The Arrival

The Day

All you did was turn your head to the left and you saw him.  The most beautiful person you had ever seen.  It was a man.  You never would have thought to describe a man as beautiful but he sure as hell was.  You couldn't deny it.

“Woah, there cousin.  You should know that he is trouble."  A dude who was at least two years older than you said to you.  He had hair that was died pink.  It was a light pink and surprisingly it suited him, dark brown eyes and a medium to dark skin tone.  "He is the player of the school, and as my dear younger brother would say he is a 'man-,'" he declared rolling his eyes.  His English was almost perfect, but he still had a slight accent.

"Why do you think you can tell me what to do?  I just met you?!?! "  You spoke trying to sound calm,  "If you could call it that."  You added under your breath not meaning for him to hear it.

“Well, then if it’s an introduction you want I am the only one who can do that."  He declared with A cocky grin.  You could tell it was going to be a long day.  "My name is Ko In Ho, my brother over there his name is Ko Kwang Ho, my mother as I'm sure you already know is Ho Sook, and lastly my father's name is Dae-Ho."  He said pointing to each of them as he said their names.  They were standing five feet away at the door out of the airport.

Kwang Ho looked maybe a year older than you, yet he could be younger because of how frail and thin his face looked. He had dark brown eyes, milky skin lighter than his older brothers, and dark brown almost black hair.  He looked pretty fit hidden under a baggy sweatshirt and dark blue jeans.

“Ah that really clears things up,” sarcasm lacing your voice.  You even rolled your eyes for good measure.

“That is good.”  In Ho said giving you an even bigger grin.  Either he didn't hear the sarcasm or he ignored it, you didn't know which.  If his smile gets any bigger his face is sure to brake you thought to yourself.  You turned to see your brother smiling at the both of you amused at the bickering between the two of you that happened in a matter of minutes.  

“I-“  You started to say when your wonderful brother cut you off before you could reply with some snarky insult about not catching the sarcasm.

“Well, why don't we go to aunt and uncle to meet them and so we can get to your house.”  Your brother suggested giving you an evil eye. In Ho led the way over to them and before you knew it your aunt was crying and hugging you and your brother.

“She’s saying how much you look like your mother.”  In Ho translated.

“I know.  I understand Korean Pretty well, believe it or not.”  You said giving your aunt a hug.  Wow, she looked almost exactly like your mom, just a little older. They had the same long brown black hair and caring brown eyes.

"we didn't see each other for so long.  Once my boys and you and your brother came around it was too hard to see each other."  Your aunt said while crying even harder.  

"I hate to brake this up but we have to get home soon.  It's much to late to be driving, let's go home."  Your uncle said yawning after.  

It was getting late you thought,  but hey, back at home in New York it was 2 in the afternoon.  Well, you were hungry so thats what you said.  "I'm hungry.  Can we get food?"  

"Yes we can, but it will have to wait till we get home because there are no places open this late."  Your aunt said smiling through the tears.  

While walking to the car your aunt said how old each of them was in American age.  In Ho was 19 years old, Kwang Ho was 17, your uncle Dae-Ho was 50, and lastly your aunt was 49.  They asked your age and birthdays.  Your birthday was August 20, and you would be turning 17.  Apollo's was September 4, and he would be turning 19.  That means your birthday was in one week. 

Trying to fit everything in the car was a hassle.  They may have had a SUV but that didn't help when you tried to fit two normal sized suitcases, two packed duffel bags, four teenagers, and two adults in.  "Ugh. Why did you pack so much in your bag Hadley?"  There goes your brother.  Complaining in English so your relatives wouldn't understand.

"I'm sorry that there was a lot of stuff I didn't want to leave behind." You said slightly out of breath from trying to climb over In Ho and Kwang Ho to get to the back of the car with your brother dragging your backpack with you. You could have sworn that the bags didn't weigh that much when you left the states.  

The car ride was pretty quiet.  The radio station was playing some club sounding music and that slightly annoyed you, so you pulled out your iPhone and played some of your own.  The car ride was normal, basically no traffic, and as you passed different neighborhoods you wondered what kind of neighborhood the Ko family lived in .  You were only in the car for about half an hour when the car made a sharp left turn.

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