Chapter 3

All I Wanted To Do Was Love You.. But Im Different...



My elders Xuimin, Luhan, Kris, Suho, Lay, Beakhyun, Chen and Chanyeol sat me down in the office and started talking to me about my project. 


"I heard you taking to Serenity about Wolfs. What is wrong with you?" Kris said.

"Im sorry but this is what our project is about at school and I got paired with her on this project."

"You are going to blow our cover and we are going to have to move again. How do you think this is ok?" Chen said.

"Well its not like im going to tell her ever thing." 

"What have you told her already?" Suho said. 

" I have said how we become wolfs, what type of places we live in, and that we dont eat people. I didnt say WE but I said they." 

"Ok lets try not to get to involved by saying to much. Ok?" Suho said. 

"Wait. Your just going to let him keep talking to this girl about who we are?" Kris says 

"Kyungsoo is coming to that age where we dont need to keep an eye on him 24/7 I think he knows what he can say and what he cant say. Right Kyungsoo?" 

"Right. I promise that I will only give a little information and say alot."

"But Im giving some rules. She has to come here to study because I just want to be sure your are not going to say anything your not supposed to." Suho said. 

"Right. And you said we didnt need to keep an eye on him 24/7. But you want him to study here so you can keep and eye on him." Beakhyun said. 

"Byun Beakhyun DO NOT sass me. Go it?" Suho said getting into Beakhyuns face. 

"Y..Yeah boss. G...Got it." 

"Now. Do you understand these rules? " Suho said to me in a very stern voice. 

"Yes Suho I understand and if she ask anything that I dont know if im aloud to tell her ill come to one of you." I said in a reassuring voice. 

"Ok. Just be careful." Xiumin said. 


I nodded, Bowed and walked away. 

Hopefully they trust me. 



"That was really weird that Kyungsoo just jumped off the phone with you. He might be hiding something," Maddy said. 

"I dont think so. He was just getting interrupted, So he was being nice and got off facetime with me."

"maybe. but him and his family seem really off to me. Something is not right and I want to know what it is." 

"You are over reacting." I said to maddy as I pushed her out my front door. 


Nothing is wrong with Kyungsoo. He is a perfectly normal teenager that is extremely handsome with his big eyes and lips and the way he smiles--- HOLD UP! Get yourself together Serenity. He is your partner for a project. You cant let his beauty get in the way of your A. 


I wonder if he thinks of me like that? 




'I wonder if he thinks of me like that?'  I heard Serenity say. 


..... I do. 

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