Chapter Fifteen

Past Perplexity [hiatus]
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Min Jee was impressed.

Granted she didn’t see much of the inside of the building per say because they weren’t authorized to enter most of the areas but from what she could spot, it was definitely cool.

Huge screens filled with pictures of people, photocopies of evidence, and screens just filled with text. There were computers in certain rooms, each with a person wearing a headset attached to their chairs as they typed quickly into the keyboards before them.

The whole place seemed to run efficiently with doors that scanned the cards that Junmyeon and Sehun had on hand and even security check points in which they had to disregard their items they had with them. Sadly for Min Jee, the guards took away the pepper spray that she had. When Chen spotted the spray bottle, he narrowed his eyes at the inanimate object.

It took a while actually for them to reach the place Junmyeon was leading them to especially when Chen would often stop and peer through the glass, trying to figure out what was inside of a particular room.

It wasn’t long before he was delegated to walk with Sehun who was apprehensive of being beside the male. When Junmyeon, his superior shot him a look however, his lips thinned and he obeyed even though he didn’t like it.

Chen picked up on that and badgered the poor guy with questions, most of which he probably couldn’t answer because they were so personal.

Sehun was able to escape when he and Junmyeon took Jaehyo from Luhan’s hands and ushered them into another room right beside them.

Upon entering, Min Jee realize quickly what type of room they were in. With the glass window that they could see through, they all watched as Jaehyo was handcuffed to a metal chair by Sehun and Junmyeon sit on the other side of the table.

The fact they didn’t even spare a glance to them gave Min Jee the big clue the window only could be seen through one way.

Before they laid a table filled with buttons and even a microphone and small screen that was recording but before Min Jee (or Chen for the matter) figure out what they did, the door opened and in came Sehun. It effectively stopped them from doing anything.

He ignored them and sat in a chair that was in the room, pulling it up the table and pressed a few of the buttons already focusing on the window with certain intent.

Luhan saddled up right near Sehun, who glanced at him shocked but ultimately he ignored him which was somewhat surprising since Luhan did after all call Sehun a child.

Min Jee took that as her cue however to stand closer to them and watch what was happening in the room before them.

Junmyeon was leaning back against his seat until the front legs of his chair lifted from the ground with the air of nonchalance surrounded him as he watched Jaehyo sweat nervously in front of him. The tape that was on his mouth was gone but despite that he still wouldn’t say anything.

After a while, Junmyeon cleared his throat and then finally spoke.

“You know as well as I do, whatever you’re keeping inside you I will find out eventually. I know what you’re a part of, and it’s only a matter of time before we find you right in our database,” Junmyeon said with a smile that sent shivers down Min Jee’s spine. “So let’s make it easier for the both of us. You help us, we’ll help you.”

“Help, how?”

“Just tell me what you know.”

Jaehyo didn’t speak but something he did, something that Min Jee didn’t see made Junmyeon raise his eyebrow.

“Not allowed to?” he asked. “If you’re afraid something will happen, we can protect you.”

Jaehyo snorted loudly. “Protect? You’re kidding me. No one can stop it, least of all you.”

It was then that Jaehyo turned his head and Min Jee stepped back in surprise when she saw somehow through the one-way mirror he was looking right at her.

A hand touched her elbow lightly and Min Jee jolted, tearing her gaze from Jaehyo to see Chen glancing at her.

He raised his eyebrows as if he silently asking if she was okay. She nodded before turning her attention back to the interrogation.

“‘It’? Can you elaborate further?”

Jaehyo shook his head, not wanting to answer him as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Junmyeon straightened up in his seat then, accompanied by a change of aura that surrounded him. It was obvious that Junmyeon was going to try a different tactic when he knew that Jaehyo wasn’t willing to cooperate. Only he wasn’t able to say anything else when all the power went out.

Through the darkness, Min Jee heard Sehun swear at the sudden blackout and when a hand grasped her shoulder, she knew it was Chen thinking the same thing.

It wasn’t a coincidence; Luhan had already mentioned that without the box it would be worse.

This was probably just the start of it.

Luckily for them however, the lights flickered back on, but as her eyes adjusted to the onslaught of light, she saw that the computers, the recording hardware were still down. All of that only made Sehun swear even more and in turn, Luhan snorted at the colourful language that was coming out of the young agent.

Sehun stood up then to knock on the glass two times and Junmyeon instantly exited out of the room without another word before he popped his head into where they all were.

“What is it?” he asked.

“You’re going to have to do this another time, the system is down right now,” Sehun answered with a frown on his face, obviously not happy with the predicament.

Junmyeon took it all in a stride though and nodded.

“I’ll take him to a holding cell, why don’t you bring Luhan and the others to my desk. I’ll meet you all there shortly.” Junmyeon directed the last part of the statement towards all of them, and Min Jee in response let out a soft “okay” before she watched him disappear again to grab Jaehyo.

Sehun headed towards the door and without even checking if they going to follow him, he walked out with Luhan and Chen right behind him with Min Jee scrambling to keep pace.

The destination wasn’t as far as Min Jee had thought, with them only walking down a corridor before passing a couple of rooms and hallways. Peeking into one hallway in particular on the way there, Min Jee noted bars and concluded it must be where Junmyeon was going to take Jaehyo.

Junmyeon’s desk was in a cubicle, surrounded by others working away which only meant that while Junmyeon was an agent, he didn’t exactly have as much power as Min Jee hoped he would.

It was neat though, compared to most with files that were stacked neatly instead of scattered around on the desk, and hardly any pictures or a calendar for the matter hung up anywhere. Pens were placed in a red cup with no design and not even a speck of dust was on the monitor of his computer.

There were only t

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[PP] I'm sorry for the long wait for an update! I haven't forgotten this fic- believe me. I will write a chapter soon ;_; so TY for the continual support


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Thinkergirl #1
How are you doing author-nim?
Thinkergirl #2
stiiiil waiiiiting!!!!^^
I need to re-read this too.
blue1088 #4
Chapter 6: There are few things i want to ask: i don't know if i missed it, but why Jongdae curious about the journal that Min Jee took? And i thought in previous chapter you wrote that Min Jee has a drive license, one she reluctant to make?
blue1088 #5
Chapter 4: Hallo,, i'm a new reader. I think your story is quite interesting. But i'm confused about Min Jee age. How old is she? Is she a college student, already graduated, or?
lilnugget #6
I made a history project about victoria, she she got shot in the face, too!
What a coincidence
lilnugget #7
MY NAME IS (should I make an alias? Or like a pen name? I'm going to) REYNA AND I WILL BE OCCUPYING YOUR COMMENTS FOR THE NEXT WEEK OR SO!
I found this in a reccomendation list, and by the stories on the list that I knew prior, the stories featured are A1 koala tea.
welp, here I go
Thinkergirl #8
Yessssssssss! Yesssss!
Thinkergirl #9
Hi there! how are you doing?
Are You still sure you're gonna finish this up?
Remember you promised me to do so!
Dawnfeather #10
Chapter 17: I love the cameos by the other stars! I binge read this in a few hours, it's so good!!!!