



Strands of emerald green flattened themselves against bronzen earth as the wind battered against the grass tumbling them throughout the field. A sea of blue sky blanketed over the landscape as bunny tail clouds bobbled amongst the cornflower blue being swept with the gusts. Although the sun was not visible it was still bright - peaceful. Suffocating. The air current did little to help with the stifling feeling it was like it just passed through him, avoiding him completely despite the deafening din the wind created in his ears drowning out much else.

Pulling dark strands from his eyes he realised a small exhale, he did not have much time for any of this and the brightness was not doing much for his eyes either. He was much more used to dim lighting, not this bright torture - a whole life time of dim lighting had made his eyes ill-equipped. Squinting at a lone tree - a sturdy trunk which stood tall, dark twisting branches reaching into the sky with leafy green fingertips touching the clouds. Fruit hung from its branches a pale gold in colour - how disgustingly sweet - he could tell that the fruit was no lemon. He was not going to go anywhere near that tree even for shade, he did not trust trees much nor did he like how it creaked with the wind not willing to bend like the grass did with its branches instead flailing frantically as they got thrown around with the wind.

"Stubbornness killed the cat - not curiosity." He muttered looking at the tree - it was to cause its own destruction as at some point it was going to have to snap much like a twig would if pushed too hard. The wind appeared quite eager to comply to be the one pushing as it worked itself into a gale.

"Ironic really, you saying that of all people." The voice came out of nowhere and was partially drowned out by the wind which swept it away like the sea would a plastic ball, with a mutter of annoyance he turned to acknowledge the owner of the voice. He was greeted with the sight of two men who looked windswept as gale whipped through their hair sending it flailing and smacking across their faces, their white robes went under the same treatment. Eyebrows rising lightly it looked like a miracle that the two weren't swept away with the wind looking at them, he would not put pass those ridiculous robes acting as some kind of kite. Aside from that they looked much like when he had last seen him - when he had tricked them into revealing what he wanted. The slightly (and it was slight) taller and lankier one had dark brown which was lingering on black hair with wide emotive eyes coupled with a strong jawline - the shorter, broader one however had softer looks overall and with lighter brown hair. But both were blessed with good looks. Which was quite funny when he thought about it considering the white feathery wings on their backs albeit it tucked in somewhat so they really did not end up being kites.

"My two favourite fools to date. What do I owe the pleasure?" Sarcasm laced though his voice as he looked at the two angels

"Turn back now - it'll only hurt more by the end of it. You cannot change fate." Hyukjae said his breath stolen by the tempest which raged on racking against their bodies causing the angels to struggle to stay upright managing to do so by clinging onto each other and supporting them both in the process. A sharp hollow laugh left his body as he looked at the two with nonchalance gracing his expression.

"I'm not changing it. I'm pathing a new one." With that the wind raged further and with a roar which ripped through the wind the grand tree came crashing down. With that it went eerily quiet as the world around him spiralled away as if he was stuck in the eye of the tornado.


It was different. Different from the dreams of late - for one thing it was not really a nightmare like the other two although it still seemed connected vaguely even if the dream was already fading and despite how he reached out for the threads of the dream they slipped through his fingers. He remembered that there was this big wind storm going on in the background and he remembered that for the first time people appeared in his dreams - well sort of people. He didn't forget the wings.

Ryeowook blamed Siwon for the angels, him and his little white collar. He also blamed the priest for the reason that he was getting dragged to church by his mother - so basically everything was Siwon's fault; he just hoped he did not have to go for confession or shake hands with a nun or something. Despite 'Sister Act' there was still something about nuns which made him nervous; maybe it was the heavy religious air which seemed to hang around them. The moment he stepped into the Church he was greeted by that church smell of pews, old people and incense - the latter he choked slightly upon the amount of it what was swung by the front door causing disapproving looks by fellow-churchgoers.

When he saw Siwon in his robes he really had to hold back a chortle, he had no reason why but it struck him funny and he was graced with more looks for it. He had a feeling that he was not going to last too long before he was going to get kicked out if he continued the way he was going - he must seem really disrespectful to them all. When a couple of men wearing odd-looking clothing walked relatively loudly however and apparently drunk considering the way they seemed to be walking supporting one another as they went however no one paid them any attention let alone sent them glares. Did the coronation hate him or something? Only Siwon paid them any notice sending them an upwards glance before carrying on.

