The Cat & the Rabbit




The first interaction between 2NE1 and JYJ was in MNET Asian Music Awards. 

This interaction, as far as Dara Park was concerned, should never have happened.

 It was going to cost her a career she had worked hard for.

All because of that crazy virus people liked to call love.  


But not if she can help it.  


The group 2NE1 was barely in Kim Jaejoong’s orbit,

Until he saw them in that award show called MAMA.

And to be perfectly honest, he would have forgotten their existence.

That was until he learned how one of their members could potentially ruin a friend’s life.


But not if he can help it.


Kim Jaejoong and Dara Park.

Their alliance was born of deceit.

Their friendship was born of mistrust.

Bound by one goal, this unlikely pair forms a most unusual of relationships.

But  can love ever blossom between the cat and the rabbit?




“What seems an unlikely combination,

given the predator-prey context that first comes to mind,

is in fact a common and often rewarding match."

- Amy Shapiro on Cats & Rabbits. -



Kim Jaejoong-shi, my name is Dara Park from the YG group called 2NE1. In light of recent, shall we say, advancement in relations between members of our teams, we need to have a meeting. If you’re amenable to it, let’s meet tonight at 11pm near the convenience store at the corner street of your apartment. I highly recommend that you come. The matter is urgent and requires much discussion. Should you choose to ignore this message, know that none in your group needs more issues cropping up against them and as I am frequently online these days, there is a distinct possibility that something might be posted accidentally and none of it will be to your advantage. Thank you and may you have a nice day.



Review rating here:

Hello to all my subscribers for TCATR. Apologies for the long hiatus. I might be posting a new chapter soon. Stay tuned!


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MaritheZya #1
Chapter 5: Interesting story, im curious what will happen next. I love reading jaedara ff.
jetpitchblack #2
Chapter 5: Wow this fic is very interesting... i hope that you will not abandon this fic... coz it's gold!!!!
imfarrahlalala #3
Chapter 5: Update juseyo ~~~~~~
Chapter 5: its already mid of 2015 and i just found this story :( great story and please update more~ thanks
forever_distracted #5
Chapter 5: Please, please, pleeeeaaaase... updatethis story. :( it's great!
forever_distracted #6
Chapter 5: Holy sheezburger!!!! This fic should be continued and finished, Author-nim. Loooooovr it! I can't imagibe what's gonna happen next, but I can assure myself that it's going to be cute and great!
so, please Author-nim, update this story. I haven't visited asianfanfics lately (meaning ---commenting) and thankfully, I get to see this story. I am kind of a new fan of Jaedara... been reading em for a while now
msdeathstalker #7
Chapter 5: woot more please!
Chapter 5: pls update soon. this is so interesting.
chankyudoong #9
Pls update soon... I like it...
hi....o like your fic....... Update soooooon!!!!!