Chapter 1 :MEMORY....

Because of you~~

The sun showed its gloomy light towards her room. The room is quite small, so closed window bothers her. She took few steps from her bed and opened the window. The wind tried to , blowing softly to her cheek. She grabbed her American breakfast at the kitchen and takes it to her room balcony. She sat down on a hideous couch, prepared to take her meal. Out of nowhere, tears flowing down… 

“You understand me, right?” she said to the nature. “Sun, your light, and wind… your blow… “. 

She stopped there. She couldn’t hold the tears... the memories from five years ago still lingered her. Every scene from past five years became a book of pictures in her mind. From happy to sorrow, from alone to not alone, everything still fresh in her memory.  

“How can a boy change me? My life?” 

she kept asking the question to herself. From an ugly, horrible, unwise girl, she changed herself for this one guy. Everyone looked at her as a “trash” to the community. Well, she barely can do anything. But love, changes her. she couldn’t even walk if it is not because of him.



 Those harsh words makes her in tears before, but as time goes by, she’s done to it. She shut her ear by listen to the music every time she faced that kind of situation. People hated her, she being isolated. She couldn’t even breathe last time, but because of this boy, she survived. She even planned to suicide, planned to jump from the school 6th floor balcony, overdose, everything. But this guy saved her, by giving faith to her.

“I don’t believe you! Go Away!!!”

“Hey, don’t do this... I know you as strong girl. Strong girl never did this.”

“You never know me! You just like them. You hate me! So don’t pretend like you care about me! Just go!”

She smiled when thinking about those days, how foolish she was … she try to jump that time. That boy hugged her tightly, so she would stop her will to kill herself.

“Where is he now?” she asked silently.

“I hope he’s fine, somewhere, without me.”

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