Coffee Friend Chu

Chu~❤ [Applications Closed]

Coffee Friend Chu (It was supposed to be 2 but then Chu sounded alike to 2.)

[Coffee Shop]

[Jinri arrives]

Jinri: Anyeong Haseo? Anyeong Haseo?

[Hyunseong came out]

Hyunseong: Ah... Manager hyung?

Jinri: Ye, oppa!

Hyunseong: He's at the back. Come with me.

Jinri: Ok! *comes with Hyunseong*

[Coffee Shop Back]

Donghyun: Hyunseong? Wae?

Hyunseong: Hyung, your sister Jinri is here. Jinri!

Jinri: Coming! 

Donghyun: Jinri? Wae?

Jinri: Oppa can I stay here for a while?

Donghyun: Of course!

Jinri: YEY! 

[Inside Coffee Shop]

Jinri: Anyeong?

Minwoo: Oh Jinri Anyeong! You haven't visited since last month.

Jinri: I was busy with school work.

Minwoo: Ahhh... You want to eat?

Jinri: Ok! you know my favorite!

Minwoo: Ok. Youngmin hyung! Jinri wants to eat her favorite! We're dead if you don't obey Manager hyung.

Youngmin: Ye!

[After few seconds, Kwangmin came out and served Jinri's favorite]

Jinri: Kamsa hamnida! Yey.

Kwangmin: A....

Youngmin: Kwangmin! Table No. 4!!!!

Kwangmin: Ye hyung! I'm coming..

[Coffee Shop Front]

Hanny: *comes in* Anyeong? Hello?

Hyunseong: Oh Hanny! I'm glad you came! So do you want to work here?

Hanny: Well, Ye! I'll work here!

Hyunseong: Ye! Manager hyung accepted you here but of course I need to know if you want to.

Ae young: Excuse me?

Hyunseong: Oh, your big brother?

Ae young: Ye oppa.

Hyunseong: Jeongmin! Your sister is here!

Jeongmin: *comes out of kitchen* Anyeong! How are you?

Ae young: Oppa. I want to have fun here. I'm really bored.

Jeongmin: Ok.

Jinri: *enters kitchen* Hello? Can I help?

Minwoo: But hyung will be angry at us.

Jinri: Don't worry, I'll explain everything to him. 

Minwoo: O..

Youngmin: Why can't you just sit there outside. Hah. Ice Princesses are trouble.

Jinri: Yah! I'm not an "Ice Princess" for you info. I'm me.

Youngmin: R...

Minwoo: Hyung. She's my friend. I know she's not what you think she is.

Jinri: Aish..

Youngmin: Y..

Minwoo: Hyung. Donghyun hyung will get angry at us if you'll fight with Jinri.

Youngmin: Alright I'm sorry ok? My name is Youngmin.

Jinri: Ahh. It's ok. Youngmin oppa.

Youngmin: *turns around*

Minwoo: Aish. Don't hide hyung! Jinri. Don;t worry he's not angry at you anymore. It's his first time to be called "oppa".

Jinri: Ahh. Kamsa hamnida Youngmin oppa! Hehe.

Minwoo: Hyung where's Kwangmin?

Youngmin: Taking our trash out. 

Minwoo: Ok. I'll throw this out too. Seems like he forgot to throw these.

Jinri: Andwae. I'll do it for you since you have done many things for me already.

Minwoo: Aish Jinri. You're my friend so I'm helping.

Jinri: But just  let me throw this out for you. Bye.

Minwoo: Ok! Hmm..See hyung? She's not an Ice Princess. But she's Donghyun hyung's princess.

[Outside of Coffee Shop]

Jinri: Ahhh.. Where to throw this.. Hey! Anyeong! You're the one who served me earlier right?

Kwangmin: Yes. It was me. 

Jinri: Here. Minwoo said you left these garbage you didn't see.

Kwangmin: Thanks. *grabs plastic* *throws into trash can*

Jinri: What's your name?

Kwangmin: J-jo K-kwang.....M-min... Jo Kwangmin.

Jinri: Hey don't be shy. So your older brother os Youngmin who is inside. Last month, I could only eat here and I didn't have enough time to know you all except Minwoo.

Kwangmin: Ahhh... Let's go in.

Jinri: Ye. *follows Kwangmin*

[Inside Coffee Shop]

Minwoo: *runs to Jinri*  I need help.

Jinri: Haahhhh?

Minwoo: See that girl... *points at Chloe* I like her. Can you help me? Please? Jebal?

Jinri: Of course. 

Minwoo: YES! You're the best Jinri!

Jinri: *goes near to Chloe* Anyeong Haseo Customer! How is the food and coffee?

Chloe: It's awesome as usual. 

Jinri: OK! *goes back to Minwoo* Get dressed on your most fashionable one.

Minwoo: Hahhhh? Ok.