They talked through most of the service albeit under their breaths acting as if they were invisible or silent which they were neither. After sending them a pointed look they quieten after noticing that Ryeowook was paying them any attention despite others acting as if they were not even there. He had to wonder whether they were part of the usual coronation or if one was a translator or something. There must have been some reason for people to excuse them but not him. Maybe they were just better looking than he was; they were quite handsome after all. Perhaps they were homeless people? The clothes did look as if they could from donation boxes - they looked like clothes from decades ago and out of place - hippies? Homeless handsome hippies?

After the service Siwon left to a back room after saying his farewells to the churchgoers. Ryeowook noted how the two men who were disruptive followed him, he blinked a little with curiosity building at how they may be and if they had some kind of relationship with Siwon it might explain how they were let off for their talking and so on. But he could not think what kind of relationship they could have - they were not from school he would have recognised if they had been and surely they were not Siwon's gay lovers or anything after all Siwon was a priest and two were just greedy! Curiosity about to get the better of him, his mother ended up pulling away talking about how a bit of Church was good for the soul and how pleased Siwon appeared to see him and so on. Ryeowook merely nodded along still wondering about the two from the Church.


"You could always be going crazy you know." Sungmin prompted helpfully after Ryeowook described the two men in Church and no one else even reacted to or acknowledged them. "Seeing things - then again everyone in Church may just hate you."


"Gee, thanks." Ryeowook responded taking a sip of his smoothie giving Sungmin an ungrateful look at his less than agreeable comment before prodding his friend with a small huff. Sungmin gave a laugh before shaking his head from amusement at the other deciding in the end to drink his own drink - good old coffee, the problem with offices was people got addicted to caffeine fast - and Sungmin was one of them. Without the coffee machine Ryeowook figured some may stop coming to work or have a caffeine breakdown - perhaps a strike. Just as well he did not like it then - at least he would get paid.


"Then again." Heechul began sliding into the conversation with an ease that can only be described as being Heechul. "You could have a bit of an obsession with this Church boy Won, you keep making situations to corrupt him with scandals. Perhaps because of a subconscious want to corrupt him yourself that way you would feel as if you were on even-footing rather than he being on some pedestal caused by you seeing him as a man of God and so untouchable."


Ryeowook and Sungmin just stared at Heechul for a second in both awe and wonderment at where all of that had even came from. Heechul was not dumb, not by any means of the word - he was both street smart and intelligentically as well. But he did not come out with things like that. It was like a literature teacher saying the meaning of the cell having blue walls was not because of the guilt and sorrow from the crime acting as a cell itself trapping the prisoner from moving on but because the prisoner liked the colour blue just because he thought it was nice. It did not go like that.


"Where have you been all my life?" Sungmin declared jokingly, Heechul rolled his eyes a little before prodding the other's forehead deciding not to comment on that before turning his gaze upon Ryeowook expectantly fingers tapping on his outer arm.


"Now, do you actually have any pictures of his TDH priest boy? You never showed him to us." Heechul said falling back into his usual routine of things, he was beginning to think that Ryeowook did not trust them around the other males in his life considering how they never got anywhere near any of them let alone see pictures of them.


"TDH?" Ryeowook prompted before pulling out his phone; just so happened he did have photos of said priest, old ones though long before priesthood. He never really had the chance to take other photographs though - did not even think to.


"Tall, Dark and Handsome. Not much else it could be - not like it could be Tanned Demonic Horse." Heechul answered with a small grin before wolf-whistling slightly at the image of Siwon which appeared upon the phone. "Now I would not mind corrupting him for you, Wook. Especially if he still looks like that." Heechul said looking at the male appreciatively.


"Creep." Sungmin stated but not without taking his own look out of curiosity before giving a small approving nod. "Not as stalkerish looking as you make him sound and here I was expecting his eyebrows to take up half his face or for them to combine into a beard at some point."


Was that...? There was no doubt about it when he noted the strange clothing they were wearing, the bright colours stark against the sea of black and grey suits who passed through the streets. They were the people from the Church service who seemed intent to disrupt it with their constant talking, Ryeowook was sure of it, his eyes narrowed slightly as he noted Siwon with them.


"What are you looking at?" Ryeowook jumped a little as Kyuhyun seemly appeared at his shoulder out of thin air. He had not seen the other in the crowd, let alone see him approach him. Casting his eyes at the other male he noted the attire the other was wearing, a suit. Unlike the other suits in the sea of passing businessmen and women however the style was decidedly Kyuhyun, a deep black the lapel and collar cut into interesting shapes which matched fluidly with the crimson dragons embroidered cutting a striking contrast against the jet black. He'd be damned but it was tailored to cling to Kyuhyun's form flattering him to a tee. A blood red cravat garnished around his neck and Ryeowook had to hold back a small wolf-whistle at the sight. It suited Kyuhyun even if it did look a little old fashioned.


