Part I

Believe me, I'm crazy

Part I


“Just look at him, gone all crazy just because he lost his lover,”

“Shhhh, don’t speak so loud, he can hear you,”

“Who cares? It’s not like a psycho can understand me,”

“Who would have thought that the CEO of Nam Cooperation would turn crazy after losing his lover? Now even his brother who took over his position had enough of him and left him here.”

“Hey ladies, don’t you all cherish your faces?”

“O-Oh my-y”

“Plastic surgery is getting more expensive recently…You wouldn’t want to pay more- especially when both of your faces had already been done well,”

“W-What ar-e-e-”

“I’m tempted to rip off both of your mouths,”

The two ladies had horrified looks on their faces as they shrieked. The older looking lady dragged her friend away hastily from the dark haired man. Woohyun roared into fits of laughter as he grabbed his stomach, which was hurting due to his excessive laughter.  


“Nam Woohyun, are you scaring the volunteers away again?”

“No Doctor Kim,”

“Explain why do they look like they are about to burst into tears while running towards the exit door?”

“Doctor Kim, you should know better that they are not even serious in volunteering,”

“But you still shouldn’t-”

“Doctor Kim,”

“You’re cute,”



Sunggyu sighed as he put his hands on top of his chest. “Doctor Kim,” The deep voice repeats in his head. “You’re cute,” Despite a slight tug at his heart, he could feel his heart beating crazily against his chest. Damn it, what’s wrong with me?  Nam Woohyun, the patient assigned to him, intrigues him. There was something about that patient that attracted and pulled Sunggyu towards him. He seemed so normal- so what was the problem with this Nam Woohyun? Sunggyu was determined to find out what happened to Nam Woohyun and made him this way. 


Blurry figures…. It was all blurry figures in front of him. Sunggyu couldn’t see what was in front of him. There were noises of people crying and screaming. He couldn’t identify any of the moving and unclear figures. Sunggyu needed to reach someone- a person who was right in front of him- but he couldn't. He was held tightly- he couldn't make out who the blurred figure was. A loud gasp followed by a scream and he woke up drenched in sweat. Not again…Why am I having these weird dreams for the past few days again? This have to stop…..


“So, you see blurry images but unable to identify the people in your dream?”

“Yes and this have been recurring for the past few days….I’m having the exact same dream I had three years ago…”

“Didn’t you tell me it was nothing three years ago?…..Is this because of the surgery I did five years ago?..... Am I finally getting back my memory?”

“Not exactly….”


“Sunggyu, do you wish to get back your memories?”

“I….I….I don’t know,”

“Think carefully, there is a reason why you had this surgery in the first place,”

“I know- I wanted to forget everything,”



Doctor Park shook his head slightly as he rubbed his temples softly- attempting to ease his slight headache. The sixty year old white haired man had no idea what to do now. He closed his eyes as the flashbacks entered his mind.


Five years ago (Past)

The young man begged him, over and over again….

He refused to leave no matter what Doctor Park did.

The persistent man- Nam Woohyun, who he had known since young looked miserable and heartbroken.   


“Doctor Park, please I beg you, please help him,”

“Mr Nam…I told you there is no way I can help him… Please send him to the psychologist…”

“Please….Doctor Park….You will find a way right? Doctor Park is the most successful doctor in korea….You definitely know a way out….You definitely can help him…”

“I’m sorry….”


Doctor Park had refused Woohyun’s request many times. But, the image of Woohyun begging bothered him…..Kim Sunggyu- that person who Woohyun cherished so much, had changed Nam Woohyun….. Making his pride lowered to the extent of begging.


There was only one way to make Sunggyu feel better and stop having nightmares. The only way was to make him forget his memories. Of course, this operation was not performed by any of the doctors in the world- Doctor Park was the one who had created this whole operation. It was a brand new operation and there was no guarantee to any successful rate. The hospital did support this idea but it was dangerous as no one were willing to give this operation a try for fear of any side effects- besides there was not a need to forget your entire memory. It would be too painful- erasing traces of your entire life from your brain- the sad and even the happy ones- everything- as if you were reborn.


Looking at how desperate Woohyun was, Doctor Park had given in.


