
joahaeyo • apply open


next step. . .?

'JUNG MEILIN YOU ARE NOT TO SPEAK TO YOUR MOTHER IN THAT MANNER!' he screamed at the stubborn girl sitting across the table, arms-crossed and an unamused expression on her face. She could care less about his rules at this point. The news was not what she wanted and she most certainly didn't look forward to it.
'What? It's the truth. I might as well tell you now since you're getting married now. I don't like her - at least now she knows how I feel about her. Don't blame me for being honest.' Mei spat back. She didn't care how rude she was at that moment. She had never liked her so why would she like her when she's marrying her father? She didn't like her 16 years ago and she most certainly didn't like her now. Her father was fuming with his now bright red face and stern tone. 
'Jung Meilin, I forbid you to ever see that boy of yours, is that understood? I've had it up to here with your foolishness. It's because of him you're acting this way. Time away from him will do you good and learn to not say such things to your mother-'
'She isn't my mother and she never will be, Father. Psh, you think I'm going to end my relationship with my boyfriend all because you said so? You'd have to kill me twice and bring me back to life in order for that to ever happen.'
 Mei cut him off with a tone that she'd never used before with her father; anger. She always used a sarcastic tone or an annoyed one but she was never angry at him for anything until now. He was marrying someone that he kept saying was her mother when in fact she isn't. And for him to forbid her from her boyfriend was beyond her comprehension. How could he forbid a love that two people shared? He would have to be high to demand something like that from her. 

With that, Mei stormed out of the dining room. Her father heaved out a sigh at the sight of his daughter leaving him. It hurt just like how she left all those years ago. He wanted to go after her but he remained in his seat and continued eating, looking over at his fiance with an assuring smile that this little incident changed nothing for what was to come. Minho looked down at his plate. He didn't blame Mei for how she felt; he didn't exactly like his step-father either. He could relate to where she was coming from but he would never in a million years do what she did.


Mei had instinctively dialed her boyfriend's number. She needed comfort from him considering the bicker with her father. 
'Hey babe, what up?' a husky and rather tired voice rang in her ear. 

'Do you think we should take the next step? y'know...' Mei asked on the other line, her father's words still repeating in her head.
'. . .babe. . .-are you pregnant? 'cause if you are. . .oh please-'
'Oh don't be such an , I'm not pregnant but glad to know your reaction ahead of time. What did you think I was asking?' Mei hissed at him as she realized how ridiculous he was being.
'Hey, I thought you meant getting married which is why I thought you were pregnant considering your tone. And hey, I love you okay? I actually wouldn't want you bearing my children because they would be too handsome or beautiful and I don't wouldn't want anyone near them so yeah we shouldn't have for the next few months. Not to mention I would marry you if i had the cash to buy you a decent ring. But if you're not pregnant. . .what did you mean by taking the next step?' He assured with that smile of his that Mei could see through the phone. 
'Yoongi, even you know that's a terrible lie. And don't worry, I don't need a ring from you anyways. And what I meant was moving in together. What do you say? Oh and my dad apparently forbids me from ever seeing you again which is why I'm asking if we should.' Mei chuckled into her phone, knowing her boyfriend all too well.
'Oh. well I hope you told your father that you weren't going to stop seeing me because even if you didn't I would go to your house and throw rocks at your window all night or until you press charges - hell, i still would even then because you're already mine, if you know what I mean. but about that moving-in thing. And of course we can move in together. We just need to start looking is all.' Yoongi chirped in a rather sweet tone. 
'Min Yoongi! You're such a ert!'



yeoja speaking

Well that /shot. Im sorry for that crappy preview. anyways, this is a short preview into my /crappy/ writing. I know i'm not the best but hey, i try. also, as a little advertisement; come check out my roleplay 'http://shourai.com' (link).  its my first rolplay and it is in desperate need of roleplayers. so please check it out or spread the word if interested in a new roleplay! #sorrynotsorry.


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nanie92 #1
Chapter 4: Woah.. Meilin has a rough family background..
Yoongi is so funny with his anxious reaction haha.. Nice preview btw :)
nanie92 #2
The story looks great.. I'm applying ^^
I'll apply o/
hommage #4
Chapter 2: what is this applyfic about?
Omgg finally a BTS apply fic!! I can't wait to apply! "Jimin you've got not jamz" hehe