Sesame Player. (A lot of Running and Escaping hehe!)

Chu~❤ [Applications Closed]


Infinite POV |Location: Infinite Dorm

Manager 1: Hey, kids you rest first.

Sunggyu: They said the practice was really tiring. Thanks hyung!

Manager 2: If you ever plan to do something stupid again...

Dongwoo: We won't.We Won't. Hehehe...

Manager 1: You sure kids?

All: Ye!

Manager 1: Be good, kids! See you later. *two managers came out of the house*

Sunggyu: Oh Sungyeol. What are you thinking now?

L: Are we gonna....

Hoya: Huh?

Dongwoo: He's thinkiing of something. Look how he laughs.

Sungjong: What now hyung?

Sungyeol: Let's go!

Woohyun: Again?

Sungyeol: Let's go to Idae. Yahoo!

Sunggyu: Hmm....

Woohyun: IDAE! Ahahahahahahaha.... *lies on Sunggyu*

Sunggyu: Are we going?

Dongwoo: I guess.... Okay I'm not gonna lookout! Since hyungs are out Hehe....

Sunggyu: Ok. Team 1 Me, Woohyun, Sungyeol and L. Team 2. Hoya, Dongwoo and Sungjong. Ok?

All: Yeah! Let's go!



Team 1 Pov | Location: Inside Train

Sunggyu: Yah! Sungyeol. I don't want any of the dares and consequences again..

Sungyeol: Hahaha I remember it....

L: Me too.

Woohyun: I watched that episode too. Will we do it again?

Sunggyu: ANDWAE. Just wait until we Idae Idae.

Sungyeol: Please hyung? Please?

Sunggyu: Alright. Last one.

Sungyeol: Ye.

All: Rock, Paper, Scissors! Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!! Sunggyu hyung! Sunggyu hyung!

Sunggyu: Ah I don't want. No.

Sungyeol: Hyung don't be a chicken. I have a consequence.

Sunggyu: oh no.

Sungyeol: Walk back and fort 3 times.

Sunggyu: Ok that's easy... *does the consequence*

Woohyun: Haha. 

L: Hey look! Idae!



Team 1 Pov | Location: Idae

Sunggyu: Hooh Idae!

L: Look! Isn't that....... KIM JINRI!!!!!!!!

Sunggyu: Jinri!!!!!!!!!!!

Woohyun: Omo. Is that Hanny beside Jinri?

Sungyeol: *bumps Woohyun again and again*

Woohyun: Wae? 

Sungyeol: You like Hanny? Hyung tell me tell me...

Woohyun: Aish...

L: KIM JINRI????????!!!!!

Sunggyu: Hey AE YOUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHLOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chu: *turns around and waves to Team 1* *runs to Team 1*

All: Anyeong Haseo! 

L: Why are you here? Did Umma let you go to Idae?

Jinri: Oppa we were gonna be in Sesame Player as guests. *looks at camera* *eye smiles* Hi!!!

Sungyeol: Hanny, Say hi to the camera.. *points camera*

Hanny: Hello! Anyeong! Chu Hanny imnida! 

Ae young: Anyeong Inspirits! Where's the others?

Chloe: Hey me too! Anyeong! Sesame Player! Chloe imnida!

Sungyeol/L: Wahhhh.... Hyung!!! Woohyun hyung!

Woohyun: Ssssshhhhh.... 

Hanny: E.. Ehem...

Jinri: *hi-fives Sungyeol* Why is the atmosphere like these?

Sungyeol: Ok let's go! Let's go! 

Sunggyu: Let's go! *walks off with Ae young, Chloe,Jinri, Sungyeol, and L*

Woohyun: Hey wait! Isn't that Team 2 across the street? Look!

Sunggyu: Oh. Hey! *waves hands to Team 2*

Sungjong: *waves at Team 1 and Chu* I thought you were gonna go to a different place.

Sunggyu: How do we escape. Oh no!

Hanny: Speaking... Look the Manager oppas! Run! *assists Jinri, Chloe and Ae young*

Sunggyu: Go! go! Go! *runs off with others*

Dongwoo: Yah we should'nt run to a dead-end. Let's split up!!!!!

Sunggyu: Bye Team 2!!!!!!!!

Team 2: bye Bye! Laters!

Sunggyu: Have we lost them?

Hanny: Maybe. 

Sungyeol: *stops running* I think we should split too. Into partners.

L: Couples. 

Sunggyu: Ok Hanny and Woohyun, L and.......

L: I'm gonna help Jinri.

Sunggyu: Again. Woohyun and Hanny, Ae young and me. Chloe and L.

L: But hyung my sister!

Sunggyu: Sungyeol's gonna take care of Jinri.Don't worry.

L: Yah don't let her go out of your sight. 

Sungyeol: Ye.

Sunggyu: GO!!!!!!!!!!!



Sungyeol: Watch out Jinri! 

Jinri: Oh no I see Hyoan oppa!!!!!!!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!

Sungyeol: Come on! Let's go!

