he had been lying on the pavement. Squinting he made out exactly where he was. It was hard not to know where he was, he would never forget this place. It looked different in the day; it looked different actually being on the pavement... it was like that had never even happened. Then again at this moment it hadn't and if he did his job right then it never would. He blinked a little still trying to get used to the sunlight. He wondered if it was always this bright or if it just seemed this way due to the darkness before as he looked into the blue sky tinted with the hint of beige from the pollution of the city, he vaguely wanted to go into the countryside but that would just defeat his purpose even if he would feel a little more at ease.

Buildings rose upwards into the sky as if there was some race between them over who would touch the clouds first, personally he would have went underground but people seemed to have this obsession with the sky due to the sheer amount of paintings, photographs of it and the amount of times people attempted to get into the sky whether with buildings, swings and vehicles. Perhaps the idea of Heaven being in the clouds and Hell underground caused the advance to the sky, equally experiences of mines and the sheer amount of dead people in the ground sent people to sky. The ground was full of resources but the sky was free to build in. He would still go underground though... but after a while he guessed everyone missed the sky.

Ironic really considering how they all seemed determined to blot it out with buildings and pollution... he doubted you could even see the stars anymore here. He liked the stars. If only this was the countryside then he would be able to see the stars. His thoughts were drifting from the reason why he was there and he had to snap himself back into the right frame of mind - it was hard though considering how dazed he felt at the moment as if he had just gotten off of a rollercoaster. The fact he had to remind himself to open his eyes was proof enough of that.

Back to the task at hand he began to walk determinedly towards a tall grey lump of a building, he cringed inwardly as he had always hated these buildings but he had made a promise to himself and to him so he was going to keep it. As he came closer he gave a small sigh of relief at the quaint cafe which had been hidden in the footholds of the building, he was worrying that he would have to go into a squalor of flats.

He blinked hurriedly as red began glowing numbers danced in front of his vision, those numbers haunted him. 01:33. He blinked again hurriedly to get rid of them believing them to be some trick of his brain and that blinking would help get rid of them. They mocked him by staying there. They reminded him of when he was helpless, he was not helpless now though and it would not happen again. He would rather die himself than to let it happen again. Eventually the number faded and he was half thinking he had imagined it after all the numbers wouldn't really be there - perhaps it was from the guilt of letting it happen in the first place. Then he saw him, he wouldn't approach him as that was not what he was there for... in the end his selfishness won out and against all his warnings he approached him and his heart skipped at the other's smile. And that was how he knew he was already in too deep.


W h y.

W  h  y.






'Do I have to love you, Ryeowook?

At some point he must have fallen asleep whilst Siwon and Kyuhyun carted him off somewhere. They had gone from running to potential car-jacking. His dream did not help with his confusion at all; he just did not know what was going on and what fate of all things had to do with it. The burning question of why remained - but for the love of him he did not have any idea what the why was aimed at. Everything had just seemed to go crazy all at once from Siwon going all ninja priest on Hae and Eunhyuk to the latter two themselves. Just Kyuhyun appearing like that and joining them like he knew what had happened was crazy itself.

Ryeowook could hear the two talking to each other in hushed tones as so to avoid him hearing it seemed like. That or to not wake him up but with their peering back every few seconds or so it seemed like the former. Ryeowook feigned that he was still sleeping in order to eavesdrop as that should hopefully give him some idea about what was going on so he could clear up his confusion-ridden mind once and for all. Their words did not help with the confusion at all.

"You, one of the most priestly, Bible-ers there is just whacked two geese-monkeys over the head with a brick taken from the church itself." Kyuhyun's voice rang out in amusement, it seemed like it was a subject he had to keep bringing up considering how Siwon responded telling the other to get over it but Kyuhyun clearly did not seem able to get over it. Siwon grumbled at the other to shut up, he just did it in a much more polite manner being a priest and all.

"I'm sorry, it's just wow. I did not expect that of all outcomes for you to join our side, I keep a nice seat in Hell warm for you." Kyuhyun continued with a chuckle. Kyuhyun was loving it and Ryeowook could practically see the smug grin on Kyuhyun's face.