Jinri: But First you must not show your face when you come out with your uniform and you will come back and order like a normal customer and I'll set up a trick so that you will need to sit on her table.

Minwoo: Yey! But I'm nervous.

Jinri: Go!

Minwoo: *walks out blocking his face* *Minwoo at the front door in with fashionable clothes*

Jinri: *mouthed words to Minwoo* Minwoo! Come in!

Minwoo: Ahhh... *Ok* *Comes in*

Jinri: Anyeong Sir! Umm... Can you sit with the girl at the table?

Minwoo: Ok. *walks to the table* Umm... Can I... Can I? Uhhhhhhh......

Chloe: Ok.

Minwoo: *sits right across Chloe* Ah Kamsa hamnida! *speaks in his mind* (Ahhhh.. Eottokhe?)

Jinri: *texts Minwoo* Don't be nervous! You can do it! Fighting!

Minwoo: *texts back to Jinri* Ahhh Ye Thanks a lot Jinri!

Youngmin: Hey, you're helping Minwoo?

Jinri: Wae?

Youngmin: Wow! I never know you're this useful.

Jinri: Ahhhhhhh.... *hits Youngmin playfully on the arm*


Kwangmin: Jeongmin hyung!

Jeongmin: Ah Wae?

Kwangmin: Does Youngmin hyung like Jinri?

Jeongmin: I don't think so. He was like bashing Jinri hours ago.

Kwangmin: YE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeongmin: BWOH???

Hyunseong: Oh you like her, don't you?

Kwangmin: Okay fine you got me. You've got to help me too.

Jeongmin: Ok. I'll find a way.

Kwangmin: Ah Hyunseong hyung and Jeongmin hyung are the best!

[Coffee Shop]

Minwoo: *finishes eating and drinking quickly* Ahhhh... What's your name?

Chloe: Choi Chloe. Wae?

Minwoo: What a Nice name. My name is Minwoo..

Chloe: Ahhh....

Minwoo: I always see you........ (Oops...)

Chloe: Huh?

Minwoo: I mean I always see you going to this shop almost everyday.

Chloe: Hah. Andwae. It's ok. I know you work here. 

Minwoo: Ahhh.. so embarassing... Let me tell you this... Uhhh... I likey... I likey... I like you!

Chloe: Ahhh. Bwoh? You like me too? I was the one trying hard to go here almost everyday to see you!

Minwoo: I was always wondering how to talk to you. 

Jinri: Ye. Sucess!

Jeongmin: Jinri! we need you!

Jinri: Eh? Ok! *comes inside Kitchen*

Hyunseong: My chingu Hanny, Jeongmin and his sister Ae young and I will go out to buy groceries. Youngmin will still serve outside and you gotta help Kwangmin make the food and drinks since we're not here and Minwoo is still talking with the girl.

Jinri: Ye oppa! Bye Bye! 

Jeongmin: Bye! Be careful!

Jinri: YE!

Kwangmin: We'll take care of it!

Jinri: Kaja. 

[Jeongmin, Hyunseong, Hanny and Ae young were watching outside]

Kwangmin: Ahh...

Jinri: Ahhh....

Hyunseong: Aish. He's not gonna do it like that...

Hanny: What's with their Ahhh...

Ae young: Oppa Eottokhe? 

Jeongmin: He'll make it I think.

Jinri: How do I make my favorite?

Kwangmin: Well as Hyunseong hyung taught me, we should make the waffle first. So here, what you'll need is flour, eggs.

Jinri: Hmmm... *hits Kwangmin with flour*

Kwangmin: Yah... *hits Jinri with flour*

Jinri: Hahahhaahaha!!!!!!!!!

Kwangmin: *looks at Jinri* Ahahahaha!!!

Jinri: Ahh Eottokhe? What do we do if they came early?

Kwangmin: I never played like this ever. You made me happy 10 times more. Jinri-ah....

Jinri: Bwoh?

Kwangmin: Ahh Let's clean this and us too...

Jinri: Ok. I'll go to the bathroom!

Kwangmin: *grabs Jinri's wrist and hugged Jinri*

Jinri: Wae?

Kwangmin: Kamsa hamnida. 

Hyunseong: Yah! He's still not confessing something!

Jeongmin: I don't know but maybe soon.

Hanny: Fighting!

Ae young: That was so sweet.

Kwangmin: Jinri-ah I like you!

Jinri: I don't like you. Hmmp.

Kwangmin: Wae? You like Youngmin hyung?

Jinri: Andwae. You look like a ghost Hehehe... I'm jus kidding! I like you too!

Kwangmin: But how could we tell this to Donghyun hyung? He could fire me and seperate us forever.

Jinri: I don't think so. He is easily touched.

Donghyun: That's right! Ahhh!!!! *wipes tears* That was such a dramatic moment! Kwangmin! Take care of my baby ok?

Kwangmin: Ye hyung.

Jeongmin: We're back! We just went to the mall since the grocery store is closed.

