
The Day

It was a hot summer day and you and your brother Apollo were driving home from the grocery store when your favorite song came on the radio.  Air conditioner blasting on high and radio playing, and actually talking to your brother.  You were having an actual conversation with a brother who ignored you for the whole summer until this car ride.  Your favorite song came on and you cracked the volume higher than the air conditioner. 

"Turn down the radio!" Your brother yells over the song currently playing after you cranked up the volume a generous amount.  Your brother Apollo looked a lot like your dad.  He had short black hair and nice deep bown eyes.  His personality was a lot like your moms though.  Obsesive over details and Controling, yet kind and caring.  For some reason all the girls at your school young and old, teacher and students alike, liked your brother. You on the otherhand looked like your mom.  You had her luscious long black hair that looked brown in sunlight,  her deep chocolate brown eyes,  and lack of hight.  

"No this is my jam!" You yell in reply slightly lowering the volume because you didn't want to cause your brother to crash the car.  "Why did I have to go to the sore with you anyways?  I could have stayed home and saved you a lot of trouble."  You, unlike your brother, was a very active person who didn't mind a mess or to, and had a very care free personality.  

Your brother just laughed and rolled his eyes at you.  "We'll mom and dad needed to have a day free of us. Also mom needed ingredients for your birthday cake." You and your brother spent half the day just at the grocery store looking for the correct ingredients.  Your mom was very peculiar about what ingredients she used.  Your dad on the other hand could care less. 

Diner that night was superb you and your brother ate alone because mom and dad went out on a date night as they called it for a movie and dinner.  They left around 5:00 at night and we're not expected back till at least 10:00.  They kissed each of you goodbye and told you they loved you.  When they left little did you know that would be the last time you saw them.  

The next morning when you woke up you went to check if your parents were home. You checked the whole house and there was no trace of them.  When you saw thir car was not in the driveway you started to panic.  You called for your brother, and you spent hours searching for him together.  Around noon you gave up and called the police.  They helped you look and they finally found them.  

"You kids!  Come here!  Can you identify these people as your parents?"  The police officer waved you over to two bloody bodies laying on the road no more than twenty feet away from the road and into the woods.  

You and your brother slowly shuffled over to the bodies surrounded in yellow police tape. Sure enough they were. The bodies were mangled up and bloody.  The faces distorted and twisted by blood and pain, but surely enough it was them.  You threw your body at them crying and your brother Apollo had to retrain you.  The whole world seemed to stop when you saw them up close.  You felt numb.  There was no better way of putting it.  

"Hadley you need to get up so you don't mess up the crime scene." Apollo yelled at you.  He was crying too.  You stopped fighting and you both fell into each other's arms crying.  You had no one left but each other.  You stayed in that position holding each other for an hour atleast.   

You both headed home and cried even more.  You were the ones who had to make the funeral arrangements, for there was no one else capable of it.  You and Apollo were the only people living in the states who were related to your parents.  They were both historians who moved to America when they got married.  Apollo was born one year before you and was the best brother up until this year when he completely shut you out.  Now you both laid in your house wondering what you'd do.  Apollos was barely an adult himself. He had plans to go to collage, and he couldn't let you live alone.  You were too young and he could earn enough money for the both of you while going to school.  

A week after the funeral the phone was ringing interrupting your thoughts. "Hello who is this?" Funny the number was odd it wasn't from the states.

"Hello is this the Lee family? I must speek fast, for I am your aunt. My name is Ho Sook  and you and your brother are to come live with me and my family in Korea until you and your brother come of age." She spoke quickly in broken English with a slight accent.

"Okay, but may I ask who told you our parents died and we have to stay with you?" You asked annuncinating every word. 

"The lawyer called and told us the other day. I must go now. The lawyer will call you with details. Good bye and hope to see you soon safe and sound in Korea." She said hanging up abruptly.  Sure enough the lawyer called and arrangements were made.  

Netpxt thing you knew you were on a plane to Korea with your brother stitting right next to you holing your hand tightly.



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