"Ahh, is that the priest you threatened with his own Bible? Nice." Kyuhyun stated his arm snaking around Ryeowook's waist making the shorter male flush lightly. Not only was it in public (which also seemed to be the first time he had ever seen Kyuhyun in public or at least with other people around), it was the first major touch like so. Sure they had hugged before but this seemed far more intimate.


"Are you encouraging my priest beating ways, how bad of you." Ryeowook tutted lightly with a small grin appearing betraying his amusement. Kyuhyun gave a small hum before his eyes met with Siwon's across the crowds, the priest's widening at the connection.


"Priest may be onto us, must run." Kyuhyun stated pulling the other with him with a laugh, the pure joy of it was contagious and Ryeowook too soon found himself laughing as they ran from the priest's sight, Kyuhyun able to move deceptively well in that tight suit. They ended up falling into an alleyway behind a food shop laughing in each other's arms; Kyuhyun peered out before pulling Ryeowook with him to blend back into the crowds far away from the said priest.


"Remind me why we did that again?" Ryeowook stated with a barely concealed chuckle ready to leave his body. Kyuhyun gave a short faux thinking session before giving his signature smirk. "Fun." The shorter could not argue with that, the fun factor was one of the many reasons he was drawn towards Kyuhyun, the dark-haired male just seeped with fun and mischief - not to mention that devious (and oh so y) smirk of his. Kyuhyun connected his arm with Ryeowook's before asking what Ryeowook had in mind for today when hearing he had nothing planned Kyuhyun merely gave that smirk and began leading him somewhere.


Ryeowook had to roll his eyes lightly as Kyuhyun instructed Ryeowook to close his eyes. Cliché much? He did it anyway wondering what could be possibly be such a big surprise. He was hoping something along the lines of a bouncy castle, even if Kyuhyun could look funny on it wearing a suit. He was lead over grass or something as far as he could tell due to the softness underfoot, fingers still crossed for bouncy castle. Then something fell on his head.


"You can open your eyes now." And so Ryeowook did. He could say one thing - it was no bouncy castle. It was beautiful though, that he would admit. It was a park of some sorts but the pathway was strewn with cherry blossom trees acting as some sort of tunnel of pink, flowery stuff. Overall it was rather pink for his tastes; Sungmin would have liked it and deemed it fight for a wedding.


"It's nice." Ryeowook said slowly with a nice dollop of caution thrown in. Kyuhyun looked at him with that face on that all dread, the 'I was so excited and thought you would love it face - but you don't?' face - to put it simply his expression was a mild mix of disappointment, hurt and worry bundled into one heart-breaking emotion fess.


"Don't you like it?" Ouch, those words too. Was Kyuhyun trying to give him a guilt complex thanks to his lack of excitement over a few petals?


"It's just pinker than I expected." Ryeowook said with an over-zealous smile as he hurriedly attempted to help the other feel better. Admittedly this quite impressive if you considered how he had never seen or heard of this place before let alone within walking distance yet the fact that he could not see or hear the busy bustle of the city. Like their own private and secluded part of the world. With a softer smile he looked at the other male. "It's lovely."


"Well, you'll be pleased that this isn't just it then." Kyuhyun stated and upon seeing that smile upon the taller's face Ryeowook realised that he had been played somewhat. So he reacted as he normally would, he poked Kyuhyun's cheek. "Ostrich-biscuit-guzzler." Kyuhyun's eyes widened before his face fell into a smile.


"That's a new one." He admitted "Much better than your usual 'Arse' I have to admit." Kyuhyun added before merely giving Ryeowook more affection which just succeeded (as always) into making Ryeowook more annoyed yet secretly pleased at the said affection. Every time Kyuhyun pulled him close to give him snuggles for lack of better word he just felt as if he was butter melting under Kyuhyun's warm charm.


"Now are you ready for the real surprise?"


"Born ready."


Ryeowook had to peer at the other in curiosity as he muttered "Those fallen petals are a sign that time is running out..." though, he could not really see what the big deadline but he allowed it.



Ryeowook was star-struck as he gazed upon the accessory around his neck, jewellery. Although in some eyes it could be seen as a bit girlish - this was different. The necklace had this style with it and it was not an effeminate style (thank goodness). A thin silver chain hung low enough to be able to hide beneath most shirts but not enough to look weird, upon the chain was a pendant of from afar could pass off merely as a clock face. From up close however, the design was intricate and made him in awe of all the painstaking work that must have gone into it. Thin lines trailed off into swirls and patterns, located behind the delicate hands was a twisting tree the branches up tall with the spiralling roots at the bottom. Peeking above the branches was the sun, each ray lovingly done; below the roots were the stages of the moon. It reminded him of something and he could not shake that feeling but alone it was beautiful.


