Part III

Believe me, I'm crazy

Part III

“THIS NAM WOOHYUN IS CRAZY! HOW DARE HE KISS ME LIKE THAT! WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS HUH?!” Sunggyu narrowed his eyes as he shouted angrily in his room. That was my first kiss! Sunggyu shook his whole body in annoyance. He counted that as his first kiss because his memories had been removed since his operation five years ago.  


The tingly sensation on his lips never left. He brought his hands over his lips and touched his lips softly. The memory of how Woohyun pecked him came into his mind. “That Nam Woohyun- he is really crazy!” Sunggyu mumbled softly as he stared at the creamy white wall in front of him. But, if he is crazy- then am I crazy too? Sunggyu questioned himself as he placed his hands on top of his chest. He could feel the rapid beating of his heart against his chest. Why am I feeling this way? Why do I like his kiss so much?


“That crazy fellow! Psycho! How can he kiss me like that when he claims to like his lover so much!” Sunggyu ranted as he felt irritated when he recalled how Woohyun describe his lover. “He exists; he is right in front of me….…..You don’t understand Doctor Kim. He is right here- right in front of me.” Those words Woohyun said earlier sends a slight painful tug in Sunggyu’s chest. What’s wrong with me?! Seriously!


The next few sessions went pretty smoothly besides the fact that Woohyun was still in denial. Woohyun still attempted to kiss Sunggyu but, the doctor was quick enough to move away from his kisses.


“Doctor Kim, You’re mean, you haven’t been giving me presents since the first one!”

Woohyun grumbled as he pouted.


“Didn’t I make it clear that you can’t just do this to anyone? You’re lucky I’m a doctor- imagine if-”

Woohyun pecked the rumbling doctor as he smiled happily. Sunggyu froze when he felt another kiss on his lips.



Sunggyu pushed Woohyun away as he wiped his mouth.


“I won’t get into trouble. I only want to kiss Doctor Kim,”

Woohyun said as he stared deep into Sunggyu’s eyes. It was this stare- the stare that made Kim Sunggyu hold his breath and look back at him. It was this stare that make Kim Sunggyu’s heart beats so quickly- it was this stare that make Kim Sunggyu fall for his patient. It was also this stare that broke Kim Sunggyu’s heart.


“Won’t your lover get jealous?”

Sunggyu smirked as he asked Woohyun that question- making sure that Woohyun would never attempt kissing him ever again. Woohyun was always so defensive when it came to his ‘lover’.


Never….Not even if I do this,”

Woohyun pulled Sunggyu towards him in a small movement. Sunggyu gasped as he fell into Woohyun’s embrace. Woohyun took the chance to kiss the older- this was no longer the small pecks he attempted. Woohyun dominated Sunggyu’s mouth when he was still in shock. Within a second, Sunggyu complied as their tongues dance passionately.


Woohyun pulled the doctor closer towards him was he Sunggyu’s face softly. Sunggyu was lost in the heat- he gave up as he allowed Woohyun’s tongue to attack his mouth.  Sunggyu could feel his legs weakening from the kiss as he held onto Woohyun tighter.


When Woohyun broke his kiss, Sunggyu was breathless. The patient was smirking back at him playfully. Sunggyu was angered when he realized how stupid he was to be played by a psycho in front of him. The psycho was just replacing Sunggyu as his lover- the patient didn’t even had any feelings for him. The doctor was utterly embarrassed and pissed. He raised his hands high up and slapped Woohyun across his face.



Sunggyu’s loud yell echoed inside the enclosed room. The doctor then covered his mouth when he realized what he had done in a fit of anger. Woohyun was shocked when he was slapped harshly by the older. He felt the stinging pain on his right cheek as it started reddening.


“I didn’t meant to- it was just too sudden…I..I-”

Sunggyu tried explaining when he saw Woohyun staring into the space blankly. Sunggyu’s heart was aching with guilt as he saw Woohyun’s redden cheek. Why did I slap him so hard? Why was I so stupid? Why didn’t Woohyun avoid his slap? Woohyun started chuckling softly before laughing out loud humorlessly.