"I'm not joining 'your' side; I'm doing this for Ryeowook."

With those words the atmosphere seemed to shift from a friendly one to a dangerous one and Ryeowook could not help but risk a peek only to find that Kyuhyun now had his fist wrapped into Siwon's collar pulling the other male close. His eyes burnt with a hot possessiveness.

"And what do you mean by that, Piano-keyed Throat-tie." Kyuhyun spat out viciously his eyes glaring at the other broader built male but yet seeming as if he was the stronger of the two.

"I love him as a brother, Fiend." Siwon answered back with just as much spit in his voice. Kyuhyun let go of the other's collar but still kept a wary eye on the other.

"You better do." Kyuhyun practically sulked.

"Now please don't do that again whilst I'm driving, dangerous driving can cause accidents." Siwon said in a scolding manner as if he was a parent telling the other off for eating before their tea. In that tone of voice Siwon could just have easily said 'If you eat sweets you won't have any room for your dinner.' What Ryeowook just couldn't quite work out at this moment was the relationship between the two, they kept muttering harsh insults and threats but in an almost amiable manner. Nothing seemed to hold that much bite. They just seemed to work quite well bouncing off one another. 

Then it clicked. Brothers. They were bickering like a pair of brothers, Kyuhyun the younger hot-headed one and Siwon the older slightly more mature one who was used to the other's antics. After this realisation he might have mistaken them for such if he hadn't known Siwon for as long as he had. Cho, Choi it was not that much of a jump after all.  It was kind of endearing to think of them that way and now he was in a bit of a awkward position... how was he supposed to 'wake up' and how was he going to do it realistically. He did not want to pretend to sleep forever especially seeing as they weren't saying much of interest or at least that he could understand. The most interesting was the nicknames they came up with for everyone, particularly Kyuhyun's ones: Bible-er, Geese-monkeys, and Piano-keyed Throat-tie. Siwon just did not have the same level of creativity. It was a pity. The only other vaguely interesting thing they have managed to say was about how it was far too early - late Summer approaching Autumn was the time whatever they were talking about was supposed to happen but yet this was happening during late Spring which was practically in the thralls of Summer. He did not understand that though.

It did not seem to matter his worries of how he was supposed to 'awaken' because as soon as he had fully opened his eyes Kyuhyun just seemed to sense it. Kyuhyun's head jolted around and sent him the most dashing smile.

"Ryeowook." Such tenderness was evident in each syllable. No one else said his name quite like how Kyuhyun could, it sent warm spreading out from somewhere in his torso to his fingers and his toes. The manner of how his name was said just made Ryeowook want to declare that they should go get a cat together. Like right now.

"A black and white one would be nice..." He found himself rambling, coherent thought to word process when Kyuhyun blasted love at him like a super charged ion laser just did not exist. Kyuhyun just gave him that amused gentle smile of this at this - Siwon on the other hand was sending him odd looks through the mirror as if he thought that Ryeowook was the craziest most love-struck fools he had ever laid eyes on. Perhaps he was, perhaps he was.

Finally Siwon must have grown bored of their simpering gazes at one another, both just content with smiling - no need for words, that he just the car radio and turned the volume right up to break them from the stupor.

"I like this song." Kyuhyun mused breaking the long-held eye contact to look at the radio. "Sing with me Wonnie." Kyuhyun cooed at the driver.

"Don't call me that." Siwon stated simply without a beat. Kyuhyun gave a sigh before beginning to sing along to the radio. Very loudly and very badly, so bad that Ryeowook was certain that the other was putting it on. He was glad that he was in the back seat whilst Kyuhyun in was in the front so that the singing (or rather screeching) was not too close to his ears. Siwon did not have such the luck however and he tensed at the so-called singing, if he was a cat he would have bristled.

"Fine, fine. I'll sing with you just stop that God-forsaken racket." Kyuhyun and Ryeowook sent each other looks at the term 'God-forsaken' being used. Tsk, tsk... naughty Siwon, the mentioned that God's name was not to be spoken in vain.

