
Dorm Building - E

And Kyungsoo was finally free.


Free from his retarded high-school basketball team (he swore each of them had an IQ of 50); annoying basic es who were too dumb to do anything; his unappreciative parents who still dubbed him useless even though he was clearly better than his of a younger sister; and most importantly, free from the drunk- neighbour who ran around his yard .


He tried running away once in 7th grade. It wasn't the best idea if the furthest he could run to was under the bridge neat his apartment.


The years passed painfully slowly, but before he knew it, he found himself on an airplane to be whooshed away to university. This wasn't exactly the reality he wanted, since right after these three to six years he would officially be seen as a grown-up - which meant work, ew - and maybe in a bat of an eye, he might suddenly find himself aging with D-cup manboobs. At least this little wish came true (the getting away from his hometown, not the D-cup manboobs), finally going off to a place for mature people like him. Stupid high-schoolers.


Shoving his backpack under his seat, he sat back and watched other people throw their luggage around in the airplane. Nothing much to see, so he decided to shut his eyes and take a small nap until before the unnecessary announcements  were made.


As he started to daydream, he suddenly felt something lingering in front of him, though quite impossible, since the leg room was cramped as hell already. But the moment his eyes crack open, he was greeted with a face full of booty. He jumped back as the person plopped onto his seat without much of an apology whatsoever. Rude. But well, so was himself. Was that guy some sort of contortionist or something to even be able to squeeze through? What the .


Kyungsoo was reminded once again about why he hated airplanes so much.


"Hi, sir, what can I get you?"


Kyungsoo shook his head and shot the stewardess a small, constipated smile before continuing to watch the Korean drama that the tiny TV screen in front of him was playing. He forget the name of it, something like It's Okay it's Love. He never really liked dramas but EXO's D.O was pretty darn cute. Guys like him were probably the reason that he played for the other team, if you know what I mean.


Through the crappy earphones, he heard the dude next to him order something, but he couldn't really care. Kyungsoo found himself dozing off and snuggled into his blankets. Before he could even drift off to sleep completely, he felt something cold splash onto his hair and he jolted up with wide eyes. He was greeted with the equally shocked brunet next to him holding a now-empty cup.


"Ladies and gentlemen, we are now going through an area of turbulence...."


The guy pointed upwards and shrugged. "It's the turbulence. Not exactly my problem."


Unbelieveable. Kyungsoo frowned and blew his bangs. , it wasn't even plain water. It was apple juice. By the time he would have made it into the campus, he would have an ant's nest up in his head.


"You should at least apologise."


"Do I look like a god or something? I don't control the damn whether okay, get over it!"


Well, now that Kyungsoo had a closer look of this young man, he indeed looked like one. A bronze tan, perfect brows (how long did he take to pluck them so meticulously, holy ), and thick, kissable lips....woahh where was this going. Before Kyungsoo could retaliate, a loud 'excuse me' caught both of their attention.


"Sir, I've received a fair amount of complaints from other passengers, and we would really appreciate it if you two could keep your couple talk down at a lower volume, thank you."


The bronze god scoffed and threw a glare at her.


"We are not a couple, Jesus Christ!"


"You can call me Jessica though."


Kyungsoo sent her an apologetic smile and she grinned rather awkwardly, before walking off. Bronze god squinted at the both of them judgingly before continuing to poke around with the TV screen in front of him. Kyungsoo sighed and got up to fix his hair in the bathroom. Somehow.


"Ladies and gentlemen, we apologise for the turbulence that is happening once again..."





And finally, the campus came to sight. After having icky-smelling hair, a huge bump on his forehead from hitting the toilet seat, three hours of staring (more like judging) competition with Bronze God, and one hour of taxi-waiting.


There was some sort of parade going on in the centre of all the department buildings. Kyungsoo felt so overwhelmed by the large size of....basically everything else. Dragging his luggage, he slowly made his way to the main office.


"Do Kyungsoo? Do Kyungsoo....aha, Dorm Building E, Room 03-02, second room with Kim Jongin."


 He found himself as a lost sheep as he made his way to his dorm. Wasn't really hard to find, actually - right next to the Psychological Department. Great, now there's going to be a bunch of students spying on him through the window and deducing what kind of mental illness he had.


As he swung open the main door, he bumped right into what he first thought was a pillar, but as he slowly looked up, he realised he had just crashed into what was a seven-ing-foot tall giant. A hot one at that. His name-sticker read: "Wu Yi Fan Krisus".


"Heyyy there, shorty," he grinned, ruffling Kyungsoo's hair, which thankfully hadn't attracted many ants yet. "I'm Kris, Management major, and unfortunately the only 2nd year that's in this new building so I'm stuck with all you noobies -  I mean newbies. Who you?"


"I'm Kyungsoo, BioChem major."


"Woaaaahhhh, we got a doctor up in this ish!" Kris dramatically gasped and then lead him towards the elevator. "But seriously, you might want to take a deep breath before going up, because the people who've moved in so far are kinda..." he cringed and made a cuckoo sign, before entering the lift.


Kyungsoo simply nodded, and briefly after the loud ding, he dragged his luggage up to his respective room. Turning the key, he heard Kris say something about the occupants in the rooms, but he was too filled with anticipation to really care. He opened the door and was taken aback by how pretty it actually was, too pretty to even be called a dormitory. The living room was spacious with two couches and a TV set, the kitchen was pretty darn big (though all they be eatin' is ramen, because college life), and he took a peek in one of the rooms, which looked quite roomy too.