He had to wonder how much it had cost and where on Earth did Kyuhyun manage to acquire such a piece. He could have passed it off as a costume piece but the quality was far above such, Kyuhyun always seemed to have the most interesting items from his elaborate clothing and likewise. Ryeowook was starting to think that Kyuhyun was either seriously rich or that he was a costume designer for serious movies with a budget. Kyuhyun was not telling though, he merely answered with a smirk and whispers on how that it was for him to know and for Ryeowook not to find out. Which was really annoying.


He had to accept the piece though as Kyuhyun pulled out the guilt factor yet again coupled with what could be seen as puppy eyes, not to mention how Kyuhyun described how it was just meant for him and if he did not accept it he would have no choice but give it to him again, again and again until he did finally accept. What choice did he have after that?


“Ryeowook.” Ryeowook jumped at the sound of his name before turning his head to the source. He almost gave a cry of frustration at the sight of that darn priest, why did he have to always be there? He’d accuse of stalking if this happened again anytime soon. Or if he was to believe Heechul’s theory, was he subconsciously stalking Siwon or being drawn to the places he was. The previous was the more likely in his opinion even if it was the least pleasant. With a sharp exhale he twitched slightly before looking at Siwon.


“Siwon.” He greeted coolly eying up said priest wondering what he could possibly want with him. Siwon adjusted his collar slightly due to its tightness before he smiled at the other warmly. Ryeowook had to wonder if Siwon had some power to make people awkward, he figured Siwon's eyebrows were the source of his power. “Can I help you?”


Siwon smiled further putting Ryeowook slightly on edge, how could the priest keep smiling like that? He just wanted to yell at the other to stop with his smiling. It was strange to think how he could change so much. He used to crave and love the attention Siwon gave him but now he felt uncomfortable and constantly alert around him, he blamed the priesthood but truth be told it had really started last autumn.


“I wish to thank you.”

“Come again?” Ryeowook repeated blankly, of everything he expected this was not one of them. Siwon was good at doing that recently, surprising him that was. Siwon’s face still had that soft smile upon it and he felt he would much rather have Siwon attempt to give him a wedgie rather than this horrible niceness.


“Thank you for coming to the service. I did not really have a chance to thank you properly beforehand.” Siwon said, now Ryeowook really wanted to scream out. “And I must apologise for Donghae and Eunhyuk.” Ryeowook faltered a little at that ending, for ages he could not figure out who Siwon meant. Then he thought back to the potential hippies.


“You mean those two guys who entered your backdoor?”

“E-Excuse me?!” Siwon looked quite shocked and flustered at that statement, and at Siwon’s reaction Ryeowook realised what the other must have thought he had meant. With that he grinned and eyed up the other - not so prim and proper after all and maybe Heechul did not have to corrupt him too much after all.


“The backroom of the Church, what did you think I meant?” Ryeowook responded attempting to act as innocent as possible as Siwon visibly got more and more flustered. He wouldn’t mind spending time with Siwon if it was like this all the time. Was that evil of him?


“It doesn’t matter what I thought.” Siwon said hurriedly before nodding slightly “But yes, them two.” Siwon finished.

“Now why are you apologising to me?” Ryeowook added sending the other a look, of all of the church-goers he apologises to him.
"Because I like you best?" Siwon said cautiously, Ryeowook grinned in amusement at the other before shaking his head lightly, maybe he will let Heechul meet him after all. He just hopes Siwon has a really secure belt when they do.