"Racket?" Kyuhyun hummed with such an innocent smile that it was hard not to tell that he was anything but. "But I'm not playing tennis." Ryeowook could have sworn that Siwon twitched a little at that - it was hard to see from the back of the car. Kyuhyun was enjoying being an annoying brat, Ryeowook could just tell it just from the way Kyuhyun was sat back looking ever so chilled but his hand twitching every now and then from the excitement of it all and that grin that stretched out from cheek to cheek. After all when Kyuhyun was with Ryeowook although he was often mischievous he never really had the chance to just annoy seeing as he would much rather cuddle or something mushy like that. He was too busy trying to appeal to Ryeowook with smirks, cheesy one-liners and caresses With Siwon however he could act as much as a brat as he wanted to - after all it was not like he wanted to go kissing Siwon anytime soon, for one thing Siwon was bound to taste like incense and mouldy old crackers (the ones they gave out to represent 'the body').

"You know what I mean." Siwon had that tone again, the fed-up-of-your- tone all parents seemed to have and apparently Siwon did too. In the end they both decided to sing with the radio after a small flourish and declaration from Kyuhyun "This song is dedicated to you, dear Wook."

Kyuhyun did sound a lot better this time and a lot less than a dying seagull. Much to Ryeowook's amusement most of the words were less than right. In fact Ryeowook was fairly sure that Siwon was making most of them up on the spot considering he did not seem to know this song that well. Somehow or another Kyuhyun coined Ryeowook into singing along as well when the next song came around. Kyuhyun kept on singing as dramatically as he could with a bunch of wild hand gestures and facial expressions, even Siwon was grinning at this behaviour by now.

Kyuhyun must have some kind of golden tongue as in the end they were all 'dancing' along with Kyuhyun as well as singing, they wouldn't normally do it but they were enjoying it a lot now they were doing it.

Even though Ryeowook still had no idea where they were driving to, running from, what Eunhyuk and Hae wanted and couldn't quite push off the feeling that the two may have potentially kidnapped him and making him miss work... he forgot all that even if for the moment of enjoyment at their little sing song. And for that moment, all was well.

The sun had rose relatively high into the sky by the time the car had stopped, with a small jolt Ryeowook realised that they must have drove all through the night for the sun to even be up at all. Estimating he would assume it was around ten or eleven-ish, either way that was probably a heck load of driving... so where the heck where they? For one thing there were no sky-scrapers or tall buildings, at most the few buildings around were two-stories high. Suddenly he felt so tall rather than small like he did in cities.

But seriously... where the heck where they. 

"This is nice and all... but where are we?" Ryeowook voiced out, Siwon and Kyuhyun sent looks at each other seemingly knowing what the other was thinking from just that. Ryeowook felt the sudden burn of envy swell through him at that, he was the one who was supposed to know both of them best... yet here they apparently knew one another more than Ryeowook possibly could. If it was not for their secrets they seemed to carry with them! It was most unfair.

"Safe haven. Sanctuary if you will." Kyuhyun answered simply as if that should answer all of Ryeowook's questions. It did not. If anything it gave me a lot more - stupid cryptic Kyuhyun. For one thing he did not quite understand the threat that they were running from, two crazed men outside a church - scary, yes. But nothing to drive to the middle of nowhere about... what where they hiding from him?

Siwon sent Ryeowook a comforting smile. "Just think of it as a holiday." Siwon prompted, Ryeowook had to fight to keep the disbelieving look off from his face. He most clearly failed when Siwon's smile turned into a mildly concerned stretch. "It's for the best Wook, trust us." And Ryeowook had to wonder why he trusted them all so much for they could easily be as bad or crazy as Eunhyuk or Hae. Here he was twaddling along after them as if he was a baby duckling without really thinking what they really were trying to accomplish. After all for a long while hadn't he thought Siwon was some kind of stalker appearing so often and all that?

What if Siwon really was a stalker, he buried his face into his palms. What made him think this was a good idea going along with them? What if he lost his job for not showing up today? What if he really had been kidnapped by crazy people - would the police even count it as kidnap seeing as there had been no struggle? Could he even report himself as a missing person?

