
Performance Ready

Authors Note: I spent probably an hour trying to fix the indentation, and I posted it only to find out all my work went down the drain. So Maybe I'll fix it on a later date, but for now screw that. It doesn't change the story.

Update: Who needs indentations?! I don't!


It took Kyungsoo a total of no time at all to realize he didn’t belong here. Sitting among the button up shirts and classy dresses in nothing but a black sweatshirt and some dark jeans. No wonder there were so many open seats around him. Even Kyungsoo wouldn’t want to be the one caught sitting next to the poor lost soul that was himself.

Kyungsoo has never been to a ballet, and to be honest, he thought he would be able to say that for the rest of his life. That is of course until one “fateful day” a boy by the name of Kim Jongin came into his life flailing and screaming. Literally, Jongin was just being a good samaritan returning Kyungsoo his wallet, but come on some stranger walks up to you with his hand extended? That just doesn’t happen. Of course Kyungsoo’s reaction was to punch him in the face and threaten to call the cops before running off. It wasn’t until he stopped running to catch his breath that he noticed the flailing of limbs behind him, and the screaming of “wait your wallet!” in his ears. He realized that he was not in a potential /mugging/kidnapping situation. Jongin may be a fantastic dancer, but he can’t run for .

Moral of the story is one meeting led to another. Only to be followed by an array of awkwards “dates” if you will. Until one day Kyungsoo asked the tension inducing question of “do you like me?” Lets just say one thing led to another and somehow Kyungsoo found himself sitting in a cushioned chair about to embark on the journey of watching god knows what ballet. Waiting to see his boyfriends guaranteed flawless performance.

“Excuse me sir” A man in a maroon blazer and black pants beckoned, obviously an usher. “Would you be offended if I asked you to please move towards the back. It might just look better to let some of the higher class customers be seen towards the front.”

“Are you saying me sitting here is lowering the value of this performance?” Kyungsoo asked, disbelief evident on his face.

“If that is a nice way of saying you look unsuitable for a performance, then yes” the man smiled as he stepped back to allow Kyungsoo into the aisle.

Aw hell no Kyungsoo internally yelled. He paid good money to see his boyfriend perform, and god dammit he was gonna sit so close that Jongin would be able to see him the minute he stepped out on stage.

“Listen here, Tao” Kyungsoo started, reading the ushers nametag as he rose from his seat. “Are you saying if I change into something more ‘suitable’ I can sit in this spot?” he asked pointing to where his was just resting.

“Yeah sure, but the performance starts in less than ten minutes. There is no way you can go out find a suit, and make it back in time to see the opening scene” Tao stated.

Well it’s a good thing Jongin didn’t come in until the second act. “ won’t get real until the second act” Kyungsoo replied, brushing past the taller as he made his way towards the exit. “Keep my seat warm for me well i’m gone. Actually better yet just reserve the whole ing row.”

“There are a bunch of name brand places down the street, chicks dig the name brand” Tao informed taking a seat in the furthest seat of the row.

“I’m gay” Kyungsoo shouted, ignoring the turning of heads in his direction.

“Oh, well I like name brand” Tao yelled back.

Kyungsoo just rolled his eyes as he exited the premises. 45 minutes, that’s all he had to find a suit and find his seat back once again. This shouldn’t be a problem.


“This is a huge problem!” Kyungsoo panicked. He had 15 minutes. 15 minutes to run the mile that separated him from the theatre. He didn’t even know what to do with himself at this point other than just book it.

Nothing says i’m normal like legging it down the street in a brand new navy blue blazer, some khaki pants, and a red tie.

Some people probably thought he had a life or death situation on his hands. At least that’s what the cops thought.


“Don’t you dare touch that bagel Park Chanyeol!” Baekhyun hissed. “I will arrest you for that!”

“You have the right to remain tasty” Chanyeol informed as he took the first bite of the last bagel available.

“Is it good?” Baekhyun asked watching with envy as his partner devoured his delectable treat. Well Baekhyun was left with nothing but a plain donut. It just wasn’t the same. Plus the other wouldn’t have even found this place if it wasn’t for Baekhyun’s undercover work aka a google maps malfunction that brought him to the wrong place at the right time.

“This is why I became a cop” Chanyeol moaned as the delicious taste of his bagel worked its magic.

“So you didn’t join the force to save lives, get laid, or help people in need?” Baekhyun joked.