Psycho?....Of course, I’m a psycho….How could I look different in front of you? I’m just another patient after all. I’m sorry Doctor Kim. I know my place now,”

Woohyun said before leaving Sunggyu alone in the room. Sunggyu knew he had failed as a doctor- how could he call his patient a psycho? But, what hurts Sunggyu the most was how broken Woohyun sounded before he left his room. What have I done?


That night, the same dream he had been haunting him for the past few nights- the exact dream he had three years ago came back. He sees himself screaming as he cried for someone- he was escaping from a room. That someone who he had been searching for was struggling towards him. The nurse reached him first and injected him before he could reach for Sunggyu. With a loud scream, Sunggyu woke up crying. Something stirred within Sunggyu when he woke up. The dream was clear to him this time. He was able to see his whole dream clearly. He definitely saw him. Nam Woohyun, his patient was that someone inside his dream.  


Sunggyu went to look for Doctor Park the next day. He needed answers. Why was Nam Woohyun in his dream? Did he know Nam Woohyun before he went for the operation? The operation….It seemed like he was escaping from it. Sunggyu didn’t want to be operated. So…Why was he operated in the end?


“I knew you will look for me,”

Doctor Park said as he leaned back on his chair and crossed his arms.


“My dream…The one that had been haunting me is part of my memories right?”

Sunggyu questioned. Doctor Park let out a deep sigh as he uncrossed his arms and leaned forward.


“Yes…and the rest of your memories…they might return…”

Doctor Park answered. Sunggyu nodded his head as he proceeds to ask another question.


“I didn’t want to be operated right?...That patient, Nam Woohyun- I know him right?”

Doctor Park had no choice but to answer Sunggyu truthfully. Doctor nodded his head lightly. Sunggyu had the rights to know after all. Sunggyu’s clenched fists shook in frustration when he couldn’t recall what had happened to make him undergo this operation. The next thing he realized he was crying when tears started escaping from his eyes uncontrollably- his heart was hurting too much. Doctor Park felt so sorry when saw his sobbing Hoobae.


Doctor Park had regretted. He knew that he shouldn’t have agreed to the desperate young man five years ago. Woohyun was too young to think through it properly. Sunggyu should have made his own decision then. This operation had hurt both of them and the people around them too much. This isn’t right- none of them deserves this pain. It was time for Doctor Park to make it right.


“Kim Sunggyu, do you want to retrieve your memories?”




A little angsty but i know you guys can definitely handle it! The next chapter is the last. Do you guys want it to be up soon? You guys know what i like the most.....*whispers* comments! I am reading all of your comments well! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! & Thank you for your support guys! <3

Here's my fm if you guys are interested to talk to me! :D 


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guys...I'm still thinking about a special myungyeol chapter but I'm currently busy. will try to write when I'm less busy.^^


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Chapter 1: pleasee don't delete this ^^
Kpop_world001 #2
Chapter 5: Thank you for this amazing story.
Chapter 5: Thanks for this sweet sequel.
Chapter 5: Gladdddd myungyeol are together agaaain.. .
Chapter 4: I am crying again gooossshhh..

Its so painfully pretty :')

Thank you so much for making this sequel...
Chapter 4: I don't know how many times I've read this before. I couldn't read the pre-quel tough. AND I DO NOT NEED IT!! jaja I couldn't bear with the pain from it. I am happy with this :3
kay_yayah #7
Chapter 5: Yeayyy!!!!
Happy ending for both Nam's brother.
kay_yayah #8
Chapter 4: Uh-oh... this is so short...
Im not enough with fluffy woogyu...
Hahaaa...chukae, finally,you cyred your first psycho-patient...hahahaa...
kay_yayah #9
Chapter 3: Oh poor to my handsome-psycho...
Got a big present on his cheek...
Poor gyu too,having a nightmare...
kay_yayah #10
Chapter 2: Good to know,myungie despised a revenge...huhuu..poor little boy... *give a big bear hug to myungie*

Woahahahaa...woohyunie is so brave to kiss's lip...and when hyunie said,he exist he in front of make my heart beat faster...