He should call Sungmin. Just to let him know that he wouldn't be at work for a while because he was at wherever he was for whatever they were there for, Heechul would have too many questions and Jongwoon was still forced to stay at home as far as he was aware. Over-concerned parents that had to make sure he was 100% better before he was allowed to leave Jongwoon had explained it, Ryeowook was not sure if it was for Jongwoon's sake or for the parent's sake however.

Now to call him... where is his phone? How was he supposed to call Sungmin without a phone!

"Ryeowook?" He had lost his phone, now he was going to lose his job and maybe even his kidneys if Siwon and Kyuhyun had really kidnapped him and was crazy. What was he supposed to do without his kidneys?

"Ryeowook." You needed kidneys to survive (or at least just one) and if you had no kidneys you would explode from excess urine or something. He wasn't overly sure how it worked all he knew was that without his kidneys he would not last that long. He did not want to end up as exploding urine or otherwise either way.

"Please let me keep my kidneys. Take another body part instead, like a hand or something."

"Ryeowook!" That jolted him out of it. Both Kyuhyun and Siwon was staring at him as if he was the crazy one... maybe he was being this paranoid and all, but he did have the right to be considering everything had suddenly seemed to happen. If they were a little more open.

"Of course you can keep your kidneys..." Kyuhyun began with a bemused look upon his face "Now what are you looking for?" He asked kindly with a gentle smile. Stupid Kyuhyun treating him as if he was precious (even when he was acting like a crazy or weird person) and putting him more at ease with just a smile.

"My phone." Ryeowook admitted quietly.

"You can borrow mine if you like?" Kyuhyun prompted holding his out for Ryeowook. Ryeowook took it and looked at Kyuhyun before muttering his thanks, he felt almost foolish for his bout of paranoia. He could not help it though considering how strange all of this had gotten so fast... if only they told him things. "You can have it for this whole trip if you like; you're the only one I really call after all so I won't really be using it." Kyuhyun added with that smile of his.

"Thank you..."

“Oh and if I was to take your hand in any way it would be in marriage.” Damn it. Kyuhyun wanted to kill him didn't he? Because those words could have very well killed him.

Eventually Ryeowook managed to find enough signal to call his work colleague who had answered near straight away although cautiously considering it being an unknown number. Once he figured out it was Ryeowook there was no such caution however.

“Where on earth are you, Wook?” Sungmin questioned annoyance and concern mixed into the cocktail of feelings in his voice. Ryeowook gave an awkward laugh at that – he didn’t even know so how was he supposed to tell Sungmin where he was?

"Well I sort of got dragged on some kind of secret rendezvous with Kyuhyun and Siwon. Well it was a secret for me at least." Ryeowook admitted being as honest as he could. Sungmin made an interesting sort of sound at this knowledge before muttering ineligibly to himself before he coughed out.

"So you're off somewhere with your Prince and your Priest... that's so very awkward Wook. Not to mention weird..."

"He's not my priest." Ryeowook interjected, the thought of Siwon being his own personal priest was such a strange thought. "I know I end talking about him a lot, it's not my fault that he's always there being weird and creepy." Ryeowook added before sending a look towards Siwon who was sat right there with a dejected look on his face from what he was described as. Kyuhyun was laughing quietly at him. "No offence." Ryeowook muttered towards Siwon who merely gave a weak smile.

"None taken... I think?" Siwon murmured with such a pathetic look on his face that Kyuhyun couldn't help but lightly ruffle the priest's hair in some kind of awkward comfort attempt which would have worked out better if he wasn't still laughing over Siwon being called 'Weird and Creepy'. It didn't help at all when Kyuhyun merely burst into now audible laughter.

"This is what I get for caring." Siwon lamented to Kyuhyun who attempted to act sympathetic but was a bit too busy finding it amusing to properly carry it off. Ryeowook tried hard to focus solely on Sungmin and his questions but it was hard with Kyuhyun and Siwon in the background, especially considering Kyuhyun's chortling that kept escaping despite his efforts to keep them in. Siwon kept letting out little moans every now and then as well. It was very distracting. He also wanted to know a little more about Siwon's supposed caring, how was appearing everywhere supposed to be caring?