Jongwoon was making his way back via the scenic route, he was not much in the mood of getting back early, he was an adult now yet he still had to live with his parents as per his mother's request. He was held under his father's shadow and would do for the remainer of the time he spend working in his father's company but he never had the will power to leave now he had met the friends he had. Especially Ryeowook, Ryeowook was so geniune and Jongwoon would even describe him as his best friend and one of his first real friends.
From the corner of his eye he spotted something which caused him to park his car, from the port he drove by he could see something in the water struggling, getting out he could hear the whimpering. It was a dog, as a general rule dogs could swim but this was only a puppy and it was struggling. He could not leave a puppy to possibly die, it would be on his conscience for a long time if not the rest of his life. Discarding his jacket he dove into the waters before swimming towards the struggling puppy who's whimpers cut throught the evening air. It was cold out and even colder in the water but still Jongwoon plowed on until he reached the puppy whose head fell under. Jongwoon dove underwards and wrapped his arm around the creature pulling him to the surface before making his way back to the shore, he settled the shivering creature in his jacket and wrapped it around them after attempting to get the salt water from the guy's lungs if there was any. 
There was no collar and he wondered what monster would have took a puppy as young as this one was so close to the water's edge and then left it, he hoped that it was an accident and this was just a stray as he could not bear thinking of someone who could be so horrible to an innocent dear like this little puppy who was looking up at him with eyes so large and innocent, despite it all his little tail wagging tightly. Jongwoon knew just then that he was in love.
He stepped forward ready to make his way back to his car about to take the puppy with him when the plank beneath his foot cracked, he stepped backwards hurriedly to avoid the broken wood - probably rotten by age and water - only to slip on the puddle he had made his heavy clothing. He banged his head on the pier as he fell into the water now unconscious. The puppy scampered near the edge barking for his new master but not going too near from the fear his near drowning had created before whimpering as Jongwoon did not reappear.
There was a splash as another body hit the water - it was not the dog though but another man. From the water the man emerged with Jongwoon in tow, he pulled him struggling lightly onto the pier before away from that dangerous planked onto the grass. The puppy followed, jacket still partially covering him. Still trembling the puppy lapped Jongwoon's cheeks. The other male peered over him before checking for a pulse relieved to find one, however Jongwoon had stopped breathing. Panicking slightly he phoned the emergency services getting instructions and well as an ambulance to come. Following instructions, he lowered his mouth to the other he attempted CPR before he began doing chest compressions. He let out a sigh as the other coughed out some water before breathing again. Looking away slightly he removed some of the wet clothes from the wet clothes to prevent hypothermia and used some of the blankets used to cover Jongwoon's back seat to cover the other.
"Don't expect me to sing to you... this is not a Disney film." He murmured lightly as an ambulance could be heard arriving, Jongwoon appeared to be regaining consciencous slowly. His rescuer eyed up the dog with a sigh. "Now what to do with you."
Fully conscious in the ambulance, Jongwoon could vaguely remember his saviour's voice and the form of a young man with dark hair, the puppy from what the paramedics informed him was under the care of his rescuer and going to a vet much to Jongwoon's relief. He wanted to thank the other who had saved him but he had left no contact information aside from saying he would inform the hospital where they were going to what veterinary the puppy would be found.
"Hey, Wook, sorry I didn't come over when I said I would but something came up and I neeed to change out of wet clothes."
"Oh, that's fine - it hasn't five minutes since you were supposed to arrive."
"I'll be there soon, ten minutes at most."
"You didn't really need to call me if you're just going to be just a few minutes more..."
"I just wanted to hear your voice."
Ryeowook was horrified to find out the next day at work that Jongwoon was in hospital recovering from a near drowning accident, thankfully Jongwoon was mostly fine but had been kept in other night just to make sure. He was lucky he was saved when he had been otherwise he may have had it a lot worse. The saviour however had been no where to be found and disappeared soon after the ambulance arrived before they could bring him in considering how the water was cold. He was going to visit Jongwoon at his home after work as he was going to be moved there, he had not visited Jongwoon before at his house so it was a new experience for him. He wondered what Jongwoon's home would be like and if he would have enough room for the puppy he saved which Ryeowook was going to collect for him on his way to visit.
The puppy was adorable, Ryeowook had to admit that even if dogs were not his ideal pet. He was a reasonably small dog now but it was clear he was going to grow into a far larger one and Jongwoon was going to have to have a large space for them to roam as a small flat would not do. He was no expert on dogs but this little pup here was going to be a beauty when grown up and be quite a large dog. A silky black coat with brown markings, Ryeowook would have been half tempted to keep the lovable dog himself but he knew he was much better suited to cats and a dog would wreck havoc on his apartment. He was also incredibly awkward, he did not know whether he was supposed to strap the puppy in or what but thankfully he the vets helped - no doubt thankfully that Ryeowook was not the one going to take care of the little pup. He did not want to end up poisoning or harming the pup so it was probably for the best.
Following Jongwoon's instructions Ryeowook waited awkwardly on a street corner with the pup in tow for some 'ride', Ryeowook choked a little when a limosine showed up thining it surely must have been a mistake or somebody else but then his name was said, in the end he realised that it was no mistake and he got in with the excited puppy who clambered around peering out the windows. Ryeowook smiled softlystroking the puppy's soft head.
