Part V: Special Chapter

Believe me, I'm crazy

*Note that Myungsoo surname would be Nam. So he would be Nam Myungsoo (weird but since he is Woohyun’s bro)



Part V: Special Chapter- Please Stay



A light knock disturbed the young CEO of Nam Corporations. "Enter," Myungsoo said, rubbing his temples softly, trying to ease the pain he had been feeling from the past few days.



"Sorry Mr. Nam to disturb you, a person is looking for you," Ms Jung, his secretary, shifted uncomfortably, afraid of the cold CEO in front of him. She knew that her boss hated it whenever he was disturbed during his working time. However, she couldn't resist those puppy eyes with soft ashy brown hair- a rare handsome man begging her to meet Mr. Nam without any appointment. She reluctantly accepted it warning him it was only a one-time thing.



"Mr. Lee is looking for you," Ms Jung said as her boss continued to look at the set of documents in front of him, ignoring her. This is one of her usual days where she hated her boss so much- besides being born with the looks of a god, everything about her boss was horrible.

"I told you I don't entertain anyone without appointment right?" Her boss frowned as he flipped a page of a document, scruntining the next page. 

"But he said that you would see him- Mr. Lee Sungyeol-" Before Ms Jung could finish her words, her boss head snapped upwards, looking at her and for the first time, he actually looked her into the eyes.

"SUNGYEOL?!" Mr. Nam yelled loudly and Ms Jung swore it was her first time hearing the stoic man so agitated.

"Yes, he said-" Ms Jung was utterly shocked when she was pushed off before she could continue her words. 

No wait, I can't leave now..... Myungsoo stood right in front of the door. He arranged this attire neatly and he took a deep breath. Why did he wear the shirt he wore yesterday to work today?! Damn it, is Sungyeol gonna think he is dirty?! He sniffed himself as he turned his head back to his secretary.



"Cancel my appointments for the day," Myungsoo instructed as he opened the door. Sungyeol- his Sungyeol whom he had missed dearly was finally here. He had to make sure he does not screw the only chance he had. 

Sungyeol was sitting down on an expensive leather black couch as he waited for Myungsoo to be out. Is Myungsoo going to come out or was he going to ignore him? After all, he had rejected him. He recalled the old memories they had previously. 


"S-Stay, don't go off with Sunggyu Hyung, please stay with me," Myungsoo begged pitifully. Sungyeol wanted to nod his head- he wanted to agree to his request- especially when he looked so sad and pitiful. But, he couldn't. He promised Nam Woohyun and he needed to stay beside his Sunggyu Hyung. 

"I'm sorry, please," Sungyeol tried to tug off the shaking hands holding onto his wrists lightly. He couldn't- he just couldn't. 

"I-I really like you, please stay with me, don't leave me alone- please, I know I had been horrible. But, please- I dont wanna be alone-" Myungsoo started sobbing bitterly after those words rolled off his tongue. Sungyeol's heart broke for the younger man in front of him. It hurts so much- but he couldn't- no, he couldn't. 

"I'm really sorry, please understand...." Sungyeol muttered softly as he pulled away from the younger man and he ran- as fast as he could. He cried- letting those emotions he had been holding back in front of the younger man. I'm sorry, I couldn't be so selfish. I can't leave Sunggyu Hyung alone- not after what he had done for me. 


"Sungyeol..." A soft whisper broke Sungyeol's train of thoughts as he looked up to see the familiar handsome face. Myungsoo still looked so good in front of him but he seemed to be much skinnier ever since the last time he had saw him. He had lost so much weight- it hurt Sungyeol to see him looking so thin. 

Myungsoo then brought him to the nearby park as they walk around. It was awkward at first but slowly as they talked they broke the ice as their conversation became better. There was only one thing they avoided- the talk of what happened between them- all they talked about was what happened to their lives along with how Sunggyu and Woohyun was doing. Sungyeol blushed deeply as he could feel Myungsoo's continuous stares at him ever since he saw the younger man. 

"Can you stop-" Sungyeol said suddenly as he looked at Myungsoo.

"If you're asking me to stop staring at you, I can't. How do you expect me to stop staring at you when everything seems so surreal- it just feels like a wonderful dream I have and I'm scared I will wake up from this dream," Myungsoo interrupted as he proceeded to walk closer to Sungyeol.

Myungsoo lifted his hands and caresses Sungyeol's cheeks softly. Sungyeol could feel his cheeks heating up, probably turning bright pink. 

"You have lost weight- i don't like it," Myungsoo mumbled, frowning deeply. 

"Are you kidding me? You lost more weight than me- you're like a stick now. Are you not eating well? I bet you're skipping meals just because-" Sungyeol was startled by the tight hug- Myungsoo embraced the older in his arms tightly- afraid he would disappear along with the wind. 


"How could I eat well without you by my side?" Myungsoo whispered right next to Sungyeol's ears sending cold shivers down his spine. 

"I-I...." Sungyeol stuttered as he tried explaining himself. 


"Shhh, don't say anything, just stay by my side," Myungsoo nuzzled against Sungyeol's neck- lips touching his neck softly. Sungyeol nodded his head repeatedly. Sungyeol was the only one who could see this frail side of Myungsoo. Tears escaped from his eyes as he thought of how much Myungsoo had suffered. 

"Don't leave me again- please," Myungsoo muttered at he pulls apart from Sungyeol slightly, wiping off the tears from Sungyeol's lower eyelid. Seeing how Sungyeol nodded his head as he continued sobbing, Myungsoo went forward to kiss Sungyeol with the older man grasping his sleeve tightly. 

"Never leave me ever again," Myungsoo whispered softly and Sungyeol agreed. The wind blew against them harshly as it carried off both of their pain.


As long as they had each other, they felt like they could conquer everything.


Love does win after all. 




Just a reallllyyyyyy short special chapter on Myungyeol as requested. So there. It's a really short chapter i wrote during my train rides back and forth from work. So there might be mistakes so please do forgive me. Tell me how did you all think of this chapter by commenting pretty pleaseeeee!!! So yeap. I think I'm done. :/

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guys...I'm still thinking about a special myungyeol chapter but I'm currently busy. will try to write when I'm less busy.^^


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Chapter 1: pleasee don't delete this ^^
Kpop_world001 #2
Chapter 5: Thank you for this amazing story.
Chapter 5: Thanks for this sweet sequel.
Chapter 5: Gladdddd myungyeol are together agaaain.. .
Chapter 4: I am crying again gooossshhh..

Its so painfully pretty :')

Thank you so much for making this sequel...
Chapter 4: I don't know how many times I've read this before. I couldn't read the pre-quel tough. AND I DO NOT NEED IT!! jaja I couldn't bear with the pain from it. I am happy with this :3
kay_yayah #7
Chapter 5: Yeayyy!!!!
Happy ending for both Nam's brother.
kay_yayah #8
Chapter 4: Uh-oh... this is so short...
Im not enough with fluffy woogyu...
Hahaaa...chukae, finally,you cyred your first psycho-patient...hahahaa...
kay_yayah #9
Chapter 3: Oh poor to my handsome-psycho...
Got a big present on his cheek...
Poor gyu too,having a nightmare...
kay_yayah #10
Chapter 2: Good to know,myungie despised a revenge...huhuu..poor little boy... *give a big bear hug to myungie*

Woahahahaa...woohyunie is so brave to kiss's lip...and when hyunie said,he exist he in front of make my heart beat faster...