Performance Ready


Aw hell no Kyungsoo internally yelled. He paid good money to see his boyfriend perform, and god dammit he was gonna sit so close that Jongin would be able to see him the minute he stepped out on stage.


Prompt: the first time Kyungsoo goes to one of Jongin's ballet recitals.


Guess who's back,

back again.

Maddys back,

and no one probably actually cares.



my dear friend Ashley (aka Little Dove) has given me another genius prompt.

So here it is~


If you wan't to submit a prompt, or just wanna chill with me.

You can find me here:


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SoSquishy #1
Chapter 1: hahahahaha a very long day xD
VioletLily #2
Chapter 1: Oh God hahahahahha this is hilarious ♥♥♥♥♥ i love it ♥♥♥
kaisoo <3 <3