Chapter 2

All I Wanted To Do Was Love You.. But Im Different...

As I get out of the shower into my comfy clothes, I was getting ready to text Kyungsoo to talk about our project when Maddy bust through my door with a sandwhich and says....

"So Nini when are you going to text Kyungsoo?" 

"How did you get into my house the door was locked."

"I know so I had to clime through the window in the kitchen. But when I got into the kitchen I realized I was hungry so I made myself a sandwhich." 

"Ok. I was just about to text him and ask him to facetime so we can talk about our project."

"Oooo yes. Maybe I can talk to Sehun." 

"Maddy please just be quite and sit in the corner." 

"awe. Fine ill be quite."

"Hey Kyungsoo. Do you want to facetime and talk about our project."





"Hey." Kyungsoo said. 

"So this project. I dont understand how Mr. Davis wants us to prove that there are real people who change into a wolf." 

"Well I just so happen to know alot about it."

"Really? You believe in that stuff?"

"Well yeah because everything is possible."

"Since you seem to know so much. How do you become a wolf?" 


"Since you seem to know so much. How do you become a wolf?"

Of course she would ask that question. 

"Well there is two ways 1) You could be bitten *Which is what happened to me.* or you could be born that way."

"Oh really. What type of places do these things---"


"Right Shapesifters... What type of habitat do they live in?"

Habitat? She makes us sound like we are some kind of freak animal... 

"Do Kyungsoo! Who are you talking to?" I hear our leader say as he walks in the door. 

"Im just talking to Serenity. We are working on a project together." 

"Hi Serenity im Kim Joonmyun. But please call me Suho." 

"Hello Suho." 

"So what is your project about?"

"... Suho. Please. We are trying to get stuff done." 

"Right. My appologies." Suho says after he left. Good. If he would have found out what our project was he would have pulled me out of school and moved us again. 

"Sorry about him." 

"Thats ok. So back to what type of place they live in." 

"Well since they start off as humans they live in houses. but when they do change into a wolf. They go into the forrest far away from people so they dont hurt them."

"I thought wolfs eat people."

"Hahaha Serenity you watch to many movies. But there are some wolfs out there who are like that but they do that over there own will. Others can control it. But those who choose not to are the evil ones."

"So how do you know so much about them?"

"I did some research.." 

"AYYYYY Kyungsoo what are you doing?" GUHHHH Sehun


"AYYYYY Kyungsoo what are you doing?" I hear as some one burst through the door.

"Sehun. Please leave."

"Sehun?" Maddy says.

"Oh hey Serenity... Oh. You guys are on a date arnt you?" 

"What? No. We are talking about our project now get out." 

"Hey is Maddy there?"

"Yes. Sehun Im here." 

"Omg. Im sorry Serenity. maybe we will have to met up some where and talk about this project." 

"Its ok and yes lets do that. Bye Kyungsoo. Bye Sehun." 

"BYE... Maddy text me." 

"I will." 

"Bye." Kyungsoo says. then hangs up. 

"Its pretty crazy over there."


"Really? I should kill you." 

"You really like her." 

"Shut up" I said as I get up and go to leave but when I opened my door. All of my elders where standing there. 

"Kyungsoo. We need to talk." Suho said. 

Oh no. Im in trouble. 



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