Puppy in tow he gawped upwards as he approached Jongwoon's address, the limo was one thing... but why didn't Jongwoon tell him he lived in a freaking castle. It had all the fancy animal shaped hedges and everything. And was that... yes. That was in fact a helicopter. He knew Jongwoon was well off but he did not know the other was this well off. Jongwoon's job surely did not pay this well... and if it did how could he get promoted?
When a butler ushered him in Ryeowook had to wonder if Jongwoon was leading some double life and actually got injured being some millionaire superhero like Batman. If he was he wondered what Jongwoon's superhero name would be, he was figuring 'Jongwoon' would suit him well. Draped in a large dressing gown Jongwoon appeared walking down the grand staircase before dismissing the butler. Ryeowook's jaw was practically on the floor by now, how much about Jongwoon didn't he know?
"At least the puppy will have plenty of running space." Ryeowook managed to splutter out, Jongwoon face broke into a light smile before the puppy bounded towards him recongnising his rescuer and new master. Jongwoon knelt besides him before lightly scratching behind the dog's ears and Ryeowook cooed inwardly at the sight, it was just so heart-warming to see it. It was a good reminder that Jongwoon has not changed despite the richness Ryeowook had found out. Then again by the looks of it Jongwoon had been rich all his life it would not be Jongwoon who changed merely his own perspective on him. That was not fair, and it would hypocritical of him. Being gay he did not like it when people expected him to change and be someone else when they find out he's gay so why should he expect Jongwoon to change now he found out he was rich. He was still Jongwoon. A helicopter though. A freaking helicopter.
After a while lead Ryeowook to somewhere quieter and a bit smaller which put Ryeowook more at ease, for one thing he did not quite trust that butler which lurked around in the  waiting around as if Ryeowook was going to steal something or other. Besides the butler was always the one to do it after all, he was not quite sure what it was at the moment but it was something. 
"What are you going to name him?" Ryeowook asked before the puppy's head as it rested upon his lap. He was a sweet little thing, a german shepherd as Jongwoon explained to him. Jongwoon had to think about that, he had not even thought about names yet so far he had been calling the dog 'pup'. Jongwoon leant back before calling the puppy to him the eager pup's head who scrambled up in an attempt to get as close as Jongwoon as possible.
"I'm not sure yet...  Winston? Reginald, Jeeves, Godfrey, Charleston maybe just Monet." Jongwoon suggested, Ryeowook had to pull a face at those names - they were nice enough for corgies or some other posh dogs but this little pup seemed more full of life than those names seemed to suggest. They were so regal and to be honest they were names for butlers not puppies.
"How about Puddles?" Ryeowook suggested before Jongwoon looked at him in curiousity at the suggestion. Ryeowook pointed towards the puppy who was making just that. Jongwoon yelped lightly before hurriedly lifting the puppy in a panicked attempt to get him off the no doubt expensive carpet and outside. Ryeowook had to laugh lightly at the scene before just smiling in amusement at the awkward Jongwoon.
When Jongwoon returned it was without the puppy and he was wearing different trousers and Ryeowook could guess what happened to the other ones. Jongwoon explained what he had done which was leave him with some of the garden staff, Ryeowook tried not to gawp at the casual ness of the other's words about having garden staff. Jongwoon smiled lightly before speaking about his rescuer in an awe filled tone.
"It was amazing really, they came out of no where and saved my life when they could have been at risk themself." Jongwoon  gushed, Ryeowook smiled amused at the other who was clearly going through some hero worship phrase but how could he blame him he did just have his life saved. "They were handsome and all... well I was kind of out of it and may have been imagining it. Dark hair and eyes though, doesn't help as that's most of Asia." Jongwoon finished. Ryeowook had to a little bit.
"Did they sing and all?" Ryeowook stated, it was starting to sound like the Little Mermaid after all Jongwoon was struck by some kind of recongnition before he gave a warm smile in amusement. 
"He told me he wasn't going to." Jongwoon stated with a grin, Ryeowook chuckled before just smiling at how goo-goo he was going over his rescuer, though it was a bit interesting to not that the other had said he whilst before he had been careful to say they. Was Jongwoon interested in men? He had to wonder if he was considering his reaction to it all or if it was all some kind of mix-up and he was making things up already to make things more interesting to the story. "He was like a guardian angel."
"Could be, hyung, could be." Ryeowook smiled before sighing lightly at the other. "Are you going to try and find him?" He asked in curiosity and the elder's eyes just lit up at the thought of it. It was sweet - well almost - he was not quite sure over what to feel about it, he just had this feeling that the other was going to be disappointed and there was this little stupid side of him which screamed out that he wanted to know if the other was gay or not.
"If I did, where would I even start? Hey have you seen his dark haired, dark eyed tallish male with a snarky sense of humour and an affinity of saving drowning people?" Jongwoon stated, Ryeowook hummed lightly in thought. The other had a point there, it would very hard to find the guy and if he set a reward there was bound to be many frauds. He could not help but think he knew someone who fit that description and was out at the time explaining his lateness and his wet hair. If Kyuhyun had saved a drowning man he would have told him about it... wouldn't he? It was something out of the ordinary, something you had to tell somone about. Besides that was almost too great of a condienece surely. Was it? He found himself not saying anything because if Kyuhyun really was the other's 'Guardian Angel' and with Jongwoon's mix of hero worship and something else he found himself jealous. It was selfish of him but he couldn't help it perhaps he was just selfish.

