2: A mysterious Man

The Little Girl On The 2nd Floor

Diary Entry #3:

4/11/06 - 5:02 a.m.

Good morning! Annyong haseyo! Today I am feeling a bit drowsy...I don't know why but I think its because of my different location. I am just settling in and already I have been picked on for my shortness..What do you expect ? a 6 year old that 6'0? It's not my fault I'm short. I never feel like I should pick on someone else, so I just walked away from the bullies. This is what school will be like for me..no wonder everyday a teenager commits suicide, these people don't realize what they're doing is hurtful, and wrong. If it was me..I would take my life too. Don't you agree Diary?

Anyways, I had breakfast very early, 4:00 a.m. Usually in my house I eat breakfast at 6. Well not anymore I guess. I wonder if it was my Dad's idea to send me here. He never liked me, he used to be an alcholic and a drug addict. He stopped drinking, but continued to smoke. I would always inhale the lung-killing fumes, but he never had a concern of my health, or my mothers. My mother  was the only "parent" like figure to me. She was at times, responsibile, but she was also and alcholic, but never stopped. So Diary you can kind of picture my everyday dilemma here. So I'm gonna go explore this place.


You, Kim Ri Rin, started exploring this shelter. You turned the lock on the door, and unccracked the code. You were always a smart little one. You knew how to solve things and being short benefited you in way, you say the lady twist and turn the lock and you counted how many timesd she went left and right. Good job Kim. 

Just like your old home, this place was filthy. There were rats and bugs crawling on the ceiling so you urged yourself not to look. You stumbled across a door to something. The sign was awfully dusty, so you dusted the filth with your sweater sleeve. The sign read: "dalagbang" which is korean for "attic".


You made sure no one was watching you and you opened the door, and went it. You felt a rush of excitement flow through your veins. This si the first time you ever did something with no supervision. You felt..so..rebel like. The was a long flight of stairs leading to another door. Was it a maze?...sure looked like it. 

You opened the door and a bright light blinded you. It was lead to the roof top! You were free! No. you weren't. There was a man. Looking straight at you. You were a deer in the headlights. What were you gonna do? Definitly not just stand there, your basically asked for him to grab you. Then, he spoke.

"What the hell are you doing up here? Who are you? frolicking up the stairs..." 

You didnt know how to answer, you just felt like darting back down the stairs, but couldn't go back now, this your discovery! You needed to fufill it. 

"So are you just gonna stand there, heh, easy target." he murmured.

"No, and fyi, I wasn't frolicking, I was trying to find freedom, which I clearly deserve." you answered. "Happy?"

"Hahah, a smart little girl are you..So why are you here?'

"Listen, buddy, I'm not here to make conversation, I'm here to escape this dirthole, no if you'll kindly excuse me, I'm leaving."

"Haha, you're not going anywhere, what, are you gonna jump off the building? you'll for sure die." he said

"So what, it's worth the risk, better then what I've been through"

"WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN THROUGH? YOUR ONLY 6? I'M 50, SO? WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT LIFE? Nothing." he said, yelling at you.

"You, you ...yelled at me. Did you like it when your parents yelled at you when you were 6? Did you like when you had to force yourself inhale the smoke? Did you like it when you had to witness you parents physical fighting? And cried your self to sleep? I dont think so.. So who are you. To yell at me?" you say, bursting into tears.

"How-how? How did you this? are you like..a psychic? Is that why you're here?" he answers, in complete awe.

"No, I'm no psychic, I'm just a six year old trying to find one last reason to live. I'm on the brink, of life or death so, please let me go."

"Listen, I like you, you're a good kid, I'm gonna do both of us a favor. Wait until lunch, make sure you bring the stuff you can't live without. Meet me here. and we'll escape. Together."

You were speechless, this guy was exactly like you, but in adult form. Would you trust him? Yes, he's youronly source of escaping, you just needed..a sweater with big pockets. To fit your diary, because thats the only thing you care about.

End of Chapter 2.


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