Baekhyun was at least expecting a comeback. What he didn’t expect was for Chanyeol to throw his bagel down and jump out of his chair. Successfully scaring the out of everyone around him.

“That guy needs our help” Chanyeol shouted, pointing past his partner at a sprinting man in a blue blazer.

“Wow he is really moving, it must be serious” Baekhyun observed. “You ready for this?” he asked already up and moving towards the car.

“I was born ready” Chanyeol stated.


“Would the man in the blue blazer please halt all movement” Chanyeol’s voice echoed from the speakers attached to the top of the car.

Kyungsoo looked down at himself. There was no way they could possibly be talking to him. Not when he still had most of the mile left to go.

“You have to be more descriptive” Baekhyun scolded, ripping the radio out of Chanyeol’s hand. “Would the short man parting the people on the sidewalk like the red sea please pull off to the side. We are here to help you. So if you could stop racing down the road like you’re in the Daytona 500 that would be great.”

“Nice” Chanyeol complimented “Daytona 500 is that racecar thing right? America?”

“Yeah I read something about it on wikipedia” Baekhyun nodded.

“You’ve got to be kidding me” Kyungsoo mumbled, as a cop car pulled up next to him.

“Excuse me sir, but you appear to be in the need of some assistance” Baekhyun called from the drivers seat.

“Im fine” Kyungsoo stated. “I just need to get back to the theatre to see my boyfriend perform.”

“You can’t possibly be planning on running there in that outfit. It could get dirty or ripped. Just hop in back, we will take you” Baekhyun offered.

“Yeah, get in the van!” Chanyeol shouted.

Well I mean they are cops. What could possibly go wrong?

A lot. A lot could go wrong. God only knows how many new wrinkles Kyungsoo would step out of this car with because of Baekhyun’s driving. He didn’t have time to think about that now tho, he was too busy holding onto his seat belt for dear life as he sunk further into his seat, as if that would save him.

“Can you believe Baekhyun failed his driving test four times?” Chanyeol pondered.

“Yeah, that’s unbelievable” Kyungsoo croaked out.

“Obviously some people hold different standards when it comes to driving. I always say if you can get from point A to point B you deserve a license” Baekhyun laughed.

God Kyungsoo can only hope he makes it to point B. So far the driver of this vehicle has ran two stop signs and one red light. Pretty sure there wasn’t even a red light on the way to the theatre. Oh look another stop sign, missed it. Oh look a pedestrian crossing the street. Oh a pedestrian crossing the street!


Kyungsoo sat in the backseat with round eyes about ready to pop out of his head. Well Chanyeol and Baekhyun screamed at each other from the front seats.

“We just killed someone” Baekhyun screeched.

“We’re gonna have to skip town” Chanyeol cried “cover our tracks!”

“What do we do about him?” Baekhyun asked pointing towards the back. “He is a witness.”

“We already killed one person, another one is not going to matter” Chanyeol suggested.

Kyungsoo just remained sitting still, staring ahead at what use to be the space a walking figure took up. It wasn’t until he saw a hand on the hood did he snap back to reality.

“Ugh” the boy moaned.

“Zombie!” Chanyeol screamed. Trying to hide himself from view, only to be choked back by his seatbelt.

“What do we do?” Kyungsoo asked

Baekhyun didn’t know what to do. He was caught with the expression of a gasping fish. I guess i’ll just do what I learned in training he thought as he reached for the radio.

“You’re under arrest!” he shouted. Most likely destroying the poor victim’s eardrums.

The boy covered his ears as he looked into the car with wide eyes. There was a moment of eye contact before the boy took off sprinting down the road.

“We got a runner!” Baekhyun yelled throwing himself out of the car, and down the street.

It took two men a minute too long in Kyungsoo’s opinion to wrestle the boy into the back seat.

“You can’t do this! I have rights. I demand an attorney. Just wait until my lawyers hear about this. You won’t have a job after i’m done with you” He threatened. It was useless however a high five of his captors sealed his case. He let out a long sigh before turning to Kyungsoo “So what are you in for?”


“Ahhh so that’s why I got plugged by a cop. You were in a hurry to get to the ballet” The boy (who was found out to be named sehun) concluded.

“Precisely” Baekhyun nodded. “So therefore my driving is justified” he added, taking the curb as he did.