“Please Doctor Park, this is killing me. The guilt. The pain. I just need you to help him to forget his nightmares….”

“Mr. Nam….”

“You have a way right?”

“No one had tried this operation before- this is the third operation I had created. The operation will cause the patient to lose their memories- since from their birth. In other words, they become a newborn- their memories would be all gone- the painful and the happy ones- they will not be able to remember a single thing. This operation had not been used on anyone yet because of the unknown side effects…The patient might get back their memories suddenly, however, they may also lose their memories to the day they die- there is no guarantee and there is no success rate.”   

“Losing all his memories? Not just the painful ones?...All of them?”

“Yes Mr. Nam, there is no way to just extract the painful memories…”

“He- He would not remember or know me at all?”


“No success rate…Will he be in danger? I rather die than to lose him!”

“He would not die as we would stop the operation if his heartbeat is falling too fast. There is no guarantee whether he would forget all his memories or if his memories would suddenly come back,”


Doctor Park remembered how painful it sounded when Woohyun came to him the next day, with his mind made up.


“Mr. Nam, I understand what you want….Are you sure about this?”


“This would definitely hurt you more than him…”

“Just do it, operate on him. I will be fine.”

“But you do know the consequences right? That he would be-”


“Mr. Nam, if you want me to operate on him, then tell me why are you crying so much?”

“Doctor Park, it had come to the stage whereby the pain I feel is nothing. His pain and sufferings- the times I’ve hurt him…I just want him to be happy. I don’t care even if I die- I want him to be happy once again. I don’t care even if this kills me…..”


Five Years Later (Present)

“Fate is such a cruel thing huh?” Doctor Park opened his eyes as he chuckled humorlessly. Kim Sunggyu seemed to be getting his memories back.


There was a light knock on his door. “Come in,” Doctor Park ordered. The nurse came in with a medical report and placed it on his table before going out of his room. He looked down to see the medical report on his table. He had requested for Kim Sunggyu’s mentally ill patient details.


Doctor Park wanted to make sure that his hoobae did not get a hard patient as he was newly transferred and it may be hard for him to cope in the new environment. He could only stare at the dark bold words ‘Patient: Nam Woohyun’ blankly. Fate was indeed cruel.




So, this is the first part of the sequels. There would be a total of 4 parts to this sequel. FYI, i decided to fully focus on Woogyu in this sequel so there might not be any appearance for Myungyeol (even if they appear, it would be only for a chapter or something? But the main focus is on Woogyu). Also, I decided to make this story non M rated cause i don't think i will be including any rated scenes. 

This chapt also shows more details about the operation...

Comments on the first part of sequel (a way i can motivate myself to write more)?????? <3

Thank you for subbing so fast! 

I will be active on fm. Anything talk to me there! Love you guys! <3


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guys...I'm still thinking about a special myungyeol chapter but I'm currently busy. will try to write when I'm less busy.^^


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Chapter 1: pleasee don't delete this ^^
Kpop_world001 #2
Chapter 5: Thank you for this amazing story.
Chapter 5: Thanks for this sweet sequel.
Chapter 5: Gladdddd myungyeol are together agaaain.. .
Chapter 4: I am crying again gooossshhh..

Its so painfully pretty :')

Thank you so much for making this sequel...
Chapter 4: I don't know how many times I've read this before. I couldn't read the pre-quel tough. AND I DO NOT NEED IT!! jaja I couldn't bear with the pain from it. I am happy with this :3
kay_yayah #7
Chapter 5: Yeayyy!!!!
Happy ending for both Nam's brother.
kay_yayah #8
Chapter 4: Uh-oh... this is so short...
Im not enough with fluffy woogyu...
Hahaaa...chukae, finally,you cyred your first psycho-patient...hahahaa...
kay_yayah #9
Chapter 3: Oh poor to my handsome-psycho...
Got a big present on his cheek...
Poor gyu too,having a nightmare...
kay_yayah #10
Chapter 2: Good to know,myungie despised a revenge...huhuu..poor little boy... *give a big bear hug to myungie*

Woahahahaa...woohyunie is so brave to kiss's lip...and when hyunie said,he exist he in front of make my heart beat faster...