Ryeowook knew he should tell them to leave when they offered to leave if he wanted them to. But like a fool he had allowed them to stay there. He regretted it now so he decided to shoo them out so he could have the conversation in peace.

"He's going to call me names now." Kyuhyun explained to Siwon as they left the room "He just likes me more so he is sparing my feelings by sending me off." Siwon sort of wailed a little at that. Ryeowook was not sure whether he wanted to laugh with Kyuhyun or hit him across the head. He settled for laughing quietly to himself after all he sort of liked bullying Siwon too as some sort of revenge for creeping him out a little.

Some was bothering Ryeowook, it hung over him like a dark shadow. It was not his worrying over needing to make a phone call now - that was over and done with. No, something else was bothering him. Kyuhyun could see it, even Siwon could see it and Siwon was not always the brightest crayon in the box when it came to what bothered Ryeowook or not. After all in his pitiful attempt to make sure that Ryeowook was safe he couldn't see that he was freaking Ryeowook out by looking like a right stalker. Which he probably was in the literal sense but that was not his meaning behind his actions, they were relatively noble.

After all trying to keep someone safe (even if they were thinking of the wrong enemy) by keeping an eye on them as they were unaware of a threat - it was not too much of a bad thing even if Siwon had been hopeless at it and just caused more problems than otherwise. He was better off as a Priest - at least he had gotten Ryeowook away from Hyukjae and Donghae though, even if they did insist on being called 'Hae and Eunhyuk' here which in Kyuhyun's opinion was idiotic. If you had to go by different names pick ones that are completely different. Kyuhyun knew all of this thanks to his skill in actually talking to Siwon, just a little bit of pressure and Siwon spilt his guts.

Now how to make Ryeowook spill his guts over what was bothering him. Siwon took a step towards Ryeowook before Kyuhyun placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him and he connected his line of vision with Siwon's before smiling lightly. It was amazing how much could be said in a single look as Siwon paused and let Kyuhyun go in his place. After all this was all kind of Kyuhyun's fault in the first place.

"Hey Wook, what the hell is wrong with you?" Kyuhyun stated sliding over the top of the island counter to plop in front of the other man who sat on a kitchen counter. Siwon sent him a distressed look - he had trusted Kyuhyun to fix things not potentially make things worse. Yet here he was posing the question like that, he was only lucky that Kyuhyun had not said it in a cruel tone of voice but instead in a friendly(ish) tone of voice as if he was discussing the weather.

Ryeowook looked at the other with a thin smile. "What's wrong? Why am I here? Why did you bring me here?" He was yelling he could see Kyuhyun flinch a little at the force and volume of it. Kyuhyun's face seemed to crumble a little at his words, he gave the other a thin twisted smile.

"Truth is... we panicked. We thought you were in danger - so we drove." Kyuhyun admitted before he buried his head in his hands a little. "I just panicked, I wanted you safe and though in hind-sight I made a rash decision. I just wanted to protect you. I'm just glad you're safe." Again there was a lot of information but then again there wasn't.

"Safe from what exactly?" Ryeowook just wanted answers already. Clear, straight-forward answers. He had gotten over his dazed, confused state which left him complacent to their making away with him – he was scared now, Kyuhyun was supposed to make him feel safe but he’s on edge. He just wants it to go back before he met Kyuhyun as horrible as that sounds when he felt safe and normal, when Siwon did not appear to be a stalker and none of this crazy stuff happened.

"Very good question, I would say men whom aren't really nice but then again they're more of very confused in the head." Kyuhyun began, completely irritating Ryeowook to no end as this was the opposite to his idea of straight-forward. He was being patient with Kyuhyun however as the other did not seem sure where to begin.

"Basically..." Kyuhyun began, again after a short pause, "These meanies wanted you hurt so we moved you so you won't get hurt because we love you so much." Kyuhyun finished gaining dubious looks from both Ryeowook and Siwon.

"Is that all I'm going to get?" Ryeowook asked, Siwon gave him an apologetic smile.

“It appears so, the thing is that if we told you we just don’t know how much you would understand or be able to accept.”

