Part VI

Don't Worry, I Remember

We're sitting in his car with his manager again and I have no idea where we are going. He just keeps on smiling like a crazy person. Actually I dont mind at all. I love it when he smiles like that. I have to be honest, every time I see those thin, glossy lips curve into smile, I always have the urge to just lean my face closer to his and let the chemistry work its magic. 
I couldnt help myself that I'm actually staring at him as he lock his vision to the front. I couldn't care less about where we are going, as long as I'm with him I know I'll be safe. 
He turns his head to face me. "Why are you staring at me and smiling like that?" 
I turn my head immediately. I can feel my cheeks getting warmer. I try to cover it with my hand while resting my chin on my palm.
"I wasn't staring at you," I don't know why I lie.
"Tsk... kojitmal! (거짓말/lies)" he giggles. 
I try to not look, but somehow I think my eyes has thoughts on its own. It keeps peaking from the corner of my eyes just to see him smile. 
"I'm so sorry to do this but I need to put a blindfold on you," he says while holding out his handkerchief. 
"Oo... okay," I turn my head so he can tie it up. Blindfold huh? I assume this is something big. 
I sit in that car, blindfolded (not being able to see him smile again), quitely and petiently. Finally the car stops. Jungkook opens his door and then open mine. When I step out I can feel the surface is soft and thick. I think I'm standing on a grass. I just hope this is not one those cliché, where the guy takes the girl he likes to somewhere romantic and ask the girl out.
That'll be just boring. Nothing surprising about that at all. He leads me for a few steps and stop me. 
"Open it," he says. 
I open my blindfold slowly and observe my surrounding. 
"Take a road down the memory 'line'" he says while spreading out his arm. 
That was a pun. He supppose to say 'lane' but he said 'line', and when he said that he literally wants me to 'take a road down the memory line'.  
I'm standing in the middle of huge trees. And there, lots of pictures are     hanging on a red thread. He didn't hang this pictures on random, he  organize each picture according to the timeline of the times we spend together. From the first picture we took, to the time when we were at school or at home or movies, there's even a picture of Jungkook, Jimin and I together. The very last picture is a picture of my back walking away.
It was before I left.  
"I just thought you might want to remember these again. But this time together," he takes my hand as he smiles. 
"Its amazing! You're amazing!" I'm so speechless I dont even know how to respond to this event. its just so touching for me. 
"There's someone who wants to meet you," he says.            
I turn my back and find Jimin there standing. Jungkook tells me to go to him cause Jimin wants to say something. 
"I lost." That's the very first thing Jimin says. "He's better than me," he says. 
I chuckle. "You're always awesome just the way you are." 
"Yeah but apparently being myself isn't enough to make you love me," his smile disappear. 
I couldn't say anything. How am I suppose to respond to that?
"You dont have to say anything. Its okay. I lost, he wins. I'll back off. Also... I give you my blessings. Apparently being your Oppa isn't that bad after all. I get to punch him if he ever breaks your heart," he holds out his fist.   
I chuckle again. 
"He's lucky," he continues. "Go. And be happy."       
I take a deep breath. "You will find someone as awesome as yourself." 
He smiles then turn his back on me and walks away.
Jungkook taps my shoulder so I would turn to him. 
"I really dont know how to do this, and this is such a lame goodbye, but I'm starting my schedule tomorrow..." 
Hmm... I know what that means. He's going to disappear.                
"But now, I won't make the same mistake again like few years ago. So... I'm gonna be the one who say it first," he takes a deep breath.
He reaches for my hand and say, "I love you... always have been." 
I remain quiet. 
"I just didn't say it last time like you did."
Thats right. Few years ago I was the one who said it first. I was so crazy in love with him that I told him I like him. But when I said that he only said Thanks and hugged me. It broke my heart a lot. So I left him the next 2 days. That's when I disappeared. 
"'Like I did?' But I didn't say I love you. I said I liked you," I say, jokingly. 
"Well then, thats just proof my love to you is bigger." 
I blush and smile uncontrollably. My heart pounds, my cheeks warm, and I can't even look at his eyes anymore. 
"But I'm so sorry to say that even now that we know. We can't do anything about it," he sighs. "You're going to US and I'm starting my schedule." 
"Sst... I love you too, 우리국이."
I lean my body toward him, and get my face closer to his. Our lips touch for a few second, then I return to my position. He froze. He stares at me with a shock expression. He slips his hand to my waist and pull me closer. Our lips meet once again. 

And just like that everything we had for years become so clear and yet so cruel. We get to know each other feelings now, when time just ran out. Even though we left things at that, we are happy. He become a singer and today I'm going to US. I just wish we had a little bit more time. But now I know, he loves me and he knows that I love him. Thats enough for me.  
Just before I'm about to go boarding, I get a message from Jungkook.

우리국이♡: Just so you know, "the pics on the tree" event was Jimins' idea.
I chuckle. Huh, that guy... and he said Jungkook is better than him. I guess he sincerely love me enough to let me go and mature enough to save the friendship. 
"Jimin-Oppa. You're going to meet someone amazing!" I whisper to myself. 
*끝 - END*

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