There was a already a tall, pale man with pretty blonde hair unpacking his things in it. He looked up and waved at him. Kyungsoo smiled back politely.


"Hey, I'm Luhan, psychology major." Weird how university students didn't stop at telling their names. He found himself making a mental note to act as normal as possible in front of this Luhan to save a trip to the Mental Hospital. "You must be Minseok?"


"No, I'm Kyungsoo, BioChem major." Wow that sounded really unnecessary.


"Aww, then you must be in the other room then. I think your roommate's already in there, by the way."


Kyungsoo bowed before making his way into the second room. He turned the knob, swung open the door, and came face-to-face with...


Bronze god?!


"Oh my god, you again." he sighed, rolling his eyes. The urge Kyungsoo felt to throw himself out of the window was unexplainable. He still managed to give him a sarcastic smile and walked right in, with "Jongin" rolling his eyes as a reply.


"Didn't think I'll see your lame here again."


Kyungsoo was about to retort but a loud scream of "KRIIIIIIS" made them both turn their heads towards the doorway. Soon enough, a brunet who was around his own height came barging into their dorm, and literally dove in front of Kris (who was taking weird- selfies on the couch), kneeling.


"KRIIIIS! No, you can't let me stay on the fourth floor! It's the number four! I'm gonna ing die! I don't wanna die!" he cried, clinging onto Kris' legs.


"For God's sake, Ramyeon - "




" - okay whatever you're called," Kris sighed infuriatedly. "For the last damn time, you're not going to die, and also no changing of dorms unless another party agrees to switch."




"Switch with me!" Kyungsoo and Jongin volunteered unanimously, causing the both of them to glare at each other right away.


"Really?" Joonmyeon's eyes began to water. Jongin always thought of himself as emotional, until this guy showed up.


"Yea s-"


"Nope. He can't. Dorm Leader makes the decisions, ers," Kris scoffed, pointing at himself. "Anyways, his roommate's extremely sensitive, and I'd pity Sehun if he got stuck with that dude over there."


He glanced over at Jongin. Jongin frowned and opened him mouth to retort, but forfeited the idea and remained quiet, still glaring at Kris. Who looked like he didn't have any s left to give.


"Then I could move?" Kyungsoo pointed out, but Kris scowled. He'd better say yes, because he'd rather listen to a rage-crying Sehun than get along with faced Bronze God.


"You could, but Tao's in the same dorm and you look like someone he would like to pamper, so no. He's hot, and he's going to be mine."


Now all stares were fixed on a giggling Kris whose cheeks was getting pinker as the seconds pass. Joonmyeon slowly released his grip on Kris and timidly crawled backwards towards him and Jongin, his gaze never leaving the lovesick, crazed dorm leader who was now starting to laugh and clap like a ing seal alone.


Someone needed to call Luhan out.



"Ew, why is the closet freakin' baby-sized?" ZiTao scoffed at the 'tiny' closet in disgust, which Jongdae thought of it to be pretty darn large already. "How do I put all my clothes in it?"


"Dude, how the is this baby-sized?" he facepalmed, and Tao pouted at him.


"Stop swearing!"


Jongdae takes a deep breath and started to rethink his entire life to figure out exactly which part of life he had ed up that badly for karma to punish him with a roommate like Huang Zitao.


Watching too much might have been counted.




"Yea, Chanyeol?"


"I'm pretty sure what you're nailing into the wall right now... is not a clock."




"Wait, isn't that my plate?! Baekhyun what the I had only one."


"...Sorry. I mean, it has marks around the edge so it did look like a clock."



"Baekhyun. Those are ing polka-dots."



"So you livin' upstairs?"




"Cool. I'm Sehun."


"I'm Yixing. Nice hoodie by the way. So fly'."


"Thanks, my mommy bought it for me."


"Your who?"


"My mom. Eomma. Mama. Mother. I don't know which language you'll understand but that's all I know."










"...Pass me my weed."





Hey, omg I don't even know why I started this fic but maybe coz too much kaisoo feels. Whatever. This gonna be so crack ya'll be callin your mamas. Anyways. COMMENTS PLEASE BECAUSE I LOVE THEM. 

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Chapter 4: ohmygod
This is hilarious as fck
Nomnommonster #2
Chapter 4: Lol and it's a good think that Chanyeol is smart it's make him for cute
Nomnommonster #3
Chapter 3: Lol so cute and Chanyeol is so smart is this fanfic
GODDAMNIT SEHUN X'D i swear that dress though... this is why we don't let kyungsoo make the drink guise lol
Chapter 5: NICE troll keke
-Mieun- #6
Chapter 3: I laughed a bit more than I should at this. This is pretty much the handbook of the worst part of my bad humor. But who am I kidding, it's the part of my humor I find the most fun. This is the best, haha :D
Chapter 3: i need some of yixings crack asap
chipsandpizza #8
Chapter 3: I have a feeling that yixing is giving baek too much weed. LOL he's freaking random i pity chanyeol.

Can't wait to see the appearance of xiuhan, can we have them in the next chapter? :)
ExoMsKungfuPandaTao #9
usrup45 #10
Chapter 2: Looking great! Can'wait!