“And I’m just supposed to accept this...” Ryeowook murmured dejectedly, if he had no real answers then how did he know that he was supposed to trust them?

“No, but it’s the best we can do at the moment.” Kyuhyun looked as defeated as Ryeowook felt and he couldn’t help feel pity for him despite everything. Kyuhyun had really wiggled himself into his heart after all. He was like a drug and despite all his insecurities he could push them aside from Kyuhyun.

“I trust you.” Ryeowook whispered softly to Kyuhyun lightly touching his cheek softly, Kyuhyun let out this smallest most sincere smile before leaning forward and capturing Ryeowook’s lips with his. Siwon cringed and covered his eyes, he didn’t mind homoual acts as he said but he didn’t want to bear witness to intimate acts. Although it was just skin upon skin and no deeper it was so obvious that it was intimate and was a moment meant only for them, a moment he shouldn’t pry on.

He felt so wrong just being in the same room, as they pretty much declared their love with their lips. When Ryeowook elicited a little moan however was when Siwon deemed that enough was enough, opening his eyes he saw that things had gotten a little more heated on their part. Kyuhyun had slid his body between Ryeowook’s legs and Ryeowook’s fingers were entangled in Kyuhyun’s hair pulling him closer still. The kiss had obviously deepened and he wasn’t going to deal with any of this.

“Now that’s quite enough.” His voice seemed to break Ryeowook out of the stupor the kiss found him and at least he had the gall to look sheepish, Kyuhyun however looked pleased with himself a sly grin gracing his lips as he nuzzled into Ryeowook’s neck peering over with lidded eyes at Siwon. His lips were definitely redder and more swollen than they had been before the kiss, there wasn’t definitely no mistaking what Kyuhyun was in that state or what Ryeowook had been doing.

“Enough of what exactly?” Kyuhyun asked innocently although his deepened voice and slightly dishevelled appearance gave it away, Siwon felt quite scandalised. He knew Ryeowook since he was a child after all and seeing him like his especially how he was affected by Kyuhyun’s lower, rumbling voice was mortifying.

“Ah, leave him be Kyuhyun. He is a priest even if he is a terrible one.” Ryeowook muttered against Kyuhyun’s ear, poor Siwon really did not want to hear Ryeowook’s voice when it was effected like that either and he felt quite affronted about being called a terrible priest even if that could be a legit statement after what he had done with a piece of a Church.

“Look at his little face; I think you hurt his feelings Wook.” Kyuhyun stated gesturing at Siwon with his head, his hands still somewhere where Siwon could not see and didn’t want to know.

“Aww, Siwon you’re not that bad of a priest.” Ryeowook said in some attempt to redeem Siwon before ruining it by adding his afterthoughts. “Aside from the stalking, association with crazies, possibly killing people in a Church courtyard with a brick from the Church itself, the past pole-dancing and more associations but with older women.”

Siwon gave out a small groan and buried his head in his hands, he did honestly try to be a good priest and this is what he gets for trying to be a good person as well. Besides the pole-dancing was one time before he even considered becoming a priest. “Remind me why I’m trying to save you again?”

 “Because even if you are a bad priest, you’re a good friend?” Kyuhyun prompted with a small smile. Siwon snorted lightly, that was actually quite touching and who would have thought that Kyuhyun had enough heart to say something like that.

Heechul had called him, Sungmin no doubt told him all about his ‘kidnapping’. Heechul’s first question was whether he wanted him to call the police as Heechul would and he would do so willingly. If not that Heechul mentioned he could always get there somehow and rescue him somehow, if Jongwoon really had a helicopter Heechul would hijack that and fly there despite having no idea how to fly one.

When Ryeowook announced that he trusted Kyuhyun Heechul snorted and asked ‘how much did he really know about Kyuhyun? He brought you out to the middle of know where and says hey people are going to hurt you, I knew about this all along but didn’t say anything because hey.’

Ryeowook looked over at Kyuhyun who was attempting to straddle a somewhat horrified Siwon as he continued to try and convince the other to pole-dance for him as he was very interested in those exploits. Kyuhyun just seemed so delighted with the thought of Siwon doing something scandalous and he was practically bouncing like an excited kid at Christmas, it was quite loveable actually. Well at least he thought so; Siwon didn’t look quite as amused.

