The first day

The Day

The day had come for you to get on a plane to Korea. "Come on Hadley we are going to be late!"  Your brother Apollo called from the kitchen up to your room.  "We can't afford to miss the plane to Korea!" 

"Just because you are a year older than me does not mean you can boss me around!"  You yell down to him while checking your makeup in the mirror.  You were wearing a simple outfit today.  You had on sweatpants, and an oversized hoodie, with black converse.  Your brother was only fourteen months older than you and acted like he was your dad.  He was way to mature for his age.  "Jeez I was just on the way down.  Calm yourself Apollo."  You said running down the stairs.  Greeting him with a hug, and grabbing a brakfast bar on the way.  He had on an almost identical outfit on, but he had on his Nike shoes and black sweatpants on instead of grey.

On the drive to the airport you and Apollo didn't really talk.  You'd have more than enough time to talk on the plane and at the airport.  After checking through security and getting to the correct gate Apollo finally talked to you.  "We should probably practice and study Korean if we're going to be living there for a while, don't you think Hadley?" 

"Yeah I guess."  You were so not in the mood to study.  It was summer, and summer was no time study especially when you were going to go back to school when you got to Korea.  

You spent the next two hours studying while waiting for the plane that would take you to Canada, and from Canda take you both to Incheon Airport in Korea.  You studied more on the plane to Canada.  And even more in the airport in Canada.  All this studying was giving you a headache.  So after onw hour of studying in Canada you gave up.  "Ugh.  I'm calling a brake.  I can't take this any longer."  You complained to Apollo throwing him the book and putting on your headphones and craking up the volume to block out his protesting and all the other annoying people in the airport.  

"I'm getting food, you wanna come?"  Apollo said afer a few minutes, while pulling out your headphones.  Well, come to think about it, it had been hours sense you last ate, and the more you thought about it the hungrier you got.

"Sure might as well, but who will watch our stuff?"  You asked, and you could hear your stomach growl.  

"Then we'll have to bring it with us and come back here to sit so we don't miss our flight."  He declared grabbing his bag and walking away. "You comin' or not?" He turned around and playfully winked at you.  Little did he know that you were still depressed and upset over your parents murder.  He was never found and probably never would be because there were just too many unsolved cases in New York City.  He was trying to distract you, but that would never work.  You would never forget how they were found.  Torn up, bloody, and broken.  

"Fine."  You said glumly getting up form your seat and slinging your backpack on.  

You came back with your water bottle and salad in hand to find out that your seats had been taken.  "Ugh, why'd you make me come with you?" You asked your brother.

"I'm sorry that I needed food and you decided to come with me, Hadley."  Did you hear sarcasm in that statement?  Ugh, he was annoying, but he did make a point.

"Well I'm going to go sit against the wall"  You declared pointing to the wall with an electrical outlet.  Never know when you'll need one of those.  

By the time you were done eating the majority of the layover was over, and boarding was called for your flight to Korea.  You felt something in your stomach.  Whether it was guilt for leaving the county before they found out who killed your parents, or nerves from moving to a new foreign country for an extended period of time, you did not know.  You got on the plane any ways and got ready for the fifteen hour flight form Canada to Korea.  

The plane flight was mostly spent watching movies, reading books, and listening to music.  You watched superhero movies, read dystopian books, and listened to kpop, indie, and alternative music.  That's one thing your brother could not stand the type of music you liked.  He claimed kpop was annoying, indie was pointless, and alternative was boring.  He was more of a top forty person himself, and all of that music gave you headaches.  How could you be related to such a simple minded person?  

You also though about how your new life in Korea wold be like.  Apollo would be leaving back for the states because of collage leaving you with family you didn't even know for god knows how long.  Hopefully you wouldn't be known as the girl who's parents were murdered outside their house, but you probably would.  Hopefully there were cute boys worth your time in Korea because there were none in the wonderful suburbs of New York City. All the boys were total players with no personality, or total nerds who creeped you out.  The girls tried too hard to be pretty or tried to hard to be popular.  There was only three people you'd miss from your school.  Your friends Kyle, Sophie and Alex.  Kyle and Alex were the only two boys who actually had personalities of their own, and Sophie was one of the toughest girls in the school but also the smartest.  

You ate the crappy airplane food they gave you, if you could call it that.  It tasted so bad it made school lunches seem good in comparison.  That's how you knew it was bad.  "So how do you like the food?" Apollo asked you.  It was only five hours into the flight and you were already getting irritable.  

"Meh, it's okay I mean, the school lunches tasted better.  At least they are giving us food."  You replied shrugging your shoulders.  

"Why do you look sick? Are you okay? Do you need medicine?"  Your brother asked turning towards you.  He could tell you were depressed.  When you were kids he'd always be the first one to notice you weren't feeling well.  Even before your mother or father could.  Little did he know how depressed you were over leaving the states and your parents deaths, or how worried you were over moving in with family you didn't even know existed until a week ago.  

"Yeah I'm fine.  I'm just tired,"  you really weren't tired you just didn't want to talk to him at the moment, "I think I'm going to take an nap."

Your dream was the same as always.  Reliving the day you fond your parents dead in the woods. You were always finding the bodies but killed in different ways. This time they died from asphyxiation.  They were found with rope makes around their necks and blue faces.  No blood.  Just marks. 

You woke with shortness of breath only to find out you had two hours to kill before the approximate time of landing.  You watched one more movie while eating bad noodles from the airplane kitchen.  "Hadley are you ready to this?  Remember no yelling no causing a scene in front of our aunt, uncle, and cousins.  They will be there to pick us up and you must not fight them.  They are trying to help and were kind enough to take us in as their own. Be respectful because this is the last and only warning I'm giving you."  Apollo said as the plain was about to touch down.  

"Yes sir."  You mock saluted him.  Hopefully that would distract him from how you acted earlier.

By the time you got through customs,  found your massive suitcases, and got organized enough to get out of Incheon airport it was way past the time they were supposed to pick you and Apollo up.  It was way past midnight and they were supposed to pick you up at midnight on the dot. You were looking around for them when you spotted a massive banner that read "The Lee Family Welcome Home!" in perfect English.  As you were walking over you saw the most beautiful man you had ever seen.

Okay hello this is my first attempt at fan fiction writing and having a suspenseful ending for a chapter so sorry if it .  I'll try and update daily.

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