They both looked up as two men practically stumbled into the room dressed in what appeared to be overalls which were put on backwards and they both had clearly fake moustaches on. They could have easily been poor cosplayers of the Mario brothers but he found himself recongnising them as the people from the church. Donghae and Eunhyuk did Siwon say their names where? What the hell where they doing here and dressed like that?

Jongwoon voiced the question for him. They looked at each other almost surprise that Jongwoon would have noticed them and Ryeowook was quite certain that the two had wrong with them or merely did not unerstand the language but the latter did not explain their lack of knowledge of how clothing worked.

"We are plumbers, here to look at the taps." The softer featured one said. Well that ruled out that they did not understand the language - but did they seriously think that plumbers really looked like that? Not every plumber wore Mario style clothing.

"Well there's no taps in here..." Jongwoon stated suspiciously, he was considering calling security and he was seriously wondering how these two weirdoes got inside his house.

"That's because Hae lied." The sharp jawed one stated scoldingly towards the other who smiled sheepishly up at the male. Ryeowook figured the one speaking had to be Eunhyuk then and that the both of them must be crazies that Siwon took pity on. They definitely weren't normal. "We came here on our search but it has gotten considerably more complex." Eunhyuk finished with a small groan looking at Jongwoon in mild distress.

"You was not supposed to see us." Hae explained as if he was trying to be helpful but he was not really making sense at all. Ryeowook suspected that his suspicions over them being crazy was correct and he felt that it was confirmed when they declared themselves as helpers here to save their eternal souls. They even waved some kind of talisman at them both. At this Jongwoon and Ryeowook chased them out somewhat disturbed by how they seemed to honestly think themselves as helpers here to help one of their souls rest or something.

Ryeowook figure out that they must have been one of Siwon's charity cases and he hoped he did not see them again as they freaked him out. They had dropped a talisman when they were chased out and Jongwoon admired it saying it was pretty neat even if the owners were crazy but Ryeowook refused to touch it so Jongwoon decided to keep it.


Sungmin and Heechul did not have a lot to say about Eunhyuk and Hae aside from to agree that they were more than likely crazy and to start locking his windows and doors and not only at night. They had a lot more to say over Jongwoon having a helicopter though and as much as Ryeowook welcomed their company to help wash away the bad feeling that had stayed with him since Eunhyuk and Hae broke into Jongwoon's house. He wanted Kyuhyun  and to tell him all about the two, but the other seemed to be doing one of his disappearing acts again.