“So your boyfriend, he hot?” Sehun asked, turning his attention to Kyungsoo who was too busy staring lasers into the car’s clock. Seven minutes, he had Seven minutes.

“So did you get him anything?” Sehun continued questioning. “I know if I was in a show I would want my boyfriend to bring me a gift for my good work. A reward if you will.”

“I didn’t get him anything” Kyungsoo confessed. Only to have the car come to a sudden hault. Successfully giving him whiplash in a 35mph zone.

“Get out” Baekhyun demanded. “We don’t get this wagon rolling again until you go into that flower shop and buy your boy something pretty” he stated pointing across the street to a conveniently placed flower shop.

“Get the daisies, people love daisies” Sehun shouted, as Kyungsoo huffed his way across the street.

Jongin would be lucky if he got a pot let alone the flowers to fill it. Kyungsoo didn’t have time for this. He was gonna buy the first thing he saw.

Ok so maybe not the first thing. Kyungsoo did not expect to walk into the shop only to be greeted with the sight of man staring directly at him with that creepy “let me sell you something” face.

“Hello there my name is Joonmyun, and I will be your flower specialist today. How may I assist you?” Joonmyun smiled.

“Daisies, I need daisies” Kyungsoo stated probably a little louder and faster than he needed to.

“Ah how I do love daisies” Joonmyun admitted. “I shall tell you the story of when I was a young boy and my first experience receiving daisies. I mean why would an eight year old boy want flowers? but none the less my love for them … blossomed” Joonmyun chuckled. “Get it? blossomed.”

Kyungsoo mentally face palmed, this could not be happening. “Listen I really just need those flowers. I’m late for my boyfriends ballet and-”

“Ballet? Oh how I love the ballet” Joonmyun smiled.

Kyungsoo couldn’t believe this. Those idiots in the car must be rubbing off on him cause he could only think to say one thing.

“Get in the van.”


“Oh how I love the ballet” Joonmyun informed once again as he led the way down the aisle towards the front.

They actually made it. After all that, they still made it. Kyungsoo looked down at his watch. Two minutes left in the intermission. He even had time to spare. God I knew I should have spent more time looking around the flower shop Kyungsoo regretted.

“Taozi!” Sehun smiled, as he made his way towards the usher.

“Sehun? What are you doing here?” Tao asked eyes full of surprise in seeing his boyfriend appear out of no where.

“I came with my friend Kyungsoo. He has one of those sweet name brand ties you were talking about. Plus I made him buy daisies” Sehun replied.

“People do love daisies” Tao nodded.

“So ever think we would help a person in need, befriend someone who came back from the dead, and buy flowers all in one day?” Chanyeol asked, nudging Baekhyun with his elbow as they sat in some of the open seats Kyungsoo had made Tao reserve.

“Just another day at the office” Baekhyun chuckled.




“Incredible” Kyungsoo finished as the clapping started to die down. He was so proud. Jongin did so well. Never again will he make fun of his boyfriends profession. I guess there is more to get from ballet than just a nice body. The feeling, it was just too much. Who knew dancing had such an effect?

“Woah you look good” Jongin complimented upon meeting his boyfriend in the lobby. “And did you really get me flowers? Daisies, safe choice everyone loves daisies” he smiled.

“You were”

“Amazing!” Joonmyun praised, successfully cutting of Kyungsoo. Going as far as to step in between to the two to give Jongin one hell of a handshake. “Good show my friend good show.”

“Just so we’re clear. He is hot” Sehun smirked, only to have Tao’s grip around his shoulder tighten.

“Don’t go stepping in on what’s mine now, understand?” Tao hissed, as if Jongin would leave Kyungsoo for Sehun.

“You got yourself a keeper here Kyungsoo” Baekhyun stated, patting the confused dancers shoulders.

“And we got ourselves a completed case” Chanyeol cheered giving his partner in crime fighting a highfive.

“Um Kyungsoo, who are these people?” Jongin whispered, eyeing up the special bunch in front of him.

“It’s a long story” Kyungsoo smiled. “But i’m sure you will hear all the details when we have movie night at our place next week. Baekhyun is even bringing bagels.”


AN: Also can you believe it? An actual Kaisoo story that isn't angst.

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SoSquishy #1
Chapter 1: hahahahaha a very long day xD
VioletLily #2
Chapter 1: Oh God hahahahahha this is hilarious ♥♥♥♥♥ i love it ♥♥♥
kaisoo <3 <3