Kyuhyun didn’t look much like a crazed kidnapper, then again Eunhyuk and Hae didn’t look crazy either if you discounted their clothing... but Kyuhyun was different, Ryeowook felt that he knew Kyuhyun – perhaps not every little detail but enough to know what he was all about. Kyuhyun although annoyingly cryptic and could be very dark and y was just a big child at heart so easily delighted when he found something new or what he considered amusing. He could be an utter brat too, that much was obvious just looking at him around Siwon. But Ryeowook doubted that Kyuhyun could ever hurt him. When Kyuhyun seemed to sense Ryeowook’s eyes on him he turned and sent him such a honest happy smile at the sight of him that Ryeowook felt slightly weak at the knees, he wasn’t sure he could handle Kyuhyun sometimes with his sincere smiles.

Siwon followed Kyuhyun’s gaze before just looking at Kyuhyun. It was mad almost  with the way he appeared to emanate love from every pore every time he just looked at Ryeowook with his guard down.

Kyuhyun might have never said it but looking at him it was kind of obvious what his feelings were when he wasn’t trying to hold them back, when Kyuhyun was just open if you could see love then the love he held was practically blinding. Siwon couldn’t understand how such a creature could even feel such a strong emotion, it was the opposite of what he had been taught, the opposite to what Hae and Eunhyuk said.

“Stockholm syndrome.” Heechul muttered, Ryeowook shook his head despite Heechul not being able to see him do it, because he was pretty sure he had been in love with his kidnapper long before he was ever kidnapped by him. He wasn’t even properly kidnapped either, he could leave anytime he wanted and he had a phone... even if he was freaking out a little because of, well everything that happened in the last twenty-four hours, it was not really kidnapping if they were trying to keep him safe right? He hung up then, he didn’t want to make Heechul worried if he had an outburst of emotions.

Okay so maybe he was confused and kind of scared but... he didn’t even know, he was just hoping for the best and trying not to panic, he did not know what to do aside from wait for some kind of answer. Despite Kyuhyun’s reassurances things weren’t really adding up and after months of being on guard around Siwon, Siwon’s presence wasn’t as reassuring as it could be either.

“Wook.” How does Kyuhyun move and appear so fast, the moment a frustrated tear dropped down his cheek Kyuhyun was there kissing it away lightly and asking so gently what was wrong and how he could fix it. Why did he have to go and be so perfect all the time when all he wanted to do was to be angry, mad that he had no answers and frustrated that they did but they were keeping them from him.

“Just tell me the truth.” Ryeowook murmured, Kyuhyun blinked lightly not catching it enough to believe he heard it correctly.


“Just tell me the ing truth! Stop hiding things.” Kyuhyun flinched then and withdrew from him as if Ryeowook had hit him, Ryeowook just couldn’t find it in him to care he was at the end of his tether. His emotions had been strung about and was it just a matter of time before he snapped, he almost did before but this time Kyuhyun and Siwon weren’t going to wiggle out of it.

“The truth is... you wouldn’t believe us. You’d think we’re crazy.”  Kyuhyun gave a sour laugh, more excuses.

“Well just try me and we may find out.” Ryeowook spat, Siwon glanced over at Kyuhyun – he looked ready to cry. It was both interesting and heart-breaking, for one he wasn’t even sure if Kyuhyun had tear ducts to cry and if he did... well his kind wasn’t supposed to be able to.

“Angels. Eunhyuk and Hae are angels.” Kyuhyun finally said, head drooping in defeat.

Ryeowook scoffed what kind of and bull was this? Angels did not exist, let alone two crazy people who said his fate had ended. Wasn’t that like the opposite of what angels were supposed to do, angels were supposed to be the good guys not end people’s ‘fates’. Kyuhyun gave a wounded smile.

“And I’m a demon. I shouldn’t be able to love, it’s impossible even but yet I love you.”

Ryeowook looked at him, he was right, he didn’t believe him and yes he was pretty sure that Kyuhyun was crazy.

