Chapter 1

All I Wanted To Do Was Love You.. But Im Different...

Kyungsoo's P.O.V.

I feel something is really wrong. I dont know what but I feel like someone is really hurt. 

"... Kyungsoo.." I hear Kai whisper.
"Something is wrong isnt it..." I say in a soft voice. Kai looks down with tears in his eyes. 
"Who is it." I say. "Who is hurt Kai..." 
"I-Its Serenity." 
"NO!!!" I scream as I slam Kai up against the wall behind him. Luhan, Sehun, and Suho had to pull me off of him. " I just spoke to her." I say as I start to break down... "Where is she?" 


I feel this sharp pain in the side of my head.
Everything is spinning. 
There is a guy in front of me that is screaming something but I cant understand him.  

"Now class. Im giving you a homework assignment.." Mr. Davis says 
"Uhhhhhhhh" The rest of the class responds. 
"I know. I know. You come to school just for homework. No but seriously. If you guys dont do this I could possibly be fired." Mr D says. 
We all laugh because we know he is joking. Mr. Davis is probable the most liked teacher in this school. *BOOM* We all turn our head to the door and in struts my best friend Maddy. 
"Ahhh Miss. Maddy... Late again. Now what should your punishment be today?" Mr. D says as Maddy slams her bag down on her desk. 
"No. You dont understand. I already got a punishment because my favorite kpop group VIXX is coming to Michigan. And do you want to know something.."
"Oh please enlighten me." Mr. Davis reply's. 
".. I dont have enough money to go because I spent it on other kpop stuff. And my mom wont lend me the money to go."
"OMG! That is terrible!" 
"I KNOW!!!! UHHH My life is so hard." 
"Mmmhmm. Now on to the assignment that you get to have a partner on..." 
"YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!" The class screams. 
"But I get to choose your partner... YAYYYYYYYYYY!"

Anyway as Mr Davis was going down the list of people... I suddenly heard my name. 
"Serenity Hope and Do Kyungsoo." 
What who the hell is that... 
"Hey Maddy who is that?" 
"Are you seriously asking me that question... Im not here most of the time." 


The bell ring. As im getting my stuff together I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and my eyes me his...
He is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life.  
Hes short but taller than me.
He has heart lips. 
He has big eyes. 
He has soft skin. Not that I have his face but it just looks soft. 

"Hi. Im Do Kyungsoo... But please call me Kyungsoo." 
"Uhhh. Hi. Im Serenity." 
"umm. Should we swap numbers so we can talk about what the assignment." 
"Uh Yeah sure."

After we swapped numbers I walked up to Maddy...
"Girl. This is really pissing me off. I cant go-"
"Wait there he is."
"What. Who?" 
"My partner." I say as I seen Kyungsoo walking down the hall way with three other boys. 
"Ooooo. Nini... Mr. D hooked you up. He is fine. and his friend is even hotter. Bro you NEED to hook me." 
"Yeah yeah yeah we will see." 
Thank you Mr Davis for this assignment.... 


Ill try to update on a regular basis. 
Thanks for reading this. 

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