But We Don't Need A New Mattress


Minseok and Jongdae are furthering their relationship from just boyfriends to soon to be flat mates.

With the a new space however there comes a need for some new furniture. 


Shout out to my dear friend Ashley for the prompt.

Girl~ you got my brain gears ah turning the minute I read the idea. <3


Have an idea for a fic? 

You can find me at: ml2titan.tumblr.com 


I've never written a oneshot, and I figured it would be good skill to learn. So if you have any requests feel free to run them by me ^.^



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Chapter 1: I just randomly found this, and it is hilarious. I audibly laughed at least four times, causing people around me to give me the side-eye.

No regrets.
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh this so funny
Xingxing singing: big fluffy unircorns dancing on rainbows... so hilarious!!!
Chapter 1: This is super cute and super funny, I love it! *claps and cheers loudly*
This is actually amazing I don't know why it isn't upvoted to heck and has 100000000 subs asking for a sequel but a story this good won't stay hidden for long, so may I be the first to ask - pleaaaase write a sequel? Or maybe a domestic!AU or something because
This is actually amazing.
Chapter 1: Gold.
Pure, sparkling gold.
That is what Xiuchen is, that is what this fanfiction is, that is what YOU are.
Nuff said.
Chapter 1: omg this is hilarious and i love xiuchen in this!

"So if you get lost just make the sound of a whale mixed with a chicken. That way I won’t confuse you with anyone else being mugged, , or kidnapped. It’s important to help them too, but you’re priority”
i'm just sitting here laughing.
Girl got me blushing xoxo