At the worst time he found himself thinking, he felt safer with Kyuhyun and with Eunhyuk and Hae on the loose apparently looking for him - he never felt less safe than now. He guessed in that way Kyuhyun was his own personal guardian angel even if he wasn't Jongwoon's mysterious one. He just wished that when the other disappeared that he gave a warning before he did.
But since Kyuhyun seemingly vanished off the face of the planet he decided that he may as well warn Siwon that his charity case was a stone fall short of a loony bin. He felt that he owed the other that much even if the other was increasingly awkward to be around. So he found himself at the Church where Siwon was supposed to be at this time, that he was. He was sitting on a stone bench in the courtyard with priest collar undone and robes discared next to him, his face was pointed upwards at the sky basking in the sun's gentle warmth and he looked peaceful. From behind him a stain glass window lit his black shirt with multicoloured squares. He sat next to Siwon who looked at him in mild surprise.
"Not often I see you here without you being dragged here by your mother." Siwon admitted, Ryeowook found that he prefered Siwon like this when he was chilled and not playing the priest card. His voice even sounded different much more humble or maybe it was just the lack of collar choking the other into sounding different.
"Not often that I see you without a barge pole up your rear." Siwon reddened and stuttered slightly at that.
"Excuse me?"
"Uptight, good and proper. It's rare to see you truly comfortable recently." Ryeowook explained as nicely as he could to the male, "I miss times like when you got drunk at a strip joint and ended up getting a 101 on pole dancing by one of the strippers and failing badly." Siwon choked a little at that. It was clearly one memory he was trying to forget most likely out of embarrassment.
"And you bring that memory up in front of the house of the lord." Siwon murmured.
"I dunno, the 'lord' is probably pleased at how talented you where at it." Ryeowook teased before deciding to get serious and to the point. "I came here to wanr you about Eunhyuk and Hae. They don't seem quite right in the head and may even be dangerous seeing as they broke into the house of my friend to wave trinkets in our faces."
Siwon nodded lightly before smiling reassuringly at the other, "They're not all that bad, they just do not know the customs and rules here. I guess you can say they are like children, they don't know any better, they think they're all doing this for the best."
"How can you say that so easily?" Ryeowook questioned having a feeling that the other knew more than he was letting on.
"Because I believe." Siwon smiled. To Ryeowook that sounded like a pretty stupid reason but he did not say anything.
"Thank you for your kind words Mister Choi." Hae bowed lightly as he and Eunhyuk appeared from seemingly nowhere both Ryeowook and Siwon jumped in surprise. Ryeowook was touched at how the other instinctively put his arm in front of him as if to protect him from whatever had appeared. "We're sorry if we alarmed you, we just did not know what else to do. We haven't much time left - in fact we're running behind by months." Eunhyuk finished off from the other, Siwon lowered his arm a little upon seeing it was them.
"It's just fate shouldn't be messed with... and as nice as you may be. You have to accept that yours has ended." Hae added sorrowfully, at those words Siwon looked alarmed. Ryeowook was a mix of alarm and confusion - bucketfuls of confusion. He just had no idea what the hell they were on about or what everyone else seemed to know but him. He could understand though that the others said his fate was ended - that did not sound good.
"You never told me that." Siwon stated accusingly standing between Ryeowook and the two.
"And I thought you said they weren't all that bad." Ryeowook murmured backing away slightly from the two.
"It is as attended." Eunhyuk said in mild regret, "It's all for the best." He added as if that made up for everything he said.
"Like the hell it is." Siwon stated before swinging a loose brick from the wall across the two men's head leaving them to collaspe. Siwon stared at his own hand in shock after that, well... . There was no going back from that - he made his choice now. 
"You just said hell." Ryeowook noted, Siwon gave him a look and murmured under his breath. "And that's the thing you comment upon." 
The rest happened in a rush and Ryeowook was half convinced he was dreaming, but Siwon was dragging him away from the unconscious forms of the two men and sometime during the blur Kyuhyun had joined them. A flood of relief flooded over him at Kyuhyun's return even if he did not have any idea what was happening.
And Ryeowook had all but one question. What the hell was going on?
A/N: Surprise! Siwon is a good guy~ who would have thunk it and we're finally getting to the good part (I hope)
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Sorry Phil. I cannot stop my crying as it's not going to be alright.


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I actually found this on ao3 but shifted here because it was incomplete and I wanted to be notified the easiest way once it’s done. X’D I’m so excited to read this!
myonlyalien #2
Chapter 6: I'm loving it just so you know :))))) Enjoy the camping trip and safe travels! :D
Chapter 6: You're cruel lol but thanks!!
Hahhaha kyu your questionsXD Siwon.. We want answers! Wookie eavesdropping is bad :p

So siwon joined their "side".. Hmph! What what what!!
Chapter 6: WAAAAA.. Don't leave us hanging please!!!
Chapter 4: Lol we had a long chat and you already know what I have to say about this hahahha but I'll still comment here so to show my support^^

Kyu is so confusing!! And wookie is even more confusing! EunHae are crazy! But wth is this fate and wookie's time has ended><

Siwon said HELL :O :O
Where the heck did kyu appear from?!><
Chapter 4: Please update soon.. I got a feeling He, Hyuk and Kyu are not from this world.. Seems that Siwon knows something and is not telling..
791 streak #7
Chapter 3: Sorry for waiting FOREVER to read this~ Wonderful chapter tho ;)

Good luck on the next one =^.^=
Keyv88 #8
Chapter 2: very interesting!! Im reading the next chapter :p
Chapter 4: So it seems like Ryeowook can see what others can't see...
this is so exciting!! I can't wait to find out what happens next!!! :D
I can't wait to find out what happens next!
I hope Kyu won't do anything bad to Ryeowook though....
so nervous! >.<