“Ryeowook, he’s telling the truth. It’s what you asked for.” Siwon muttered gazing at Ryeowook pleading for him to listen, to believe. Siwon did not know if he could handle the fallout. Ryeowook pulled a face, so Siwon too was crazy... made sense. Were they all just twisted in the head alongside Eunhyuk and Hae? Was it a cult thing, and to think he had let Siwon and Kyuhyun both into his house!

“Even if I was to believe you, wouldn’t that make you the bad guy?” Kyuhyun looked pained as if each word was instead a physical hit. Siwon just didn’t know how to stop this, Ryeowook wasn’t willing to listen.

“Ryeowook, I love you. Against all loves I love you, I didn’t even realise I had a heart before you. I did all of this so you could live, fate said you had to die but I changed that. I changed it for you! Please believe me!” Kyuhyun’s voice had broken and he was crying now yet Ryeowook was just looking at him as if he had a contagious disease.

Ryeowook shook his head and backed away slowly making his way to the exit.

"I love you..." Kyuhyun pleaded, he was shaking now. The heat of those words.... Kyuhyun was kissing him as if his life depended on it. He was so desperate and needy as he poured his very heart into every touch and word he muttered in short breaths into Ryeowook's ear.
Ryeowook was shaken, he just did not know how to handle the brunt of the extent of Kyuhyun's love - there just seemed to be so much of it. Too much of it. It was smothering him.

And did he want a delusional person’s love. He couldn’t handle this. So he pushed him away, he must have pushed him harder than he thought as Kyuhyun landed on the floor.

“Ryeowook! Please!” Kyuhyun practically screamed after him in a gut-wrenching sound that had Siwon’s heart shattering with Kyuhyun. Siwon didn’t know what he was supposed to do, if Kyuhyun couldn’t get through to Ryeowook then how was he supposed to have any chance?

“Leave me alone!” Kyuhyun gave a strangled sob and just sat there on the ground watching as Ryeowook ran out and listened as the sound of the car pulling out.

“Ryeowook.” Kyuhyun murmured softly before bringing a hand to his cheeks, they were wet. He never knew monsters such as what he was could cry. “I love you.” He never knew he could hurt so much, be capable of holding his much pain without dying, it was as if someone had a hold of his heart and decided to just squeeze. What this heartbreak? If so he pitied those with hearts and almost wished he had never found his.

“What’s the date?” He asked shaking, he did not know whether he could stand.

“June the 2nd.” Siwon answered, his own voice was a little choked and his throat felt too tight. If demons could grieve like that...

“.” Kyuhyun murmured wiping  any stray tears away.

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Sorry Phil. I cannot stop my crying as it's not going to be alright.


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I actually found this on ao3 but shifted here because it was incomplete and I wanted to be notified the easiest way once it’s done. X’D I’m so excited to read this!
myonlyalien #2
Chapter 6: I'm loving it just so you know :))))) Enjoy the camping trip and safe travels! :D
Chapter 6: You're cruel lol but thanks!!
Hahhaha kyu your questionsXD Siwon.. We want answers! Wookie eavesdropping is bad :p

So siwon joined their "side".. Hmph! What what what!!
Chapter 6: WAAAAA.. Don't leave us hanging please!!!
Chapter 4: Lol we had a long chat and you already know what I have to say about this hahahha but I'll still comment here so to show my support^^

Kyu is so confusing!! And wookie is even more confusing! EunHae are crazy! But wth is this fate and wookie's time has ended><

Siwon said HELL :O :O
Where the heck did kyu appear from?!><
Chapter 4: Please update soon.. I got a feeling He, Hyuk and Kyu are not from this world.. Seems that Siwon knows something and is not telling..
791 streak #7
Chapter 3: Sorry for waiting FOREVER to read this~ Wonderful chapter tho ;)

Good luck on the next one =^.^=
Keyv88 #8
Chapter 2: very interesting!! Im reading the next chapter :p
Chapter 4: So it seems like Ryeowook can see what others can't see...
this is so exciting!! I can't wait to find out what happens next!!! :D
I can't wait to find out what happens next!
I hope Kyu won't do anything bad to Ryeowook though....
so nervous! >.<