Jinri: To the roof top Yeol!

Sungyeol: Nice!

[After a minute they reached a high building's rooftop.]

Jinri: You chose the wrong building last time Yeollie. It was far from where they ran. This is the best place. 

Sungyeol:Oh I see Sunggyu hyung and Youngie!

Jinri: And there's Myungsoo oppa and Chloe!

Sungyeol: Let's text them so they know where to hide cause Managers are close to them!

Jinri: Ok. I texted Myungsoo oppa to go here.

Sungyeol: We shouldn't gather on 1 place but it's okay.

[After a few minutes, L and Chloe arrived at the rooftop.]

L: How did you know where we are?

Jinri: we saw you from here oppa.

L: *hugs Jinri* 

Sungyeol: You're overacting! 

L: you have a younger brother too right? You 'll feel it too if Daeyeol came with us.

[Note:Daeyeol is Sungyeol's younger brother. You can see him on Sesame Player Season 2. He looks like Yeollie too.]

Jinri: Chloe! *hugs Chloe*

Jinri: See Youngie? *poiints Ae young and Sunggyu who doesn't know where to hide*

Chloe: Poor Youngie. They might be caught.

L: I'll call hyung.

[L: Hyung?

Sunggyu: Hey! where are you?

L: with Yeol and Jinri somewhere.

Sunggyu: ok. You want to keep it a secret huh?

L: Hyung, go hide inside the mall. Since its really big. They can't find you there.

Jinri: *grabs phone* There's a lot of people there too!

Sunggyu: Ok. Ok. Take Care! Don't get caught!

L/Jinri: YE!]

Sungyeol: What?

L: I told them to hide in the mall.

Sungyeol: Nice.





Hanny: Where coulld the best hiders be?

Woohyun: You mean. Sungyeol, Jinri and Chloe?

Hanny: Aha.

Woohyun: They are good hiders. I know Youngie is having trouble right now. Without me hyung is like a Bike without the wheels.

Hanny: Oh really huh?

Woohyun: Let's take a picture there! *points a photo booth*

Hanny: Ok Ok!!! 

Woohyun: Wow. Hi Inspirits! and Chulips! *waves at fans who were whispering to each other and looking at the couple*

Fan: HanWoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hanny: Hi!


Woohyun: Wow HanWoo!




[In the Mall]

Ae young: Oppa we bought so many things. Now what? How are we gonna run?

Sunggyu: I'll carry those. *gets Youngie's shopping bags*

Ae young: Thanks oppa! 

Sunggyu: Hey isn't that....

Ae young/Sunggyu: Teen top!

Teen top: *turns around and waves at the two*

Chunji: Anyeong! How are you guys! Are you two... you know... *points both Sunggyu and Ae young*

Ae young: Ah andwae. We're filming Sesame Player and we're in a team since we're gonna get caught if we didn't split up.

Chunji: Where's the other members?

Ae young: We're... I don't know...

Sunggyu: Hey Cap! *hi-fives Cap*

Cap: Hyung! We'll find the others and greet them too! 

Ae young: Oh. Don't be surprised if you will be mixed with the escaping Hahaha...





Jinri: I saw some HanWoo moments. It's really useful that I brought a telescope Hahaha!

L: And my camera! I surely clicked a lot to capture the moments.

Teen top: Hey Anyeong!!!!!!!!!!!

Chloe: Omo. What are we.... Hi!

Jinri: *elbows Chloe* Hi Chunji oppa! Hey Changjo! *hi-fives Changjo*

L: Ok change Team! ChunLoe! 

Chloe: Oppa! *glaring at L*

Jinri: Yeah!

Sungyeol: Yah! I warn you all. No ones gonna jump if the manager hyungs find us here. ok?

All: Ye!

Chunji: Chloe and I will hide downstairs. 

Jinri: Yeah!

Chloe: What?

Jinri: Nothing! Just go!

Teen top: *goes downstairs*

Sunggyu: HEY!

Ae-young: Jinri!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jinri: Youngie!!!!!!!!!! Hehe...



This is really funny and the end is especially for Chloe. Watch it!




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b1a4cnblueblockb #1
Chapter 31: Please update~~ :D
b1a4cnblueblockb #2
What happened to this?
uwaaaaaaaaa love like oxygen~~ XDD
b1a4cnblueblockb #5
We already have fans in Japan?That's great!^^
b1a4cnblueblockb #6
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I like the guys reactions, huh.
b1a4cnblueblockb #7
HAHAHA. we've read it already.^^
Chu got to go on Sesame Player!! L is such a protective brother and I see some HanWoo and SungYoungie(?) going on!! TEEN TOP IS HERE TOO!! kekeke Chunji ^^
b1a4cnblueblockb #9
HAHAHA! sesame player huh? HAHAHHAHAHA! this show's really fun.:))
huahahahahahaha ehem team? dhuiwbcuiwnxqowndueibfcqonx >.<<br />
hahahaha it's great to know that teentop join the sesame player at the end XDD