Ae young: Now where is Minwoo? 

Youngmin: He's here with me!

Jinri: Minwoo what happened?

Minwoo: We.. We.. We.. broke up.... We only had a relationship for 10 seconds AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Joking! She promised to come back and visit me here.

Jinri: Nice!

Youngmin: Yah! Jo Kwangmin. Why are you holding Jinri's hands?

Kwangmin: Hyung we're a couple now.

Youngmin: Ah Arasso! I thought Donghyun hyung could scold us for that. Hahh...

Donghyun: Actually if I weren't touched, I would scold you two.

All: Ahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!

-End of Coffee Friend Chu-


[Cofee Friend Chu NG!]


Hyunseong: Ah... Manager hyung?

Jinri: Ye, oppa!

Hyunseong: He's at the back............................................... What's next? Haha Sorry!

Jinri: Hahahahaha...

Hyunseong: He's at the back. Ah! Come with me.



Jinri: Anyeong?

Minwoo: Oh Jinri Anyeong! You haven't visited since last month.

Jinri: I was busy with............ Ahhh! I'm Sorry!

Minwoo: Busy at school work Jinri!

Jinri: I forgot it cause I saw the waffle there! Hahahaha...



Jinri: Kamsa hamnida! Yey.

Kwangmin: A....

[After 20 seconds]

Kwangmin: Hyung!!! You were suppose to say the table number!

Youngmin: Sorry! Hehe..

Pd: Again! Take 2!

Jinri: Kamsa hamnida! Yey.

Kwangmin: A...

Youngmin: Kwangmin! Table no. 2!!!!!

Kwangmin/.Jinri: 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Youngmin: Mianhae! Hahahaha....



Hanny: *comes in* Anyeong? Hello?

Hyunseong: Oh Hanny! I'm glad you came! So do you want to work here?

Hanny: Well, Ye! I'll work here!

Hyunseong: Ye! Manager hyung accepted you here but of course I need to know if you want to.

Ae young: *trips* Excuse me? Ahahahahaha!!!! Sorry I tripped on something!



Hyunseong: Jeongmin! Your package is here!

Jeongmin: Ah Bwoh? Ahahahahaha.. 

Ae young: Ahaha! Package? 

Hyunseong: Sorry! I'm just nervous!



Jeongmin: *comes out of kitchen* *stands for 5 seconds* AhaI forgot it Ahahaha!!!!!

Ae young: Ahahahahahahahah!!!!

Jeongmin: Ng! Take 3! Hehehe....



Jinri: Don't worry, I'll explain everything to him. 

Minwoo: O..

Youngmin: Why can't you just sit there outside. Hah. EYE Princesses are trouble.

Jinri/Minwoo: Bwoh-ah?!!!!!!!!! Ahahahahaha!!!!!! Eye Princesses Ahhahahaha!!!!!

Youngmin: Mianhae Pd!!



Minwoo: Hyung where's Youngmin? I mean Kwangmin Ahahahahahahaha!!!!! Sorry!

Jinri: Ahahahaha....



Jinri: Ahhh.. Where to throw this.. Hey! Anyeong! You're the one who saved me earlier right?

Kwangmin: Ahaha.. Jinri-ah said saved not served!

Jinri: Ahahah... Mianhae!



Jinri: Anyeong Sir! Umm... Can you sit with the table at the girl?  Aish. I'm wrong!

Minwoo: Ahaha It's ok.

Chloe: We're like tongue twisting Hahaha!



Jinri: Wae?

Youngmin: Wow! I never know you're this useful.

Jinri: Ahhhhhhh.... *hits Youngmin*

Youngmin: Ouch Jinri.

Jinri: Sorry! Hahaha Mianhae! I hit Youngmin so hard.



Hyunseong: Oh you like her, don't you?

Kwangmin: Okay fine you got me. You've got to help me too.

Jeongmin: Ok. I'll find a whale. Oops.

Kwangmin/Hyunseong: Ahahahahhahaha!!!!!!! 


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b1a4cnblueblockb #1
Chapter 31: Please update~~ :D
b1a4cnblueblockb #2
What happened to this?
uwaaaaaaaaa love like oxygen~~ XDD
b1a4cnblueblockb #5
We already have fans in Japan?That's great!^^
b1a4cnblueblockb #6
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I like the guys reactions, huh.
b1a4cnblueblockb #7
HAHAHA. we've read it already.^^
Chu got to go on Sesame Player!! L is such a protective brother and I see some HanWoo and SungYoungie(?) going on!! TEEN TOP IS HERE TOO!! kekeke Chunji ^^
b1a4cnblueblockb #9
HAHAHA! sesame player huh? HAHAHHAHAHA! this show's really fun.:))
huahahahahahaha ehem team? dhuiwbcuiwnxqowndueibfcqonx >.<<br />
hahahaha it's great to know that teentop join the sesame player at the end XDD